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HELP POPDEVERR                                  Revised by Fran Evelyn, July 85

    popdeverr -> device

POPDEVERR is an active variable which holds the device for the standard error
channel (written to by *CHARERR). Assigning to it,

    <device> -> popdeverr

enables a new device to be assigned to the standard channel, and can be used
along with updating POPDEVIN and POPDEVERR to redirect standard I/O after
SYSFORKing a child process, and before SYSEXECUTEing a new image.

See also
REF *SYSIO       - for more on Input/Output procedures
HELP *CHARERR    - outputs characters to the user's terminal
HELP *POPDEVIN   - the device for the standard input channel
HELP *POPDEVOUT  - the device for the standard output channel
HELP *POPDEVRAW  - the device for 'raw' input/output from the terminal
HELP *SYSFORK    - forks the current POPLOG process
HELP *SYSEXECUTE - runs a file in place of current POPLOG image

--- C.all/help/popdeverr -----------------------------------------------
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1987. All rights reserved. ----------