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HELP VALOF                             Updated A.Sloman, December 1986

These procedures are for accessing and updating values of variables via
words naming the identifiers:

    valof(<word>) -> <value>
    <value> -> valof(<word>)

    caller_valof(<word>, <procedure|integer|false>) -> <value>
    <value> -> caller_valof(<word>, <procedure|integer|false>)

These procedures access or alter the value of a "permanent" i.e.
non-lexical identifier, given a word which is its name. "Permanent"
identifiers, declared using "VARS" are sometimes referred to as
"dynamically scoped" as opposed to "lexically scoped". (For information
on lexical variables see HELP *LEXICAL.)

In order to understand how these work it is important to be aware of the
distinction between:
- a WORD, which is a globally accessible entity defined by a set of
  characters, and stored in a central dictionary, or symbol table,
  (See HELP *WORDS for the syntax of word formation)

- an IDENTIFIER, which is an entity with syntactic properties (e.g. it
  may be a macro, a syntax identifier, a procedure identifier, an active
  identifier, etc.) and

- a VALUE which is an arbitrary object associated with the IDENTIFIER.

There are thus two links between a word and its value:

           link1                            link2
    word -----------------> identifier --------------------> value

Link1, corresponding to the procedure IDENTOF, is set up when an
identifier is declared either explicitly by the user or by autoloading a
library file (see HELP *AUTOLOAD), or because the identifier has been
used without being declared. Link1 changes depending on which section is
the "current" section, since in different sections the same word can map
onto quite different identifiers.

Applying * SYSCANCEL to a word removes the link between the word and the
identifier, if there is one. (See HELP *SECTIONS). Any identifiers
associated with the word will remain if they are accessed by procedures
already compiled. By contrast if * SYSCANCELWORD is applied to a
word, it removes it completely from the dictionary, though again this
will not affect compiled references to any associated identifier.

Link2, corresponding to the procedure IDVAL, is set up or changed when
a value is assigned to the identifier, either

- explicitly using the assignment arrow "->" or "= <value>" in
  declarations, or using the updater of VALOF or CALLER_VALOF, or

- implicitly when a procedure is invoked with arguments: the actual
  arguments are implicitly assigned to the identifiers specified in
  the procedure definition.

Not all languages make these distinctions. The word "variable" is often
used in a vague or ambiguous fashion, sometimes referring to the word,
sometimes to the identifier, sometimes to the location where the value
is stored, and sometimes to a combination of these.

Given the above, it should be clear why 'valof(w)' is functionally
equivalent to

IDENTOF(<word>) returns the permanent  identifier currently attached to
 <word> (declaring it if necessary).

IDVAL(<identifier>) returns or updates the value cell of the

-- Examples of the use of valof ---------------------------------------

We can declare some identifiers and give them values which are
themselves words or identifiers.

    vars v1;  "v" -> v1;
    vars v2;  "v1" -> v2;
    vars i1; identof(v1) -> i1;
    vars i2; identof(v2) -> i2;

    ** v
    ** v1
    ** v1
    ** v

    valof("v1") =>
    ** v
    valof(v1)=>                     ;;; equivalent to valof("v")
    ** <undef v>

    ** <ident <undef v>>
    idval(i1) =>
    ** <undef v>
    ** v

    3 -> v1;
    ** 3
    valof(valof("v2")) =>
    ** 3

    idval(idval(v2)) =>         ;;; equivalent to   idval("v1")
    ;;; INVOLVING:  v1

    66 -> valof("v1");
    valof(v2) =>
    ** 66

-- Accessing local variables ------------------------------------------
If a non-lexical identifier is declared as local to a procedure then the
value is saved on the procedure calling stack whenever the procedure is
activated and the old value is restored when the procedure exits. (If
the variable is accessed in a process, then values may be saved in a
process record when the process is not active. See HELP * PROCESS).

The assignment arrow, IDVAL and VALOF access or update only the value of
the identifier in the scope of the most recently invoked procedure that
uses it as a local identifier.

    vars x;
    99-> x;

    define f2;
        vars x;
        77 -> x;
        [in f2: ^x ^(valof("x"))]=>

    define f1;
        vars x;
        88 -> x;
        [in f1- before calling f2: ^x ^(valof("x"))]=>
        [in f1- after calling f2: ^x ^(valof("x"))]=>

    ** 99                           ;;; the global value

    ** [in f1 - before calling f2 : 88 88]
    ** [in f2 : 77 77]
    ** [in f1 - after calling f2 : 88 88]
    x =>
    ** 99                           ;;; the global value reset

-- caller_valof -------------------------------------------------------

CALLER_VALOF is like VALOF except that it can be used to access or alter
the value of a variable local to a procedure higher up the calling chain
than the currently active procedure. It takes two arguments, the WORD
whose value is to be accessed or updated, a procedure, or integer, or
FALSE, indicating the CALLER. When the caller is a procedure, it simply
looks up the control chain for the first occurrence of that procedure,
and then scans up until it finds a value for the identifier local to a
procedure at or above that point. When the caller is an integer N, it
scans up the control chain to the N'th caller (see HELP * CALLER).
When the caller is FALSE, it accesses the global value of the
identifier. The following examples may make all this clear:

     vars x,y;
    99-> x;
    55 -> y;

    define f2;
        vars x;
        77 -> x;
        [in f2: value of x in f1 ^(caller_valof("x",f1))]=>
        [in f2: value of y in f1 ^(caller_valof("y",f1))]=>
        [in f2: global value of x ^(caller_valof("x",false))]=>
        33 -> caller_valof("x",false);

    define f1;
        vars x;
        88 -> x;
        [in f1 - x before calling f2: ^x]=>
        [in f1 - y before calling f2: ^y]=>
        [in f1 - x after calling f2: ^x]=>

    ** [in f1 - x before calling f2 : 88]
    ** [in f1 - y before calling f2 : 55]
    ** [in f2 : value of x in f1 88]
    ** [in f2 : value of y in f1 55]
    ** [in f2 : global value of x 99]
    ** [in f1 - x after calling f2 : 88]
    ** 33       ;;; the global value was changed in f2
    y =>
    ** 55       ;;; global value unchanged

If VALOF or CALLER_VALOF is given a word whose *IDENTPROPS is *UNDEF,
then it looks in the system library for a file of the same name as the
variable. If such a file exists it is loaded (or 'auto-loaded'). If no
such file exists, the variable is given 'normal' identprops (i.e. zero)
and is given a default value (an UNDEF object). A warning message is
also printed in this event, (by * PRWARNING) for example

    valof("hat") =>
    ** <undef hat>

See also the following HELP FILES
*VARS          - on variables and their declaration
*IDENTIFIERS   - summary of use and recognition of identifiers in POP-11
*SYSSYNONYM    - associates two words with the same identifier
*LEXICAL       - lexically scoped identifiers
*AUTOLOAD      - describes autoloading

See the following REF files for more technical details
    - the representation of words, and procedures that operate on them
    - identifiers, their types, and procedures that operate on them
    - procedures that declare identifiers or plant virtual machine
      instructions for accessing or updating them. Information about
      lexical identifiers

--- C.all/help/valof
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------