HELP VED_XVED                                  Jonathan Meyer, July 1991
                                        Revised: Jason Handby, July 1991

    <ENTER> xved [application] NAME VALUE [NAME VALUE]...
    <ENTER> xved window [current | default | next] NAME VALUE
        [NAME VALUE]...

Simple interface to setting XVed application and window attributes.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Description
 -- Querying Attribute Values
 -- Saving Application Values
 -- <ENTER> window
 -- See Also

-- Description --------------------------------------------------------

This command provides a convenient way of using -xved_value- from the
VED command line. (See REF *XVED for a detailed description of
-xved_value- and attributes.)

'<ENTER> xved' takes as its arguments zero or more "key words", used to
identify the type of the attributes, followed by a list of attribute
names and values. For example,

    <ENTER> xved application UsePwmMouseBindings true

is equivalent to

    true -> xved_value("application", "UsePwmMouseBindings");

If no key word is given, the default is "application". So, the above
example could be given as

    <ENTER> xved UsePwmMouseBindings true

If "window" is specified, the attribute specified is for a window. For
example, typing the following in XVed will set the status line
foreground colour to white and the status line background colour to
black in the current window.

    <ENTER> xved window statusForeground white statusBackground black

If the next argument after "window" is one of "current", "default" or
"next", then this is used to indicate whether the attributes relate to
the currentWindow, defaultWindow or nextWindow. The default is
"current". For example, to set the default background for windows to
blue, use:

    <ENTER> xved window default background blue

Some useful window attributes that you can change are:

    numRows         - length of the window in rows
    numColumns      - width of the window in columns
    foreground      - foreground colour
    background      - background colour
    font            - font used by the text of the window

-- Querying Attribute Values ------------------------------------------

If the value of an attribute is given as '?', this causes -ved_xved- to
report the current value for the attribute on the status line. For

    <ENTER> xved AutoCut ?

displays the value of the application attribute "AutoCut" on the status

    <ENTER> xved window numRows ? numColumns 60

displays the number of rows in the current window on the status line,
and resizes the window, setting the number of columns to 60.

-- Saving Application Attribute Values: <ENTER> savedefaults ----------

After changing application values, you can save them into your
.Xdefaults file by using '<ENTER> savedefaults'. They will then be used
for subsequent invocations of XVed. See HELP *VED_SAVEDEFAULTS for

-- <ENTER> window -----------------------------------------------------

Under XVed, '<ENTER> window' provides a similar degree of functionality
for setting window attributes. See HELP *VED_WINDOW for more

-- See Also -----------------------------------------------------------

    HELP *VED_WINDOW - Setting window attributes
    HELP *VED_SAVEDEFAULTS - Save XVed settings to disk
    REF *XVED - Detailed overview of XVed

--- C.x/x/ved/help/ved_xved ------------------------------------------
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------