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HELP VED_HKEY                                   Aled Morris, August 1986

    <ENTER> hkey
    <ENTER> hkey -i

Used for discovering the role of some key (or key sequence) in VED.

    (Use <ENTER> g to access desired section. See HELP *ENTER_G)

 -- Introduction
 -- The VED key mapping process
 -- Altering key map tables
 -- See also

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

Typing '<ENTER> hkey' will prompt the user to press a key, and (if that
key has a defined action) will attempt to display information about the
key's action.

An example of the use of '<ENTER> hkey' is to be reminded of the
function of any particular key.  It has a variety of other (associated!)
uses, such as for investigating an unusual terminal, when the key
mappings may be unknown, or for discovering if a key sequence is
available for the user to redefine.

When the user has typed a key (or sequence), then -ved_hkey- uses the
*QUERY mechanism to look up information on the function associated with
the given code(s).  -ved_hkey- also displays the codes which it
received, and the function associated with the key, on the command line.

The option '-i' is discussed under 'Altering key map tables', and stands
for 'insert the key codes as a string'.

-- The VED key mapping process ----------------------------------------

All keys on the terminal keyboard transmit some code (an ASCII code)
to the host computer when they are depressed.  The function keys found
on most terminals are distinguished from normal keys by the fact that
they transmit more than one code to the computer.  For example, pressing
the keypad <ENTER> key on a Visual 200 terminal causes the sequence of

    27 63 77

to be transmitted.  These codes are standard ASCII codes (for details of
the ASCII character set, see HELP *ASCII), the 27 (known as Escape) being
especially notable since on the Visual 200 terminal, this indicates the
start of a code sequence, while the 63 indicates a key-pad code follows.
The final code in this sequence is a 77, indicating the <ENTER> key.

In order to interpret all these codes properly, VED maintains a number
of tables, mapping character codes which it expects against procedures
which are executed when the said codes are received.   The primary table
is called -vednormaltable-, which is a vector containing one entry for
each ASCII code (ie 127 entries).  The entries in this table can be one
of the following:

    procedure       The procedure is run immediately

    word            The word is assumed to be a variable whose value is
                    taken, and re-evaluated (ie should be a procedure,
                    a string, undef or a vector)

    string          Characters are read from the string as if they had
                    originated at the keyboard (when the string is
                    empty, normal reading of the keyboard resumes)

    undef           The word "undef" in the table indicates that the
                    ASCII code has no associated function (VED will
                    sound the terminal bell to indicate this)

    vector          See below

For example, the entry for the ASCII code for `A` (the uppercase
character, code 65) is -vedinsertvedchar-, a procedure which inserts
a character into the current file at the cursor position.  This is
the same for all "normal" printing characters.  The entry for <RETURN>
(ASCII code 13) is -veddocr-, the procedure which causes a new line to
be started (as might be expected).

The presence of a vector in the table indicates that further codes are
to be read in order to complete the read-process.  The entry for the
Escape character is such a table (called -vedescapetable-), which maps
the characters expected after an Escape to their procedures (words,
strings or undef, or even a further nested lookup table).

Tables like -vednormaltable- which map ASCII codes recieved onto
procedures (etc) are known as key map tables ("key maps").

So the function key marked F0 (on a Visual 200) which is the DOTDELETE
key, transmits the codes:

    27 80

This means that entry 27 in -vednormaltable- is a table (vector), in
which entry 80 holds the procedure -veddotdelete-.

As a further example, take the <ENTER> key on a Visual 200. The codes
transmitted by this key are

    27 63 77

and corresepond to entry 27 in -vednormaltable- being a vector in which
entry 63 is a vector in which entry 77 is the procedure -vedenter-.

-- Altering key map tables --------------------------------------------

Key map tables are not easily manipulated in their "raw" form, however a
procedure is provided which enables users to set up any particular key
(or key sequence).  The procedure is -vedsetkey-, and details are in
HELP *VEDSETKEY.  There is also an interactive form for defining keys,
details of which are in HELP *DK.

Notice that the procedure -vedsetkey- can accept a string of character
codes for which it builds the appropriate nested key map tables.  A
convenient form of specifying a string of character codes is to use some
of the more esoteric POP-11 string notations, such as the backslash,
which allows any ASCII code to be inserted into a string. Full details
are in HELP *STRINGS.  "<ENTER> hkey" prints (on the command line) the
string of characters which were received, in a manner suitable for
directly inserting into a piece of POP-11 code (say, a call to

The option '-i' on -ved_hkey- causes the string representation of the
codes received to be inserted into the current file at the cursor

-- See also -----------------------------------------------------------

HELP * QUERY        Mechanism for describing built-in procedures
REF * VEDCOMMS      VED <ENTER> commands
REF * VEDPROCS      VED system procedures

LIB * VED_HK        Terse equivalent of -ved_hkey-
LIB * VED_HKEYS     Displays "picture" of current key mapping

HELP * DK           Interactive command for defining key mappings
HELP * VEDSET       Convenient syntax for defining key mappings
HELP * VEDSETKEY    Core procedure for defining key mappings

--- C.all/help/ved_hkey
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------