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HELP CURRENT_DIRECTORY                  John Gibson and A.Sloman Nov 1986

    current_directory -> STRING;

returns the current directory as a string.

    STRING -> current_directory;

makes the  directory specified  by STRING the  current directory.
"current_directory" is an "active" variable. (See REF * IDENT).

CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access sections)

 -- The Current Working Directory
 -- Accessing or changing CURRENT_DIRECTORY
 -- Moving up the directory hierarchy
 -- Changing the directory locally in a procedure
 -- Using PWD or VED_PWD

-- The Current Working Directory --------------------------------------
File names may either be full path names or relative names. In Unix
systems a full path name starts with "/" , "~" (the user's login
directory), or an environment variable defined as a path name, such as

In VMS a full path name will include a directory specification in square
brackets. VMS POPLOG automatically translates unix path names to VMS
path names.

There is always a current working directory and if file names are not
specified as full path names they are taken to be relative to the
current directory. E.g. 'init.p' is a name that will refer to a file in
the CURRENT directory whose full path name (in UNIX format) might be
something like '/usr/comp/joe/init.p' or (in VMS) 'DISK$3B:[JOE]INIT.P'

Commands to compile, edit, open, or create a file will refer to a file
in the current directory unless the file name specifies a FULL path

-- Accessing or changing CURRENT_DIRECTORY ----------------------------
The POP-11 active variable * CURRENT_DIRECTORY has as its value a string
holding the full path name of the current directory. This string can be
updated by assigning a new string to it, in the form of an absolute or
relative file name.

To make subdirectory baz of subdirectory foo of the current directory
the new current directory, do:

    'foo/baz' -> current_directory;

This is equivalent to:

    current_directory dir_>< 'foo/baz' -> current_directory

(Since 'dir_><' concatenates strings to form valid file names.)

On VMS do, instead:

    '[.foo.baz]' -> current_directory;

(However, VMS POPLOG can interpret Unix file names.)

-- Moving up the directory hierarchy ----------------------------------
To change to the directory above the current directory do
    '..' -> current_directory

    '[-]' -> current_directory

To move up two levels in the directory tree:
    '../..' -> current_directory

    '[--]' -> current_directory

-- Changing the directory locally in a procedure ----------------------
You can make the current  directory dynamically local to a  procedure
with dlocal, e.g

    define do_action_in(directory);
        lvars directory;
        dlocal current_directory = directory;

does <action> in the given directory and restores the previous current
directory on exit, whether it is a normal or abnormal exit. (See

-- Using PWD or VED_PWD -----------------------------------------------
A POP-11 macro and VED procedure VED_PWD are provided for printing out
the valuw of the current working directory. In POP-11, just type
    ** /cog/aarons

in VED do
    <ENTER> pwd

The current directory name will appear on the VED command line.

-- NOTE on SYSDIRECTORY -----------------------------------------------
Prior to Version 12.3 the procedure SYSDIRECTORY was used to access or
update the current directory.  For convenience, it remains as an
autoloadable library procedure, defined in terms of CURRENT_DIRECTORY.

-- RELATED DOCUMENTATION ----------------------------------------------
HELP *CD         - for a convenient way to access current_directory
HELP *PURGE      - a file-purging facility in VED
HELP *DIFF       - for comparing two files
HELP *DIR        - for listing the current directory within VED
                 - more information of input/output and access to
                   operating system.

--- C.all/help/current_directory ---------------------------------------
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1987. All rights reserved. ----------