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TEACH PROGLECT5                                    Aaron Sloman Oct 1998
Revised: 31 May 2009

Revision and more detail of previously presented information on Pop-11



 -- A few reminders first
 -- What's involved in learning pop-11
 -- Learn the syntax of Pop-11
 -- Learn the semantics of Pop-11
 -- -- Compile time meaning
 -- -- Run time meaning
 -- The Pop-11 "data stack" or "user stack"
 -- Putting things on the stack
 -- Removing things from the stack
 -- "=>" " and the stack">and the stack
 -- Using the stack to create structures
 -- -- Uses of predicates
 -- How procedures run
 -- Packaging instructions into named procedures
 -- The "little man with script" model of procedure invocation
 -- Control jumps in a procedure
 -- A procedure call and the stack
 -- Infix operators
 -- Variables and how they work
 -- -- Different uses of the assignment arrow
 -- -- Invoking updaters
 -- Pop-11 data types
 -- More on Pop11 control structures
 -- -- General purpose loop formats:
 -- -- Data related loop formats:

-- A few reminders first ----------------------------------------------


If VED starts up too slowly for you
    Get rid of the command to start up menus automatically,
    in your vedinit.p

define vedinit();
  ;;; Comment this out if you don't want the menus (use "ENTER menu" instead)

You can get the menus going when you want them, with the command:

        ENTER menu


    See TEACH EMAIL if you need revision on the use of mail in VED.


-- What's involved in learning pop-11 ---------------------------------

-- Learn the syntax of Pop-11 -----------------------------------------

Which forms of expression are "legal"

What sorts of compile time errors occur because of wrong syntax

Later: how you can extend the syntax by defining macros or
syntax words.


    define :form ....


-- Learn the semantics of Pop-11 --------------------------------------

What the various formats mean

-- -- Compile time meaning

    Variable declarations
        Different types of identifiers
           (e.g. infix operators, macros, syntax words)

    Procedure definitions

    "Top level" Pop-11 commands

    Use of word quotes, string quotes, list expressions,
        vector expressions

    For experts:

    The use of sections can "protect" bits of code

    global lvars can do this in the context of a file.

    Compiler directives (compile_mode)

-- -- Run time meaning

  The Pop-11 virtual machine: the objects and processes

-- The Pop-11 "data stack" or "user stack" ----------------------------

The stack is both a source of power and a source of problems. Similar to
the programming language Forth.

Uses of the "data stack" ("user stack") for temporary storage and
communication between sub-processes include the following:

o   Arguments passed to procedures from other procedures or
    "top level" commands

o   Results produced by procedures when they finish are left on
    the stack. They can then be used by the calling procedure,
    or "top level" command, e.g. to print the result.

o   Items stored temporarily for the purpose of building
        a complex data-structure, e.g. list or vector or array

    This uses syntax like the following in list and vector expressions:

        [% .... %  ^... ^^...]
        {% .... % ^... ^^...}

Examples below. See TEACH * STACK for more details.

-- Putting things on the stack

When any Pop-11 instruction or expression is evaluated, if there is no
result the stack is unchanged. If there are any results then they are
all left on the stack, in an order that can be controlled by the header
of a procedure with output local variables.


    define foo(...) -> (r1, r2, r3);

means that when foo finishes it puts three results on the stack, first
r1, then r2, then r3. Those should be variables that are given values
when the procedure runs. The "->" is NOT an assignment arrow.

Most procedures return only one result, including most of the arithmetic
procedures, e.g. "+", *". However the integer division operator "//"
returns two results, the remainder and the divisor:

    10//3 =>
    ** 1 3


    10/3.0 =>
    ** 3.33333

A collection of items can be put on the stack in a single expression
made of sub-expressions separated by commas:

    1, 2, 3+5, "cat", [a b] <> [c d] =>
    ** 1 2 8 cat [a b c d]

The same items in a different order:

    "cat", [a b] <> [c d], 1, 2, 3+5 =>

If a variable has a value, simply using that variable puts its value on
the stack.

    vars list3 = [silly example];

    list3 =>

Using it three times puts THE SAME THING on the stack three times

    list3, list3, list3 =>

Notice that the value of the variable is NOT COPIED each time it is
used. If the value is a complex object, then the variable contains a
"pointer" to that object and the pointer to that very object, not a
copy, is put on the stack. The object remains in Pop-11's main
re-usable memory space, known as "the heap" (which is different for each
user, and which is destroyed every time you leave Pop-11).

-- Removing things from the stack

One common way of removing something from the stack is to use the
assignment arrow to assign something to a variable.

    vars x;

NB the next three lines must be marked and loaded in one go, as VED
removes stuff left on the stack between commands:

    3;      ;;; puts three on the stack

    -> x;   ;;; assigns it to x

    =>      ;;; see what's left

NB the next three lines must be marked and loaded in one go, as VED
removes stuff left on the stack between commands:

    "a", "b", 3, 4, 5;  ;;; put five things on the stack

    -> x;   ;;; assign one to x: removes the last item

    =>      ;;; see what's left
    ** a b 3 4

Try again with different things on the stack

Another way to remove something from the stack is to run a procedure.
Procedures take the arguments they need, i.e. the values for their input
variables, off the stack, and put their results back. So procedures like
"+", "-", "*", matches and issubstring take two things off the stack
and return one thing:

    1, 2, +() =>        ;;; actually "+" does not need "()"

    ** 3

    99, 55 * =>

That is the same as

    99 * 55 =>

    issubstring("def", "define")=>      ;;; returns start of substring
    ** 1

    issubstring("fine", "define")=>
    ** 3

If there are not enough things on the stack you will get a mishap
message, e.g. "*" needs two arguments:

    3 * =>
;;; MISHAP - ste: STACK EMPTY (missing argument? missing result?)
;;; FILE     :  /bham/common/com/packages/poplog/local/teach/proglect5
    LINE NUMBER:  244
;;; DOING    :  mishap * ....

So you can put five things on the stack, call a procedure that takes two
and returns one, and end up with four

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, * =>
    ** 1 2 3 20

" and the stack">-- "=>" and the stack

Warning: outside procedures "=>" prints everything on the stack.
It also clears the stack.

Inside procedures it prints only the top item on the stack, and removes
it from the stack.

If there's nothing on the stack, then outside a procedure "=>" prints
just "**" followed by nothing


Inside a procedure

define test();

test() =>

;;; MISHAP - ste: STACK EMPTY (missing argument? missing result?)

NB: The pretty print arrow "==>" ALWAYS expects at least one thing to be
on the stack, and it always prints exactly ONE thing, which it removes
from the stack.

[% repeat 5 times [% for x from 1 to 10 do 300*x endfor %] endrepeat %] ==>

Explain all the things put on the stack and removed there. E.g. inside
[% ... %] things can be put on the stack, then at the end of the list
expression they are all removed and put in a list, and then the list
(i.e. a pointer to the list) is put on the stack.

How many stack operations were there in the above?

    300 * x involves two additions, two removals, then one addition

In the inner loop, that's done 10 times, creating 10 items.
Then the enclosing list brackets remove all 10 items and put one back.

That's done 5 times, putting 5 items on the stack.


Finally ==> removes one item, and prints it, the list of lists.

-- Using the stack to create structures -------------------------------

You need to understand the uses of the stack to create structures, e.g.
by having a loop inside list brackets, or by putting a procedure call
inside list brackets.

vars x;
[% for x from 3 by 3 to 66 do x endfor %] =>

vars list = [ cat dog 5 7 99 mouse elephant 4 2 1 pink];

define stack_all_of(type, list);

    lvars item;

    for item in list do
        if type(item) then item endif


stack_all_of(isword, list) =>
stack_all_of(isnumber, list) =>

[% stack_all_of(isword, list) %] =>
[% stack_all_of(isnumber, list) %] =>

define istiny(x);
    isnumber(x) and x < 5

[% stack_all_of(istiny, list) %] =>

The procedures istiny, isword, isnumber are PREDICATES. If applied to an
object a predicate produces the result true or false.

Some predicates are applied to two or more things, and are called

    =, >, <, matches

These take two things, and produce a true or false result.

-- -- Uses of predicates

Predicates can be used to create conditions, i.e. expressions that
evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. (In Pop-11 any non-false object counts as a
TRUE value for a conditional).

Occurrences of conditions include the following contexts.

In conditional expressions:

    if <condition> then

    elseif <condition> then

    unless <condition> then

    elseunless <condition> then

In loop headers:

    between while and do
        while <condition> do

    between until and do
        until <condition> do

Inside loops, to control the loop behaviour:

    quitif( <condition> )

    quitunless( <condition> )

    nextif( <condition> )

    nextunless( <condition> )

    returnif( <condition> )

-- How procedures run -------------------------------------------------

In order to understand Pop-11 you need to understand how procedures
work. This includes knowing all of the following:

What happens when a procedure starts up
    including assignments to input local variables

What happens when a procedure finishes
    including saving values of output locals

How local variables work: "vars" and "lvars"

How the instructions in the procedure are obeyed, i.e. which ones are
obeyed in which order. For instance where there are conditional
expressions only a subset of the instructions will be obeyed, depending
on the result of evaluating the condition.

How a procedure invokes other procedures, including giving it arguments.

What happens when the invoked procedure "returns", i.e. finishes,
possibly leaving one or more results on the stack.

How abnormal exits work (for experts only: see HELP * CONTROL)


For experts: REF * PROCEDURE

-- Packaging instructions into named procedures -----------------------

A procedure definition uses special syntax to express all the above
ideas. In different languages different syntax may be used. Not all
languages allow the same ideas to be expressed.

In Pop-11 this is the basic procedure definition format.

    define name(arg1, arg2 ...) -> (output1, output2...);

        declarations (including nested procedure definitions)


The declarations and actions can be arbitrarily intermingled. Some of
the actions will invoke other procedures. Some will use special syntax
forms to control which actions are done and in which order.


Procedure calls assume automatic "return" to caller

    do_stuff(x,y,z);     ;;; automatically returns here

-- The "little man with script" model of procedure invocation ---------

Each procedure corresponds to a script, which can be copied. Each time a
procedure is invoked a "little man" inside the computer is created (or
fetched from a store room) given a copy of the script, and told to
follow the instructions. If there's a call to another procedure the
little man puts the arguments on the stack before calling the procedure,
then waits for the next little man to finish. Just before
each little man finishes, he puts any "results" (values of output
locals) on the stack, gives a "wake up" signal to the little man who is
waiting for him, and then goes back to the store room.
Any lexical local variables are handled by using special spaces on the
copy of the script. Other local variables ("vars" variables) use more
complex processes.

Thus at any one time there can be a "stack" of little men with half
completed scripts, each waiting for the next one to finish, with the
last little man actually doing something with his script. (Some people
see this stack growing upwards, some downwards.)

-- Control jumps in a procedure ---------------------------------------

Various kinds of jumps and abnormal exits

    goto label (not recommended)

For experts:



For exiting from or restarting loops. In each case the (N) is optional
and defaults to 1. N must be a nonnegative integer, not an expression
that evaluates to an intenger.

        exit from the Nth enclosing loop
        restart the Nth enclosing loop

        equivalent to
            if <condition> then quitloop(N) endif
        equivalent to
            if <condition> then nextloop(N) endif

        equivalent to
            unless <condition> then quitloop(N) endunless

        equivalent to
            unless <condition> then nextloop(N) endunless

For exiting from the current procedure


    returnif(<condition>) (<values>)
        equivalent to
            if <condition> then return(<values>) endif

    returnunless(<condition>) (<values>)
        equivalent to
            unless <condition> then return(<values>) endunless

When a procedure finishes:

    What happens to local vars (dynamic "permanent" local variables)
        Previous values restored
    What happens to local lvars (lexical local variables)
        Variable no longer exists on exit, unless a "closure"
        is created (for experts only).

Abnormal exits:


and others, chain, chainto, chainfrom, catch, throw

    etc.    See HELP * CONTROL

also suspend, and resume, with processes

Interrupt is equivalent to exitto(some top level procedure)

(Use of Popready to control interrupts: HELP * POPREADY)

-- A procedure call and the stack -------------------------------------

    silly(x, sumsq(3,4), 99)


    1. push onto the stack all of the following

        the value of "x",
        the result of sumsq(3,4),

    2. then run the procedure called SILLY

Getting the  result of  SUMSQ(3,4)  itself can  be expanded  in  similar
fashion, so the whole expression

    silly(x, sumsq(3,4), 99)

translates to

    1. push the value of x onto the stack

    2. push 3 onto the stack

    3. push 4 onto the stack

    4. call the procedure called "sumsq"
        (It will take off two things and push its result onto the stack)

    5. push 99 onto the stack

    6. call the procedure called "silly"

Notice that the thing mentioned first is actually invoked last.

Compare the language FORTH

Pop-11 allows a "dot" notation, which some people like to use

    x, 3, 4 .sumsq, 99 .silly =>

That is equivalent to:

    silly(x, sumsq(3,4), 99) =>

-- Infix operators ----------------------------------------------------

Infix operators are just names for procedures.

    3 + 4 =>

This is equivalent to

    +(3, 4)=>


    push 3
    push 4
    call + (which removes 3, adn 4 and pushes its result)
    call =>

The precedence of an operator determines the sequence of operations.
Parentheses can override precedence:


    3 + 4 * 5 =>

    (3 + 4) * 5 =>

Don't confuse use of parentheses to control precedence and use of
parentheses to invoke procedures "doit brackets", with our without

-- Variables and how they work ----------------------------------------


    words, identifiers and values

    How assignment gives a word a value, via the stack
        <expression> -> variable;

    The Pop-11 dictionary and its role at compile time
        and run time (valof, the matcher)

-- -- Different uses of the assignment arrow

Assigning to a variable

    3 -> x;

Multiple assignments:

    3, 4, 5 -> (x, y, z);

Initialised declarations include an assignment

    vars x = 3;

-- -- Invoking updaters

The use of the assignment arrow to invoke updaters of procedures, e.g.

    vars list = [a b c d]

        "cat" -> hd(list);

        list =>

        [on a mat] -> tl(list);

        list =>

    vars vec = {1 2 3 [4 5] a cat};

        vec =>

        subscr(5, vec) =>

        33 -> subscr(5, vec);
        subscr(5, vec) =>

        See HELP * UPDATER

-- Pop-11 data types --------------------------------------------------

The Primer gives an overview, and REF DATA gives a lot more detail.

Pop-11 has many kinds of "data-structures" for storing

o    provided by the user

o    created by the program

o    read in by the program while it is running, e.g. from
        other programs, sensors, etc.

Types of data include
    numbers (various kinds), words, strings,
    lists, vectors, properties, and many more

Some data-types are primitive (built in to Pop-11 at a
low level). Others are derived.

E.g. lists are a derived datatype, created from pairs, which are
two-element records.

If lists had not been in Pop-11 we could have invented them, and
defined the syntax.

Pop-11 databases use a derived data type built on top of lists.

Arrays are a derived datatype, created from procedures and vectors,
though it would not be so easy for users to implement them.

For this course a subset of data types will suffice.
(Experts see REF DATA)

-- More on Pop11 control structures -----------------------------------

There are many sorts of "control structures"

Sequences of instructions

Conditional instructions
    if condition then action elseif

Multi-branch conditionals
    if condition1 then action1
    elseif condition2 then action2
    elseif ....
    else ...

Loops of various kinds

-- -- General purpose loop formats:

repeat .... endrepeat

while condition do action endwhile

until condition do action enduntil

-- -- Data related loop formats:

for x from 1 to 75 do action(x) endfor

for x in list do action(x) endfor

foreach pattern in database do action endforeach

forevery patternlist in database do action endforevery

    ... and several more. See HELP * LOOPS, HELP * CONTROL

    REF * using_subscriptor

To be revised and continued.

--- $poplocal/local/teach/proglect5
--- Copyright University of Birmingham 1998. All rights reserved. ------