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HELP VT100                      Steven Hardy and A. Sloman August 1982

Use the DOWN ARROW key (top of keyboard) to read on, and UP ARROW key to
come back.

See the file HELP * VT100KEYS for a useful keyboard map of VED

If your terminal gets into a state in which the function keys don't work in
VED, try the following:
    Press SETUP key (top left)
    Press the key with "reset" above it, ie. the "0" key (top row)
        (This sets the terminal into its "standard" mode)
    Press the PF1 (or GOLD) key twice - top left of keypad

To make the cursor move a quarter of a screen up or down or diagonally, press
the <ESC> key followed by one of the keys on the numeric pad to right.

The VT100 has a different keyboard layout to the terminal described in the
VED handout. The 'alternate' keypad to the right of the normal keypad is used
for specialized VED commands. This keypad looks like:

    |   A   |   B   |   C   |   D   |
    |   7   |   8   |   9   |   E   |
    |   4   |   5   |   6   |   F   |
    |   1   |   2   |   3   |       |
    *-------*-------*-------*   G   |
    |       H       |   J   |       |

The keys shown here as 'A' to 'J' will be marked differently depending on the
particular VT100 like terminal you are using. For example, 'G' will often be
marked ENTER and 'A' often be marked GOLD, or PF1.

In addition there is a separate bank of keys marked with arrows going UP,

These keys are used thus:

    A       Modifies effect of next key pressed - see below
    B       Mark first line of range
    C       Mark last line of range
    D       Move marked lines after current line

    7       Move cursor up and left one position
    8       Move cursor up one position
    9       Move cursor up and right one position
    E       Repeat the command shown on the status line

    4       Move cursor left one position
    5       Move cursor to middle of current line
    6       Move cursor right one position
    F       Move cursor to status line but do not clear that line
            (i.e. CHANGE MODE, sometimes called REENTER)

    1       Move cursor down and right
    2       Move cursor down
    3       Move cursor down and right
    G       Move cursor to status line and clear that line
    H       Move cursor one word to the left
    J       Move cursor one word to the right
Arrow keys:
    UP      Move cursor to top of screen. If already there, then
            scroll up a screen full
    DOWN    Move cursor to bottom of screen. If already there, then
            scroll down a screen full
    LEFT    Move cursor to left of screen (or column set by VEDLEFTMARGIN)
    RIGHT   Move cursor to end of current line

These keys perform a different action if preceded by the 'A' (or
GOLD, PF1 key), thus:

    A       refresh the screen (also switches off slow scrolling)
    B       Insert a blank line above current line
    C       Insert a blank line below current line
    D       Set static mode
    7       Delete character to left of cursor
    8       Delete character under cursor
            Also got with 'A' followed by DEL
    9       Delete character to right of cursor
    E       not used
    4       Delete line to left of cursor
    5       Delete whole of current line
    6       Delete line to right of cursor
    F       not used
    1       Push current position onto position stack
    2       Pop position stack
    3       Exchange current position and top of position stack
    G       not used
    H       Delete word to left of cursor
    J       Delete word to right of cursor
    UP      Move to top of file
    DOWN    Move to end of file
    LEFT    Not used
    RIGHT   Not used

A new command ENTER-ll has been provided. It sets the terminal into, or out of
'long-line' mode. When in long-line mode, the variable vedlonglines is TRUE,
and 132 columns are visible on the screen. On the VISUAL-100 VDU this works
well. On DEC VT100 terminals, long line mode only allows 14 lines of the
screen to be used, and normal editing does not work well. It is probably best
to use the scroll-left/scroll-right mechanism in VED -- i.e. trying to make
the cursor move off the right of the screen causes the visible part of the
file to scroll to the left, and vice versa.

To define your own edit commands or to define new key functions, you can use
the procedure VEDSETKEY, or the ENTER commands DM nd DK. For further
information see

To alter the effect of sequences which begin with the "GOLD" key (A - top
left of keypad) it is necessary to copy part of the file defining LIB VT100
and edit the procedure VEDVT100GOLD. This is because the complexities of the
ANSI conventions used make it uneconomical to use tables.

For a summary of keys see
    HELP * VT101KEYS

For a summary of existing ENTER commands, see

For more information see also

    HELP * VED provides an overview of online documentation on VED

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