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HELP ENDUNLESS                             Revised: Fran Evelyn Jul 1985

This marks the end of an -unless- statement which takes the form:

    unless <CONDITION> then <ACTION>

It is equivalent to:

    if not(<CONDITION>) then <ACTION>

-unless- statements may have *ELSE, *ELSEIF, and *ELSEUNLESS branches.

Also see:

    *UNLESS     --- Summary of -unless- statements
    *ELSEUNLESS --- Summary of the use of -elseunless- in conditionals
    *ELSEIF     --- Summary of the use of -elseif- in conditionals
    *ELSE       --- Summary of the use of -else- in conditionals
    *IF         --- A summary of the -if- statement

    *BOOLEAN        --- Boolean values in POP-11.
    *CONDITIONALS   --- Summary of conditional statements in POP-11.
    *CONTROL        --- An overview of control facilities in POP-11.

        Summary of POP-11 syntax

--- C.all/help/endunless
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1992. All rights reserved. ----------