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TEACH PROGLECT7                                    Aaron Sloman Oct 1998

This is a brief introduction to rule-based programming.

Previous lectures are summarised as teach files, with examples which you
can run.



 -- Introduction
 -- The need for more general forms of control
 -- Example: a grammar can be seen as a production system
 -- Another context: programming a "reactive" system
 -- Conflict resolution strategies
 -- How to use Poprulebase
 -- An example: diagnosing an illness
 -- Now define a procedure to run the rules
 -- Some notes
 -- An important difference from the Pop-11 database
 -- A possible exercise just to get a taste of rule based programming
 -- The sim_agent toolkit

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

Rule based programming has proved important in expert system design, in
some forms of "agent" programming and in building models of human
cognitive processing (e.g. SOAR).

It is also possible to view rule based systems as just one of many forms
of programming language, all useful for different purposes.

In particular, by considering ways of generalising forms of control
presented earlier in the course you could probably invent rule based
programming for yourself.

POP-11 has a number of rule based libraries, providing different
facilities. POPRULEBASE is one of the more general and sophisticated.

TEACH EXPERTS introduces some more specialised libraries.

-- The need for more general forms of control -------------------------

The development of computing in particular and of AI in particular has
involved more and more decisions being postponed so that they are
taken by the computer as late as possible.

Previous lectures (and teach files) introduced ever increasing

1. Sequence of explicit instructions

2. Add procedure calls
    Allows redefinition of procedures

3. Add parameters
    Allows actions to depend in part on inputs

4. Add conditionals
    Allows selection between different sets of instructions
    to be postponed till "run time".
    (However, programmer decides on order of tests in
    multi-branch conditionals).

5. Add loops
    Allows amount of repetition, depth of problem-solving, etc.
    to be decided at run time, e.g.

        until ... do ... enduntil

        for x from <start> by <inc> to <fin> do ... endfor

        for x in <list> do ... endfor

In all of these you have to specify the order in which tests are
performed. I.e. this is determined at compile time by the programmer.

6. Use of foreach and forevery with database
    Allow the contents of the database to determine which actions
    to do

    foreach <pattern> do .... endfor

    forevery [<pattern><pattern>....<pattern>] do .... endfor

7. Allow programs which create new programs while running.
    E.g. popval, pop11_compile, partial application.
    New procedures can be stored in data structures then chosen
    by the program as required.

    The Pop-11 Eliza has a list of rules rather than a single
    multi-branch conditional. It shuffles the list on every cycle,
    so that the tests are done in a different sequence each time.

    Some of the flexibility to change things at run time can depend
    on using an interpreter or incremental compiler.

8. Rule based programming
    Create sets of condition-action rules and allow the contents
    of a database to determine which rules are runnable.

    The set of rules can also be changed by the machine at run time
    (like creating or replacing procedures).

    The rules can be interpreted in forward chaining mode (poprulebase)
    or backward chaining mode (as in prolog) or some combination.

    A set of condition-action rules is often referred to as
    a "production system", for historical reasons.

-- Example: a grammar can be seen as a production system --------------

E.g. here's part of a grammar

    S   ==> NP VP
    S   ==> NP verb NP that_word S
    S   ==> S  conjunction S

    NP  ==> name
    NP  ==> pronoun
    NP  ==> SNP
    NP  ==> NP PP
    NP  ==> NP conjunction NP

    SNP ==> determiner QNOUN
    SNP ==> QNOUN

    QNOUN   ==> noun
    QNOUN   ==> noun noun
    QNOUN   ==> adjective QNOUN
    QNOUN   ==> possessive QNOUN

    PP  ==> preposition NP

    and so on

(The arrows can go the other way to represent recognition rules for
phrases, clauses and sentences.)

Generating a sentence is then a matter of repeatedly deciding which
rules to expand until all the grammatical category words (non-terminals)
have been replaced by words.

Decisions regarding which expansion option to follow can depend on
extra-grammatical factors, such as what you are trying to say (i.e.
previously selected semantic and pragmatic goals).

[Note: this is not a serious theory of sentence production.]

Similarly, analysing a sentence is a matter of running the rules
backwards: repeatedly deciding which sequence of previously recognized
sentence components can form a known type of group.

-- Another context: programming a "reactive" system -------------------

A system with internal and external sensors associated with internal and
external actions, can use a rule based architecture.

If a system is interacting with some environment that is sensed via a
number of sensors, or an environment that produces input via one or more
communication channels (e.g. mouse, keyboard), then it may be possible
to specify the behaviour of the system by saying how it should react to
each combination of inputs (plus, perhaps previous history).

Sometimes it is useful for the reaction to depend not only on the
external sensed state and the inputs, but also the internal state of the
system, e.g. current goals, current beliefs about effects of actions,
current plans.

These in turn can be changed by the actions of the system.

Thus we have a general scheme:


        Read sensor information into database

        Find rules that can be executed because their conditions
        are satisfied by database contents (including previously
        inserted records, and long term fixed memory). Rules may
        include variables.

        Select one or more of the executable rules and run their
        actions (which may include variables bound in the conditions).

        If appropriate, transfer some database contents to external
        interfaces, for communication with others, or external actions.

        Decide whether to continue or not



1. This is a SYNCHRONOUS rule based system. The interpreter decides when
to check the rules to see which are runnable.

An ASYNCHRONOUS system allows rules to react as soon as their
conditions are satisfied, no matter what else is happening (unless some
rules are suppressed by filters).

An example could be an event driven windowing system on a computer.
Likewise a robot with external sensors that need to cause immediate
reactions in the presence of danger.

2. Rule-based systems are temporally DISCRETE systems.

The interpreter repeatedly selects one or more rules and runs it, unlike
an amplifier or electronic filter which continuously adjusts its
behaviour on the basis of continuous sensing (and feedback).

-- Conflict resolution strategies -------------------------------------

When more than one rule is runnable, or a rule has several instances,
a decision has to be taken regarding which rule instances to run. This
requires a "conflict resolution strategy".

TEACH RULEBASE gives several examples of such strategies

Strategies to select only one rule:

    o rule-order strategy
        Choose first runnable rule

    o refractoriness strategy
        Choose first runnable rule that has not previously
        run with the same bindings for variables

    o recency strategy
        Choose the rule whose conditions were most recently made

    o specificity
        Choose the rule whose conditions are hardest to satisfy, or
        most specific (e.g. most conditions).

    o use heuristic filter
        Apply some heuristic tests at run time to decide which of the
        runnable rules to run.

Parallel strategy

    o Run all the runnable rule instances
        E.g. SOAR

    o Run a filtered subset of runnable rules

and other strategies.

POPRULEBASE allows to you to choose any of these strategies, some
by setting a global variable, some by defining a "filter" procedure.
Moreover, the strategy can be changed in different parts of a program.

Controlling rules can be difficult: e.g. adding things to the database
to indicate which stage in solving a problem has been reached, and using
those database items to ensure that new rules fire, not the previous
rules, whose conditions may still be true.

-- How to use Poprulebase ---------------------------------------------

1. Load the library

    uses poprulebase

That can take some time if the machine is heavily loaded.
Alternatively start with

    pop11 +prb

to get a version of pop11 with the poprulebase library already compiled.
You then have to use an explicit "ved" or "teach" or "help" command to
run Ved.

    If you then want Xved to run, your vedinit.p file can include
        "x" -> vedusewindows;

2. Define one or more rulesets:

    define :ruleset <name> ;

        RULE  <name>

        RULE <name>



Some of the available forms of conditions and actions are illustrated in
various teach files.

A full (very long) specification is in HELP POPRULEBASE.

Users can define additional condition types and action types.

Both conditions and actions can invoke Pop-11 instructions directly,
giving the system a great deal of flexibility and power.

    (It is even possible for a condition or action to invoke the rule
    interpreter recursively.)

3. Choose your initial database (possibly empty)

4. Define a procedure that

    o locally specifies global control and tracing variables, e.g.

        prb_allrules (default false)

        prb_chatty (default false)

        prb_walk (default false)

        (... and others ...)

    o calls prb_run with the ruleset and the database

        prb_run(<ruleset>, <database>)

(An optional third argument is a cycle limit).

-- An example: diagnosing an illness ----------------------------------

From TEACH RULEBASE (but modified):

vars doctor_database =
        [start_message 'Welcome to the rule based doctor.']
        [diagnosis_fee 5 pounds]

define :ruleset doctor_rules;

  RULE start_diagnose

    [NOT started]
    [start_message ?message]
    [SAY ?message]
    [SAY 'I shall do my best to diagnose your problems']

  RULE get_sentence
    ;;; If there's no sentence in the database, get one, using
    ;;; the READ action format. If there is a sentence this rule
    ;;; will not be runnable.

    [NOT sentence ==]
    [READ 'Please tell me one symptom' [sentence ANSWER]]

  RULE stop

    [sentence bye]
    [diagnosis_fee ??fee ]
    [SAY 'Thank you for using my services.']
    [SAY the fee is ??fee. 'Please pay at the door. Bye']

  RULE stomach

    [sentence == stomach ==]
    [NOT sentence ==]
    [SAY 'You have eaten too much. Fast for two days.']

  RULE cough

    [sentence == cough ==]
    [NOT sentence ==]
    [SAY 'Buy some cough mixture and go to bed.']

  RULE headache

    [OR [sentence == headache ==] [sentence == head == aches]]
    [NOT sentence ==]
    [SAY 'You probably have flu. Take an aspirin']

  RULE default
    ;;; as this is the last rule, it runs if there's any sentence
    ;;; that is unrecognized by earlier rules

    [sentence == ]
    [NOT sentence ==]
    [SAY 'That is very serious, please see a specialist.']


;;; You can print out a ruleset, as it is just a list of rules

doctor_rules ==>

-- Now define a procedure to run the rules ----------------------------

define run_doctor(data);

        ;;; prevent prb_run continually pausing.
        prb_walk = false,

        ;;; Prevent more than one active rule firing.
        prb_allrules = false,

        ;;; Make this true for more tracing
        prb_chatty = false;

    ;;; now run the interpreter
    prb_run(doctor_rules, data);



run_doctor([[start_message 'Hello'] [diagnosis_fee 5000 pounds] ]);

(The control variables, instead of being fixed, could be left to
the global environment. Or their values could be passed in as extra
parameters to run_doctor.)

-- Some notes ---------------------------------------------------------

1. Some keywords for conditions and actions are defined by the library,
e.g. [NOT ...] [OR ...] [SAY ...], and many more. These are complex
conditions and complex actions.

2. If a condition does not start with a known keyword, it is a simple

It is then simply matched against items in the database, and any
variables in the condition that have been bound (i.e. had their values
set) by a previous condition will restrict the match, e.g.

    [father ?x ?y][mother ?y ?z]

3. If variables in a condition have not already been bound they will be
bound when a matching database item is found. Only one rule in the above
ruleset has a variable: ??fee, in the "stop" rule. ??fee is also used in
one of the actions.

4. If action does not start with a known keyword it is simply
added to the database. An example of such an action in the rule
above is the simple action in RULE start_diagnose

5. If an action (simple or complex) includes any variables, those
variables are replaced by their values (picked up from conditions) i.e.
the action is instantiated before the action is "run". An example
is the action in RULE stop:

    [SAY the fee is ??fee. 'Please pay at the door. Bye']

Here, fee gets its value from the condition:

    [diagnosis_fee ??fee ]

6. If the same conditions match different database items, e.g. if
   these conditions match
    [father ?x ?y][mother ?y ?z]

    [father tom mary][mother mary joe]
    [father tom mary][mother mary fred]
    [father fred sue][mother sue alison]

then in principle several instances of the rule can be created, all of
them runnable. A conflict resolution strategy may then select one.

-- Simulating poprulebase in Pop-11 -----------------------------------

Note that this could be simulated (partly) as follows. This ruleset

    define :ruleset <name> ;

        RULE  <name>

        RULE <name>



would correspond to a Pop-11 procedure something like
this, in the case where prb_allrules is false:

define interpret_rules();

    lvars ....all the variables in conditions... ;


        if allpresent( ! <conditions>) then

        elseif allpresent( ! <conditions>) then

            ;;; no conditions satisfied, so finish



Where obey(list) is a pop-11 procedure that knows how to interpret
the various actions expressed as a list of lists.

However Poprulebase allows far more flexibility than this, e.g. since
it allows actions to be run for all possible ways of satisfying the
conditions (compare forevery).

-- An important difference from the Pop-11 database -------------------

For efficiency, the poprulebase database is not really a simple list
of lists, allthough you can provide a list of lists as second argument
to prb_run.

The list provided gets converted into a different sort of structure, a
Pop-11 "property", indexed by the first item of each list. (For now
don't worry about what properties are. There's a brief introduction in
Chapter 4 of the Primer. Also HELP NEWPROPERTY, HELP NEWMAPPING.)

Because the Poprulebase database is not a list of lists, many of the
normal database procedures and constructs will not work, e.g.

Instead there are specialised versions that work on the poprulebase
database, and can be used in conditions and actions, e.g. (from the

    prb_print_database( )
    prb_present(pattern) -> false or item
    prb_in_database(pattern) -> false or item
    prb_remove_all(list_of_patterns) -> found
    prb_forevery(patternlist, proc)

-- A possible exercise just to get a taste of rule based programming --

Define a set of rules that will ask you for a number, which it puts into
the database as a target, and then adds up all the numbers from 1 up to
the target number, then prints out the result.

A far more complex example is provided in TEACH PRBRIVER. This shows how
to make a fairly sophisticated planning program for the river world. It
can be given any legal initial state of the river world and any legal
goal state and will find a sequence of actions to achieve the goal
state. You could compare it with TEACH TOWER and TEACH SEARCHING.


Other exercises are in

-- The sim_agent toolkit ----------------------------------------------

Poprulebase is part of the sim_agent toolkit developed at Birmingham for
creating more or less intelligent agents. Information about it is in

An interactive demo is provided if you do the following:

    uses simlib


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