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HELP LEXICAL                               Revised A.Sloman June 1990

lvars, lconstant, dlvars, lblock, define lvars, define lconstant

The POPLOG virtual machine provides a range of facilities for lexically
scoped identifiers, used in POP-11, Common Lisp and ML.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Introduction
 -- Lexical identifiers have a textually defined scope
 -- Using #_INCLUDE or include to extend lexical scope
 -- Syntax words for declaring lexical identifiers
 -- Use of lexicals to avoid creating sections
 -- Using lblock ... endlblock to define lexical blocks
 -- Related Documentation

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

Some languages, e.g. PASCAL, C, SCHEME, ML provide only lexically scoped
identifiers, whereas POP-11 and Common Lisp provide both lexical and
non-lexical identifiers. Lexical identifiers are sometimes known as
"static" and non-lexical ones as "dynamic". Poplog REF files refer to
the latter as "permanent" rather than "dynamic", since once declared
they can be accessible forever (unless cancelled using * syscancel),
whereas lexically scoped identifiers can be accessed only while a
particular portion of program is being compiled: the scope of the
lexical identifier.

HELP * LVARS includes an explanation of the advantages of using lexical
variables local to a file or procedure, including some examples, and
discussions of efficiency issues.

-- Lexical identifiers have a textually defined scope -----------------

Lexically scoped identifiers are declared within a portion of text that
defines their scope, and are accessible only by procedures defined
within that portion of text, known as the "scope" of the variable.

The scope of a lexical declaration can be either a procedure, or a file,
or a compilation stream, or a lexical block defined using

    lblock ..... endlblock

If L is a lexical identifier declared with a certain text scope then
after compilation of that portion of text is complete, no procedures
compiled subsequently can access L. (This can make debugging awkward,
and special tools will be provided to overcome this.)

Permanent identifiers once created exist until cancelled. Lexical
identifiers exist only within the scope of compilation of the relevant
text block or file or compilation stream.

-- Using #_INCLUDE or include to extend lexical scope -----------------

Normally if a file F1 includes a command to compile another file F2,
using "compile", "loadlib", "lib" or "uses", then no procedure defined
in F2 can access any identifier declared as lexically scoped in F1.
However, if the file F2 is compiled using the command

    #_INCLUDE F2

then it is spliced into the compilation stream of F1 (i.e. no new
proglist is created). In that case F2 shares the lexical environment
of F1 and can access lexically scoped identifiers declared at top
level in F1. (See REF * PROGLIST/#_INCLUDE)

A collection of files for "inclusion" in this way can be found in

    $usepop/pop/lib/include/*.ph    UNIX
    usepop:[pop.lib.include]*.ph    VMS

It is generally more convenient not to have to specify the full pathname
for the file to be included. The macro -include- and the search list
-popincludelist- make this possible. E.g. the command

    include foo

will look for a file called in a directory in the list
-popincludelist-, and will then #_INCLUDE that file. For details see the

-- Syntax words for declaring lexical identifiers ---------------------

Lexical declarations are made by using:

    dlvars (only local to a procedure)
    define (followed by  lvars or lconstant)

By contrast, permanent (non-lexical) identifiers are declared using:

    define (with no following modifier).

(Note that the word "global", indicating that an identifier should be
imported into lower level sections cannot be used in declarations of
lexical identifiers, since they are not part of the section mechanism.

-- Use of lexicals to avoid creating sections -------------------------

Since lexical identifiers are not accessible by procedures defined
outside their scope, it follows that library files, for example, that
use LVARS or LCONSTANT for global variables or procedure definitions,
need not use the section mechanism to prevent clashes with identifiers
declared in other files. (See HELP * SECTIONS)

Using DLOCAL to make a variable local to a procedure works whether it is
a permanent or a lexical variable. (See HELP * DLOCAL). Thus if L is
declared as lexically scoped outside any procedure within a file, then
all procedures in the file can access it, and further, by using DLOCAL
they can ensure that any changes they may make will be undone on exit,
just as happens with "permanent" dynamically scoped identifiers. For
examples of the use of DLOCAL with lexical identifiers see HELP * LVARS

Local lexical variables are allocated on the procedure call stack, which
can make procedure exit faster than when permanent (dynamic) variables
are used. On most machines at least the first two lexical variables
declared as local to a POP-11 procedure are allocated to fast registers.

The use of lexical scoping is often an alternative to "partial
application" as a way of enabling a procedure P1 to create another
procedure P2 that accesses some of the environment of P1. An example
is given in HELP * LVARS. Several different types of cases, and their
implementation are discussed in detail in REF * VMCODE/Lexical. (The
REF file explains that three kinds of lexical variables have to be
distinguished, with different implementation requirements.)

-- Using lblock ... endlblock to define lexical blocks ----------------

In a complex procedure it is sometimes convenient to define a portion
of the procedure as providing the scope of a lexical declaration so
as to ensure that use of a variable in one part of the procedure will
not interact with its use elsewhere. This could be done by using
additional local variables with unique names but extra local variables
will slow down procedure entry and require extra space on the procedure
call stack. The answer is to use lexical blocks.

The syntax is

    lblock <statement seqquence> endlblock

Lexical blocks can be used (nested to any depth), either inside
procedures or at execute level, e.g. in

    define foo();
        lvars x;
            lvars y;
            lvars z;

the variables -y- and -z- are accessible only inside their respective
blocks (whereas -x- is accessible everywhere in the procedure);
moreover, the resources utilised for -y- in the first block are freed
for reuse in the second block, etc.

In the Poplog virtual machine this facility is represented by two
pseudo-instructions -sysLBLOCK- and -sysENDLBLOCK-.

See REF * VMCODE/Lexical for full details.

-- Related Documentation ----------------------------------------------

HELP *VARIABLES  - range and nature of POP-11 variables
HELP *LVARS      - for more on lexical scoping and its uses
HELP *DLOCAL     - dynamic local expressions
HELP *INCLUDE    - extending the current compilation stream

HELP *EFFICIENCY - using lexical variables for efficiency
HELP *VARS       - dynamic variable declarations
HELP *CONSTANT   - constant declarations
HELP *CANCEL     - cancelling words including constants

REF  *IDENT      - nature of POP-11 identifiers
HELP *IDENTIFIERS- introduction to the nature of POP-11 identifiers

REF  *VMCODE     - details of the mechanisms
REF  *POPSYNTAX  - describes the syntax of POP-11
REF  *POPCOMPILE - describes the POP-11 compiler
REF  *PROGLIST/#_INCLUDE  - extending POP-11 compilation stream

    Advice on using lexical scoping in libraries, etc.

--- C.all/help/lexical
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1989. All rights reserved. ----------