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HELP VEDSETKEY                                    Aaron Sloman  Jan 1991

    vedsetkey(<string>, <procedure|string|ident|word>);

VEDSETKEY changes VED's character tables, so that the set of characters
in STRING maps onto the item given as second argument.

NOTE: since Poplog Version 13.7 there has been an alternative mechanism
available which does not require knowledge of Pop-11 syntax. It is
described in HELP * VEDSET

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Overview
 -- Examples
 -- Warning: using vedsetkey in vedinit.p
 -- How it works
 -- How vedprocesschar works
 -- Defining a key sequence to invoke a procedure
 -- Defining a key sequence to insert a string
 -- WARNING: abbreviations can generate infinite loops
 -- See also

-- Overview -----------------------------------------------------------

vedsetkey(<string>, <procedure|string|ident|word>);

If the second argument is a procedure, then in future when VED reads the
characters in the <string> it runs the procedure.

If the second argument is a string, then when the characters in the
first argument are typed in VED acts as if the characters in the second
argument had been typed.

If the second argument is a word or identifier, then it should be either
the name/identifier of a procedure or a VED character table. If it is a
procedure then the procedure will be invoked whenever the characters in
<string> are typed in. If the word/identifier refers to a character
table, then the action is more complicated, as described below.

-- Examples -----------------------------------------------------------

To make the sequence CTRL-B followed by CTRL-A go to the beginning of
the marked range in VED do

    vedsetkey('\^B\^A',ident vedmarkfind);

To make the sequence CTRL-B followed by `a` set the current line as
beginning of marked range, do


To make the sequence CTRL-X followed by `h` equivalent to
    <ENTER> help vedcomms


            'vedcomms' -> vedargument;

or, more simply, partially apply -veddo- to 'help vedcomms' and use
the result as second argument to vedsetkey:

    vedsetkey('\^Xh', veddo(%'help vedcomms'%));

Defining some abbreviations, all starting with CTRL-X

Make CTRL-X  d     insert two newlines then 'define '
    vedsetkey('\^Xd', '\n\ndefine ');

Make CTRL-X  e     insert one newlines then 'enddefine;'
    vedsetkey('\^Xe', '\nenddefine;');

Make CTRL-X l     insert a newline, a tab then 'lvars ';
    vedsetkey('\^Xl', '\n\tlvars ');

-- Warning: using vedsetkey in vedinit.p ------------------------------

The new VED startup mechanisms in use since Poplog V13.7 imply that
in some cases the terminal customisation procedures are not run until
after the vedinit.p file has been compiled. In some cases this can
over-ride key bindings set up in your vedinit.p file using -vedsetkey-
or -vedset- (See HELP * VEDSET).

In order to avoid this you should put such commands inside a definition
of a procedure called -vedinit-. E.g.

    define vedinit();
        vedsetkey( ..., ... );
        vedsetkey( ..., ... );
        identfn -> vedinit;   ;;; Reclaim space taken by this procedure


-- How it works -------------------------------------------------------

-vedsetkey- alters VED's character tables, which are used as follows.

While VED is running the procedure -vedprocess- repeatedly calls the
procedure -vedprocesschar- to read in character codes from the current
input stream. It does this using -vedinascii-.

The character codes read in are used to access VED's character tables. A
sequence of characters typed by the user can be mapped onto either

- a procedure to be invoked
- a new character table (requiring a further character to be read in)
- an identifier for a procedure or character table
- a word which is the name of a procedure or character table identifier
- a string to be re-inserted in the input stream used by -vedinascii-

The top-level table (a vector held in the variable -vednormaltable-)
associates most ordinary printing characters (e.g. letters, numerals,
etc) with the procedure -vedinsertvedchar- which simply inserts the last
character typed into the ved buffer (i.e. the value of ved_last_char).

Some characters will be mapped on to special purpose procedures. E.g.
the <DEL> character (ASCII 127) is normally mapped onto the procedure
-vedchardelete- which deletes a character to the left of the cursor.

Some characters initiate key sequences, so they are then mapped on to
further tables rather than directly onto procedures. E.g. <ESC> is
usually mapped on to a table (-vedescapetable-) that is then accessed by
the code of the character typed in after <ESC>.

Some function keys generate sequences of three or more characters. This
requires a succession of tables. An N character sequence requires N-1
tables, the last one containing the procedure, word, or string that
specifies the action to be performed.

-- How vedprocesschar works -------------------------------------------

When a character is read it it is used to access the top level character
table, where it is associated with an item. The item may be a procedure,
a word, a string or undef.

If the item is a procedure, or the identifier/name of a procedure, then
the procedure is invoked. (It can use ved_last_char to refer to the last
character typed).

If the item is a string, then the string is inserted into the current
input stream used by -vedinascii-. (See HELP * VEDINASCII, * VEDINPUT).
This can be used to define abbreviations. (See HELP * DK).

If the item found in the character table is the word "undef" then that
is treated as an indication that the character sequence just typed in is
undefined, and VED will call -vedscreenbell-  clear the current input
stream, and go back to the top level loop in -vedprocess-.

If the item is another character table, or the identifier or name of a
character table, then VED uses vedinascii to read in another character,
and uses that to access an item from the table. This continues until
something other than a character table is found.

If you need to know what a key sequence is currently mapped onto without
actually invoking it, the procedure -vedgetproctable- can be given a
string S as argument, and it will return the procedure or string if
an initial sequence of S is mapped onto something in VED's tables,
otherwise it returns -undef-

-- Defining a key sequence to invoke a procedure ----------------------

For example, suppose you have a key on your keyboard which generates the
sequence <ESC> ? Q and you wish to make this sequence cause the screen
to be refreshed. You could include the following command in your
definition of procedure -vedinit- in your vedinit.p file.

        vedsetkey('\e?Q', vedrefresh);
        vedsetkey('\e?Q', ident vedrefresh);
        vedsetkey('\e?Q', "vedrefresh");

(note that \e in a Pop-11 string represents the character <ESC>, as
explained in HELP * ASCII).

If the procedure to be associated with the sequence is a system constant
then use the procedure directly as in the first example above.

Otherwise, it is generally better to use the identifier rather than the
procedure itself (second example), as the second argument to
-vedsetkey-; this will allow the procedure to be temporarily or
permanently re-defined, and the key sequence given in the first argument
will always get the current version.

Use the quoted name of the procedure (third example) where the procedure
is autoloadable and you only want it to autoload when actually used
(rather than at the time of the -vedsetkey-.)

-- Defining a key sequence to insert a string -------------------------

If you wished the character CTRL-E to insert a line containing


you could do

        vedsetkey('\^E', '\renddefine;\r');

For information on how to represent control characters in strings see

-- WARNING: abbreviations can generate infinite loops -----------------

If you try to use vedsetkey to define abbreviations in the obvious way
it will not work, e.g.

        vedsetkey('def', 'define');

When you type 'def' VED will put 'define' into its input stream. So it
will read 'def' and put 'define' into its input stream, and so on!
However, you can start abbreviations with a character which you do not
normally use, e.g.

        vedsetkey('\edef', 'define');

It is a good idea not to use a string containing three ESC's in a row,
since this is used in places by VED procedures. See HELP * VEDKEYS for
more information on existing character sequences.

To simplify use of VEDSETKEY a VED command ENTER DK can be used for
defining new keys.


-- See also -----------------------------------------------------------

    The default key bindings
    Describes a more "user friendly" syntax for tailoring VED
    Overview of VED customisation
    Explains VED's terminal recognition mechanism and documents
    the underlying procedures.
    An interactive procedure for defining key bindings
    Poplog initialisation and customisation facilities
    defines many of the procedures referred to above
    Overview of VED ENTER commands
    Defines VED's logical names for keys.

--- C.all/help/vedsetkey
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1993. All rights reserved. ----------