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HELP WINDOWS                                  A. Sloman updated May 1986
                                               Updated A.Sloman OCT 1990

This is a facility for using VED with more than two visible windows on
the same VDU screen or Xterm window, etc. It is most convenient if the
screen displays more than 30 lines.

NB This was substantially improved for Poplog Version 14. For a list
of improvements search for "V14" below.

CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Introduction
 -- Getting started
 -- Switching on the new windows: ved_newmap
 -- Formats for NEWMAP
 --  <ENTER> newmap
 --  <ENTER> newmap fred,12 help windows,18 showlib windows
 --  <ENTER> newmap <num1> <name1>,<num2> <name2>,<num3> <name3> ...
 -- More examples of <ENTER> newmap formats
 -- Invoking ved_newmap from POP-11
 -- Editing a new file
 --  wed" command (Edit in window)">The "<ENTER> wed" command (Edit in window)
 --  <ENTER> wed <number> <file>
 --  <ENTER> wed <number>
 --  <ENTER> wed <file>
 --  <ENTER> |<number> <command>
 -- OTHER "MOVE" facilities
 -- <ENTER> xw <name|num>   (exchange windows)
 -- Shifting window boundaries
 --  <ENTER> wu <number>
 --  <ENTER> wd <number>
 -- Other commands and procedures
 --  <ENTER> ved <name>
 --  <ENTER> help <name>
 --  <ENTER> teach <name>
 --  <ENTER> ref <name>
 --  <ENTER> doc <name>
 --  <ENTER> showlib <name>
 --  <ENTER> redraw (also <ESC> CTRL-v)
 --  <ENTER> showmap
 --  <ENTER> wstop
 --  <ENTER> rb
 --  <ENTER> q   (or <ESC> q)
 -- <ENTER> newmap off     (Restore normal VED)
 -- Procedures available
 --  vednextwindow()     (also <ESC> ;)
 --  Vedrefreshwindow(number)
 --  vedswitchwindowsize()   (also <ESC> w)
 -- Representation and manipulation of windows
 --  vedfullname(<file structure>) -> <file name>  (string)
 --  windowof_number(<number>) -> <window|false>
 --  <window|false> -> windowof_num(<number>)
 --  windowof_name(<string>) -> <window|false>
 --  nameof_window(<window>) -> <string|false>
 --  <string> -> nameof_window(<window>)
 --  nameof_number(<integer>) -> <string|false>
 --  numberof_name(<string>) -> <integer(i.e.window number)|false>
 --  windowof_file(<file>) -> <window|false>
 --  print_window(<window>)
 --  invisible(<window>) -> <boolean>
 --  visible(<window>) -> <boolean>
 --  <boolean> -> visible(<window>)
 --  vedsetupwindow(<number|name|window>)
 --  vedsetfileinwindow(<file>, <number|name|window>)
 --  Vedrefreshwindow(<number|name|window>)
 --  vedgotowindow(<number>)
 --  windowstart(<number|name|window>) -> <screen line>
 --  windowend(<number|name|window>) -> <screen line>
 --  appwindows(<procedure(number,window)>)
 --  Vedwinsearch(<string>) -> <file|string>
 -- Global variables
 --  ved_full_screen
 --  vedwindownum
 --  veddefaultlength
 --  time_out_time
 -- Redfined VED procedures and key sequences
 -- WARNING: altered key sequences
 -- Changes for V14

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

This is an EXPERIMENTAL extension to the VED window mechanism, allowing
more than two windows on a VDU screen at once. This is specially useful
on a VDU allowing more than the usual 24 lines, but can occasionally be
useful on an ordinary VDU.

Divisons between windows remain horizontal, as before, but the mechanism
may later be extended to allow windows to have arbitrary rectangular
boundaries on the screen.

The main new feature is the ability to define a 'map' for the screen,
specifying how many windows there should be and how deep each one should
be. Commands are available for changing the size of a window, and even
temporarily covering up another window, by shifting the upper or lower
boundary up or down. The VED command works as normal except that it uses
the current window. The WED (Window EDit) command accepts a numerical
parameter to specify the window to be used. Windows are referred to by
number, counting down from the top of the screen.

You may have as many windows as you wish subject to the constraint that
each window must have a status line and at least one other line visible,

On Unix it is particularly useful to be able to reserve a small window
for a VED_IMCSH file, for Unix CSH commands and their printout.

A window has a number, a file associated with it, a name, a start line
and a finish line. It may be visible or invisible.

As with normal VED there may be files in VEDBUFFERLIST that are not
currently visible in a window. They may be made visible by taking over a
window, using the VED command or WED command, the <ENTER>rb command or
the 'q(uit)' command.

There are commands for redefining the whole screen layout, i.e.
specifying for each window its location and contents, commands for
making a window switch between occupying the whole screen or only its
'rightful' space, commands for moving from one window to another,
commands for shifting the bounds of the current window (which may cause
another to become invisible or visible), commands for reading a new file
into the current window, commands for exchanging the contents of two

If the screen gets into a mess, type <ESC> CTRL-V or <ENTER> redraw
to redisplay all windows.

Most VED facilities, including function keys, will work as expected, but
some of the interactions are quite complex, and there may still be some
minor problems.

A major difference from normal VED is that the default for reading in a
new file is to use the current window concealing the existing file. The
old file is not lost, however, and may be restored to view, e.g. using
the <ENTER> rb (rotate buffers)

-- Getting started ----------------------------------------------------

Make sure you have set VEDSCREENLENGTH to correspond to the total number
of lines available on the screen.

The global variable VEDDEFAULTLENGTH may be set to a number determining
default size of window. If this is not set by the user it will be


allowing three windows on the screen.

Then, to compile the new facilities do
    lib windows

It should be possible to use VED and related facilities normally until
NEWMAP described below has been invoked. After that the new window
mechanism takes charge. This can be turned off by
    false -> vednewmapped;

-- Switching on the new windows: ved_newmap ---------------------------

The mechanism can be turned on most conveniently if you are already
inside VED.

Use the <ENTER> NEWMAP command at least once in order to get the
window facilities working. E.g. the first time try (including commas):

    <ENTER> newmap help windows,,

This will start up with three windows, one of which contains this help
file. The others will be given names indicating anonymity.

Since this command did not specify window locations, the sizes of the
windows are controlled by the variable VEDDEFAULTLENGTH.

-- Formats for NEWMAP -------------------------------------------------

The command <ENTER> NEWMAP is used to (re-)define the window layout. It
has several formats:-

--  <ENTER> newmap
If no arguments are provided, this redraws the whole screen using the
previous map, and is equivalent to <ENTER> redraw.

If newmap has not been used previously, this sets up three windows.
If arguments are provided they are separated by commas, and specify
start line number for a window and a file name or VED command. A VED
command is recognised by having two items separated by a space, e.g.

--  <ENTER> newmap fred,12 help windows,18 showlib windows

Will get the user's file 'fred' in the first window, starting at the
top, a HELP files starting at line 12, and a library file at line 18.

The start line, if provided, is the number of lines counting down from
top of screen.

Either the line number or the file name or both may be omitted. Top of
screen is line 1. Line number and file name must be separated by space.
E.g. The full format is:

--  <ENTER> newmap <num1> <name1>,<num2> <name2>,<num3> <name3> ...

If there is a final comma an extra window is added, of size
veddefaultlength, if space is available on the screen. <number1>, if
omitted, defaults to 1. It may be given a different value if it is
desirable to leave some previou printout visible at the top.

If <numN> is omitted the size of window N-1 defaults to
veddefaultlength lines, if there is space. (Default = vedscreenlength/3)

The <name> fields may contain two item VED commands, as described below.
(Occasionally such commands may confuse the editor and prevent the
window mapping being completed.)

If <name> is omitted then any unused file in vedbufferlist may be
selected for the window. If there isn't one, a non-writeable file is
created with a name indicting anonymity.

NB If the screen is not big enough for all the windows requested only
a subset may be created.

-- More examples of <ENTER> newmap formats

E.g. the following are legal
   <ENTER> newmap 1, 5, 8, 15
        create four windows, use files on vedbufferlist or files with
        'anonymous' names.

   <ENTER> newmap ,,,
        create four windows, starting at lines determined by
        vedefaultlength using existing files or anonymous files
        (If veddefaultlength * 3 >= vedscreenlength, the last window
        will not be visible.)

   <ENTER> newmap foo.p, baz, help windows
        Insted of file names, the commands HELP, TEACH, SHOWLIB, etc can
        be used, provided that they have an argument.

   <ENTER> newmap foo.p, 5 teach coffee, baz, 15 showlib assoc

   <ENTER> newmap file1,file2
        start a screen with two windows, the first taking only 1/3 of
        the screen.

   <ENTER> newmap file1, file2, do: im
        Start a screen with three windows, the first two containing the
        named files, the last one running the command "im", to set up
        an "immediate mode" window. (See HELP * IM)


1. If an immediate mode window is to be set up using newmap, it must be
the LAST window, as setting up immediate mode effectively causes an
interrupt. (This also applies to imcsh and imsh (UNIX) and imdcl (VMS)

2. If one of the line numbers is bigger than vedscreenlength, then that
window and others are ignored.

-- Invoking ved_newmap from POP-11 ------------------------------------

The procedure NEWMAP may be invoked from outside VED by giving it
a string as argument, where the string contains what would follow
'<ENTER> newmap' on the command line. For example,

will run VED with three windows on the screen.

-- Editing a new file -------------------------------------------------

To edit a file in the CURRENT window, give normal ved commands, though
bearing in mind tht if a file is already visible in another window VED
will go to that rather than move the file.

    <ENTER> ved <filename>
    <ENTER> help <topic>

These requests will read in a new file if necessary, or retrieve a file
from vedbufferlist and put it on the current window. if the file is
alredy visible in another window, the cursor will simply move there.

 wed" command (Edit in window)">-- The "<ENTER> wed" command (Edit in window) -------------------------

This is like "<ENTER> ved" except that an optional window number can be
given before the file name. The file will be edited in that window, no
matter where it was before. If it was previously visible in a different
window, a new file will be put there, but will not be visible until the
cursor next goes to that window: so temporarily part of the previous
file will still be visible.

--  <ENTER> wed <number> <file>

Go to the window with that number and read the file into it. If the file
already exists in another window it will remain visible until the cursor
is next moved to that window.

If the number is larger  than the existing number of  windows, a
new window will be  added if possible.  If not an error message is

Occasionally strange behaviour may result. Clear with a command of the
   <ENTER> newmap <num1> <name1>,<num2> <name2>,<num3> <name3> ...

which will re-map the window. Or simply

   <ENTER> newmap <name>

which will produce a single full screen window.

--  <ENTER> wed <number>

Move to the window with that number

--  <ENTER> wed <file>

Like <ENTER> ved, simply edit the file, wherever it is. If the file
is not already in VED go to the "next" window and put it there.

--  <ENTER> |<number> <command>

The "|" facility allows the user to combine a command to go to a
particular window and give a command there.
    <ENTER> |3 help index

I.e. read the index into window 3.

    <ENTER>|2 rb

Go to window 2 and 'rotate buffers'

    <ENTER> |2

Just go to window 2.

-- OTHER "MOVE" facilities --------------------------------------------

The key sequence <ESC> ; is redefined so as to pause and await a number.
If a suitable number is typed, VED will go to that window. However, if
no character is type within 'time_out_time' seconds then ved will simply
go to the next window. It cycles round the windows in increasing order.

The normal * VEDFILESELECT mechanisms remain un-touched, So <ESC>e can
be followed within about a second with the number of the desired file.
This works like VEDFILESELECT outside LIB WINDOWS, i.e. the number to be
typed is not the window number but the position in VEDBUFFERLIST. i.e.
typing N gets you the N-th last file accessed. This enables a file not
in any window to be brought into the current winodw.

-- <ENTER> xw <name|num>   (exchange windows)

ENTER xw takes one argument which is the number of another window or the
name of another file. Swaps the contents of the current widow with the
contents of the other window.

    <ENTER> xw <file name>

Exchage contents with the window displaying the named file.

    <ENTER> xw 2
Exchange contents of current window with number 2.

-- Shifting window boundaries -----------------------------------------

Commands are provided to shift the upper or lower boundary of the
current window up or down.

--  <ENTER> wu <number>
move the upper boundary of this window up <number> lines, down if
negative. If no number defaults to 1.

--  <ENTER> wd <number>
move the lower boundary down <number> lines, up if negative If no
number, defaults to 1.
The above operations may render a file temporarily invisible, or may
uncover a file, i.e. make it visible.

-- Other commands and procedures --------------------------------------

--  <ENTER> ved <name>

Start editing the file named, in the current window, or in that files
current window if it is already visible in one.

--  <ENTER> help <name>
--  <ENTER> teach <name>
--  <ENTER> ref <name>
--  <ENTER> doc <name>
--  <ENTER> showlib <name>

All the above behave like <ENTER> ved, though on library or
documentation files. If the requested file is already displayed, the
cursor will move to that window.

--  <ENTER> redraw (also <ESC> CTRL-v)

Re-draws whole screen.  The key sequence ESC CTRL-v does the same.

--  <ENTER> showmap

prints out information about each window

--  <ENTER> wstop

Suspends the POPLOG process and takes you back to CSH (if running). On
re-entry redraws the whole screen.

This is mapped onto the key sequence ESC 0

--  <ENTER> rb

Rotate buffers. Show next undisplayed file on vedbufferlist.
Uses current window. Does not show files which are already in
other windows.

--  <ENTER> q   (or <ESC> q)

Quit current file. Complain if writeable and changed. Read another file
into the window, if there is one in vedbufferlist not already displayed.
If there is no undisplayed file create a new empty non-writeable file
called NONAME<N> where N is the number of the window. Then move to next
window. If all remaining files have "noname" names and are non-writeable
then leave VED and go back to POPLOG top level.

-- <ENTER> newmap off     (Restore normal VED) -----------------------

This will assign false to vednewmapped, and reset the window to its
normal VED behaviour.

-- Procedures available -----------------------------------------------

--  vednextwindow()     (also <ESC> ;)
Used to move to another window. If you type a number within
time_out_time (default 50) hundredths of a second, then it will move
to a file of that number. Otherwise it will go to the next window down
the screen, or to the top window if already at the bottom window. If
the next window is a "noname" window then it will try another one.
Otherwise it will stay in the current window and print a message
about there being no other files. If you then wish to go to another
window, type a number after <ESC> ;, or use <ENTER> wed <number>.

If you always want it only to cycle round the windows, without waiting
for a number, assign 0 to time_out_time.

--  Vedrefreshwindow(number)

Displays the window of that number on the screen, and makes it the
current window.

--  vedswitchwindowsize()   (also <ESC> w)

If ved_full_screen is false, then more than one window is on screen. In
that case ved_full_screen is set true and the current window is expanded
to fill the screen. Otherwise the reverse occurs and the current window
is shrunk to its proper size and all others re-displayed. This procedure
is mapped to <ESC> w.

If vednewmapped is false, this behaves just like vedsetwindow.

-- Representation and manipulation of windows -------------------------

A window is represented by a record of type 'window' defined as:

defclass lconstant procedure window

I.e. it contains the full path name of the file, the file structure,
the number of the window, its start and end positions
on the screen, a boolean indicating whether it is visible and a boolean
indicating whether it has been refreshed since last put on the screen.

E.g. winfileof(W) returns the file associated with the window W.

However, becauseof the "lconstant" the procedures will be inaccessible
to users.

Windows are mapped onto their numbers, and back, and onto names of files
and back, etc. as follows. (Names of files are represented as strings
givnig the FULL path name, and are created by vedfullname).

--  vedfullname(<file structure>) -> <file name>  (string)

--  windowof_number(<number>) -> <window|false>
--  <window|false> -> windowof_num(<number>)
Return or update the window corresponding to the number.

--  windowof_name(<string>) -> <window|false>
<window|false> -> windowof_name(<string>)
    Return or update the window corresponding to the file name.

--  nameof_window(<window>) -> <string|false>
--  <string> -> nameof_window(<window>)

--  nameof_number(<integer>) -> <string|false>

--  numberof_name(<string>) -> <integer(i.e.window number)|false>

--  windowof_file(<file>) -> <window|false>

--  print_window(<window>)

For debugging. This prints out information about the window, i.e. the
numbers of its top and bottom lines on the screen and its name.

--  invisible(<window>) -> <boolean>
true if the window has been temporarily covered up

--  visible(<window>) -> <boolean>
--  <boolean> -> visible(<window>)

(System procedure) report on or update visibility status of the window.

--  vedsetupwindow(<number|name|window>)
Sets up global VED variables, e.g. vedscreenlength - prepare to use the

--  vedsetfileinwindow(<file>, <number|name|window>)
    Put the VED file structure into the window. Adjusts various links.

--  Vedrefreshwindow(<number|name|window>)
Make it the current window, and refresh it if it needs refreshing.

--  vedgotowindow(<number>)
Similar but copes with full screen mode

--  windowstart(<number|name|window>) -> <screen line>
--  windowend(<number|name|window>) -> <screen line>
Return (or update) beginning or end of a window. If updated, then redoes
screen as appropriate. Updaters can alter visibility of files. Used by
ved_wu and ved_wd

--  appwindows(<procedure(number,window)>)
Applies the procedure to every number|window pair.

--  Vedwinsearch(<string>) -> <file|string>
For use with vedsearchlist: given a file name return the full path name
that would correspond to the file that VED would access, given the
directories in vedsearchlist to search in. If the file is already in
vedbufferlist, it returns the file structure.

-- Global variables ---------------------------------------------------
--  ved_full_screen
true when file occupies full screen switched by vedswitchwindowsize
(ESC w), otherwise false.

--  vedwindownum
number of current window

--  veddefaultlength
default length for new window. (vedscreenlength/3 initially)

--  time_out_time
default 50 : time delay in hundredthsof a second while vednextwindow
waits to see if a window number is typed before it goes to next window.
If it is 0, vednextwindow just goes to next window.

-- Redfined VED procedures and key sequences --------------------------
The following VED procedures are redefined by LIB WINDOWS

    ved_q ved_rb vedrestorescreen vedsetonscreen

However, when vednewmapped is false these should work as before.

-- WARNING: altered key sequences
The following key sequences are altered by this package

    redraws whole screen. If vednewmapped false calls vedrefresh

    (Previously called vednextwindow)

    calls vednextwindow. Type a number immediately, or wait.
    If vednewmapped false, calls vedswapfiles

    switch window between full screen and 'proper' location.
    If vednewmapped false, calls vedsetwindow as usual.

    calls ved_wstop, to suspend the process so that it restarts cleanly.
    (Unix only)

-- Changes for V14 ----------------------------------------------------

The new command
    <ENTER> newmap off
makes vednewmapped false and restores normal ved behaviour.

Altered keybindings. ESC x reverts to vedswapfiles (using
new version), ESC ; does the cycling round windows instead of
ESC x as previously.

Assigned ved_wstop to ESC 0, and made it work properly if
    vednewmapped false

Added top level macro -ved- to get back to mapped screen.

Fixed various things that did not work right. Entailed major
re-organisation of some bits.

ved_q now works more naturally. E.g. if the only files left
are "no-name" temporary files then it quits VED.

ved_redraw now creates new temporary files if there are not enough
files for the windows.

Had to redefine vedrestorewindows for use with ved_sourcefile

Had to redefine vedswapfiles to work properly with multiple windows.

Altered behaviour of vedfileselect if it creates a new window with
a list of files. In this situation it now sets "full" screen. Otherwise
it could corrupt the screen.

For more details SHOWLIB * WINDOWS

--- C.all/help/windows
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1990. All rights reserved. ----------