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HELP VEDSET                                           A.Sloman July 1989
                                            Revised John Gibson Jan 1997

The syntax word vedset is provided to facilitate tailoring Ved to
different terminals or personalising the Ved key mappings, without
having to learn Pop-11 syntax for strings, etc. as required by
* vedsetkey, for instance.

There are three vedset formats, one for setting the screen control
variables, one for altering the effects of key sequences or function
keys, and one for assigning codes to special character variables.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Introduction
  2   vedset screen
  3   vedset keys
  4   vedset chars
  5   Warning: Using vedset in vedinit.p
  6   Format of character-sequence or character
  7   Logical Names for Characters
  8   Extra Characters for vedset chars
  9   End-of-line Comments
 10   More Examples
 11   Warning: Change in Screen Control Variables
 12   How vedset Works
 13   XVed and vedset
 14   See Also

1  Introduction

The different formats are defined in the following sections, and
examples are provided in later sections.

All the formats described here can occur inside Pop-11 procedure
definitions. Examples of the use of vedset can be found in the files in
$usepop/pop/ved/term ($usepop:[pop.ved.term] on VMS), e.g. the files


2  vedset screen

Ved has a number of variables containing strings of characters which are
sent to the terminal to perform various operations, e.g. move the
cursor, blank the end of a line, etc.

The format for setting screen control variables is:

    vedset screen
        varname = character-sequence
        varname = character-sequence

where character-sequence is described below.

Note that the actual names of the Ved screen control variables all begin
with the prefix 'vvedscreen-', but this is omitted in varname, e.g.

    vedset screen
        charleft  = esc [ D   ;;; Move cursor left
        charright = esc [ C   ;;; Move cursor right

would set vvedscreencharleft and vvedscreencharright.

For a minimal list of screen control variables to be set for a new VDU
see the sections on screen control in

        Search for identifiers starting "vvedscreen ..."

        This gives more detailed explanations.

3  vedset keys

This type of vedset allows input key sequences to Ved to be mapped to
Ved functions. Its format is

    vedset keys [from_defaults]
        function = character-sequence
        function = character-sequence

where character-sequence is described below.

If the word from_defaults is present, vedset resets the key mappings to
their default state before interpreting the following vedset commands.

function is an expression specifying a Ved procedure name, or ENTER
command. In the case of a procedure name, the prefix 'ved-' is omitted,

    vedset keys
        charup   = esc A
        chardown = esc B

would map the key sequences to the procedures vedcharup and vedchardown.

function can also map a Ved ENTER command onto a key sequence using
the format

    ENTER command = character-sequence

For example,

    vedset keys
        ENTER yankl = ^B space  ;;; Ctrl-B space retrieves deleted line

(Note that in this case, the corresponding Ved procedure name is 'ved_'
prefixed to command, i.e. the above example will map Ctrl-B followed
by a space to ved_yankl.)

It is also possible to give a function specification that is a
concatenation of functions, using the operator <>, as in the following

    vedset keys
        nextline <> linedelete = character-sequence
        linedelete <> nextline <> ENTER yankl = character-sequence


The function arguments can also be prefixed by ident or enclosed in
word quotes, e.g.

        ident endrange = character-sequence
        "endrange"     = character-sequence

Where the procedure to be run is a variable, using ident will ensure
that the current value of the corresponding identifier is always used
(rather than freezing in a particular value at the time of the

On the other hand, using word quotes is useful for autoloadable library
procedures, and will ensure that they are loaded only when they are
required.  Note that single function names are enclosed in quotes
normally as above;  functions that would normally be prefixed with the
word "ENTER" are given thus:

        ident ENTER smr = character-sequence
        "ENTER smr"     = character-sequence

where for the quote case, both ENTER and the function name are within
the quotes.  When concatenating functions each function name is
separately prefixed by ident or enclosed in separate word quotes, e.g:

        ident nexthelp <> ident ENTER help = character-sequence
        "nexthelp" <> "ENTER help"         = character-sequence

For a collection of available procedures that can be invoked by input
key sequences see

        (The latter can be used only if they don't require an argument)

User-defined procedures can also be used.

For a collection of default key mappings see

    HELP * V200
    HELP * VT100

Other terminal types for which Ved key mappings are provided are listed
in HELP * VED/bindings.

4  vedset chars

Ved has a set of variables which contain special characters used to
display the status line, marked ranges, etc. These are described in
REF * VEDVARS, Special Character Variables.

The format for setting Ved special character variables is

    vedset chars
        varname = character
        varname = character

where varname is the name of the relevant variable with the prefix
'vedscreen-' omitted, and character is described below.

For example,

    vedset chars
        status_-|_mark = [b]Grt
        status_|-_mark = [b]Glt
        status_-_mark  = [b]G-

would set vedscreenstatus_-|_mark, vedscreenstatus_|-_mark and

5  Warning: Using vedset in vedinit.p

The new Ved startup mechanisms in use since Poplog V13.7 imply that in
some cases the terminal customisation procedures are not run until after
the vedinit.p file has been compiled. In some cases this can over-ride
key bindings or screen control definitions set up in your vedinit.p file
using vedset or vedsetkey (See HELP * VEDSETKEY).

In order to avoid this you should put such commands inside a definition
of a procedure called vedinit. E.g.

    define vedinit();
        vedset keys

        vedset screen

        identfn -> vedinit;   ;;; Reclaim space taken by this procedure


6  Format of character-sequence or character

Each command in a vedset screen or vedset keys takes a character-
sequence following the =. The = and the character-sequence must
occur on one line (i.e. if a line break is required it should be just
before =), as the end of the line is used to delimit the end of

The character-sequence can take two forms, namely

    (1) A Pop-11 string, delimited by single quotes '...' (which must
        not run over the end of the line), e.g.

            screendown = '\e[325z'

        Various special and control characters can be represented in
        strings by sequences beginning with backslash (e.g. \s for
        space, \t for tab, or \e for escape as in the example). See
        Backslash in Strings & Character Constants in REF * ITEMISE for
        more details.

    (2) A sequence of space-separated logical names for characters to go
        into the string, e.g.

            screendown = esc [ 3 2 5 z

        is the same sequence as in (1). The possible logical names for
        characters are described in the next section.

In the case of vedset chars, a single character must follow the
"=", where this is a logical name for a character (i.e. the Pop-11
string format is not allowed).

7  Logical Names for Characters

The logical names that can be used for characters in a character-
sequence are as follows:

Any single character represents itself. E.g. the sequence

    [ Y e s t e r d a y 9 9 ] ; .

represents a string containing all the characters shown.

Non-printing codes are represented as follows

    (1) Control characters can use any of these formats:

        ctrl a ctrl b ctrl c ctrl d ....
        ctrl A ctrl B ctrl C ctrl D ....
        CTRL A CTRL B CTRL C CTRL D ....
        ^a     ^b     ^c     ^d     ....
        ^A     ^B     ^C     ^D     .... etc.

    (2) Other special codes recognised (upper or lower case)

        Accepted Code
        Form(s)                 Interpretation      ASCII decimal
        -------------           --------------      -------------
        bs  \b  ^H              Backspace = CTRL H        8
        tab \t  ^I              Tab       = CTRL I        9
        lf  \n  ^J              Linefeed  = CTRL J       10
        cr  \r  ^M              Return    = CTRL M       13
        esc     ^[              <ESC>     = CTRL [       27
        sp  \s  space           Space                    32
        del                     <DEL>                   127

Note that BS and bs are equivalent, similarly TAB and tab, etc.

8  Extra Characters for vedset chars

For vedset chars, character is a single logical name as above.
However, it may also be the name of a Ved graphics character beginning
with "G", e.g.

    vedset chars
        status_-|_mark = Grt
        status_|-_mark = Glt
        status_-_mark  = G-

See Graphics  Characters  in REF * VEDPROCS  for  a description  of  the
available graphics characters. Note that  this describes them as  Pop-11
string/character constant  sequences beginning  with "\G"  -- when  used
with vedset chars, you omit the backslash.

Also for vedset chars, character may include attributes like 'bold',
or a colour number, etc. These are specified by preceding the character
name with attribute letters in square brackets (with no intervening
space), e.g.

    vedset chars
        status_-|_mark = [b]Grt
        status_|-_mark = [b]Glt
        status_-_mark  = [b]G-

sets the same characters but in bold. (Once again, this notation is the
same as for Pop-11 character constants, but with the backslash omitted
-- see Backslash in Strings & Character Constants in REF * ITEMISE for
full details.)  A list of the available attributes also appears in
Changing Character Attributes in REF * VEDCOMMS.

(Note that changing the attributes on characters is generally the main
reason for using vedset chars at all. It is unlikely that you will want
to use characters other than the standard graphics characters for things
like the status line and marked range, but may (for example) prefer them
in bold, or in different colours, etc.)

9  End-of-line Comments

As shown in examples above, Pop-11 style end-of-line comments may be
used after the character-sequence on a line, e.g.

    dotdelete = esc ? A    ;;; function key f1

10  More Examples

Suppose you wanted to set <ESC> RETURN to be the equivalent of <ENTER>
and wanted to use various sequences beginning with CTRL-b to set key
mappings. You could do the following

    vedset keys
        enter        = esc cr   ;;; <ESC> <RETURN> invokes vedenter
        markfind     = ^b a     ;;; CTRL-B a       invokes vedmarkfind
        endrange     = ^b z     ;;; CTRL-B z       invokes vedendrange
        ENTER define = 'DEF'    ;;; typing DEF     invokes ved_define

Here are examples of some definitions of screen control sequences for
ANSI type terminals (e.g. Sun console and VT100), showing two different
permitted formats, one with mnemonic codes, and one using Pop-11 strings
(please see WARNING below):

    vedset screen
        ;;; assign string '\^[[D' to vvedscreencharleft
        charleft  = esc [ D     ;;; Move cursor left
        charright = esc [ C     ;;; Move cursor right
        charup    = '\^[[A'     ;;; Move cursor up
        cleartail = '\^[[K'     ;;; is optional after a string

This is how you might define ESC ESC RETURN to be the equivalent of
exchanging the next two lines then taking you back to the beginning of
the (new) first one.

    vedset keys
        linedelete <> nextline <> ENTER yankl <> charup <> screenleft
            = esc esc cr

A newline can occur immediately before or after <>, i.e.

    vedset keys
        linedelete <> nextline <> nextline <>
        ENTER yankl <> charup <> screenleft
            = esc esc lf

11  Warning: Change in Screen Control Variables

The vedset screen example above assigns strings that start with the
<ESC> (ascii 27) character. In Poplog versions prior to 13.7 the
relevant Ved variables (e.g. vvedscreencleartail) did not all have
strings as values, and did not need to include the escape character
because that was transmitted by the procedure vedscreenescape.

From Ved version 13.7 this is no longer be the case, in order to make
Ved easier to tailor automatically according to termcap entries, and
in order to make the mechanisms more uniform. I.e. all the vvedscreen...
variables will have strings as values containing all the characters to
be transmitted.

The procedure vedscreenescape will remain available for users.
However, the system facilities will use


12  How vedset Works

The syntax construct

    vedset <screen | chars | keys | mouse | xved> [from_defaults]

first decides which type of vedset  is being used (screen, keys,  chars,
mouse or xved). If it is  of type keys, and from_defaults is  present, a
call to  the  procedure veddefaultkeys  is  planted. Commands  are  then
repeatedly read in, until endvedset is encountered.

For each command, the function or variable name is expanded to generate
the name of an identifier (see below), and the code sequence is built in
a string. For vedset keys, a call to vedsetkey is planted; for screen or
chars, the character sequence or character is assigned to the

13  XVed and vedset

When XVed is loaded (see HELP * XVED), vedset is extended in three ways:

    # Keys can be referred to by their logical KeySym names;
    # Procedures can be bound to mouse buttons with vedset mouse ... ;
    # XVed resources can be set with vedset xved ....

For full details of these additions see REF * XVED.

14  See Also

    For an overview of documentation on Ved.

    For information about initialisation and tailoring of Poplog

    Overview of Ved's global variables

    defines many of the procedures referred to above

    Overview of Ved ENTER commands

    Defines Ved's logical names for keys.

    Overview of Ved customisation

    Explains Ved's terminal recognition mechanism and documents
    the underlying procedures.

    The default Ved key bindings

    An interactive procedure for defining key bindings

    A more primitive mechanism for setting key bindings


--- C.all/help/vedset
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1997. All rights reserved.