HELP SUNXVEDKEYS                                   Adrian Howard June 91
                                         Updated: Adrian Howard Aug 1992

A guide to the XVed key bindings on Sun workstations.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)


-- INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------

XVed will normally attempt to determine the type of keyboard it is
attached to and apply appropriate key bindings. The key bindings
specific to Sun workstations are provided in the library LIB
*VEDSUNXVEDKEYS which, in combination with the key bindings in the
source file SRC * VEDXVEDKEYS.P, give the key bindings used by XVed on
Sun workstations. This file gives a description of these bindings.

-- MOTIF AND XVED -----------------------------------------------------

See HELP *XVEDKEYS for information on possible interactions between
Motif and XVed.

-- NOTATION -----------------------------------------------------------

The descriptions of the key bindings use the following notation:

    The single character generated by pressing the <CTRL> key and the
    "A" key simultaneously.

    ESC A
    The sequence of pressing and releasing the <ESCAPE> (ESC) key and
    then pressing the "A" key.

    The "X" key on the keypad (usually on the right hand side of the

    One of the function keys F1 to F9 at the top of the keyboard.

    One of the function keys L1 to L10 to the left of the keyboard.

    One of the function keys R1 to R15 to the right of the keyboard.

    The line-feed key.

    The back-space key.

    The delete or erase key.

-- KEY BINDINGS -------------------------------------------------------

Key         Function                                XVed Procedure
---         --------                                --------------

^h          Delete char under the cursor            veddotdelete
BS          Delete char under the cursor            veddotdelete
^?          Delete char to left of cursor           vedchardelete
DEL         Delete char to left of cursor           vedchardelete

HELP        Get help (defaults to ved_hkeys)        vedhelpkey
ESC HELP    Get help on the purpose of a key        ved_hkey

L2          Insert line above current line          vedlineabove
L3          Push position onto position stack       vedpushkey
L4          Insert line below current line          vedlinebelow
L5          Swap position with the top of stack     vedexchangeposition
L6          Compile the current line                vedloadline
L7          Pop position from the position stack    vedpopkey
L8          Redo the last command                   vedredocommand
L9          Switch between buffer and status line   vedstatusswitch
L10         Move to the status line                 vedenter

ESC L2      Clear range mark                        ved_crm
ESC L3      Toggle line breaking                    ved_break
ESC L4      Refresh the screen                      vedrefresh
ESC L5      Justify paragraph                       ved_jp
ESC L6      Toggle static mode                      vedsetstatic
ESC L7      Return to POP11                         ved_pop

F1          Mark start of a marked range            vedmarklo
F2          Mark end of a marked range              vedmarkhi
F3          Delete line to the left                 vedclearhead
F4          Delete the whole line                   vedlinedelete
F5          Delete line to the right                vedcleartail
F6          Delete word to the left                 vedwordleftdelete
F7          Delete word to the right                vedwordrightdelete
F8          Move a marked range                     ved_m
F9          Copy a marked range                     ved_m

ESC F1      Mark from the start of the file         ved_mbf
ESC F2      Mark from the end of the file           ved_mef
ESC F3      Yank a word from -vvedworddump-         ved_yankw
ESC F4      Yank a line from -vvedlinedump-         ved_yankl
ESC F5      Yank a word from -vvedworddump-         ved_yankw
ESC F6      Yank a word from -vvedworddump-         ved_yankw
ESC F7      Yank a word from -vvedworddump-         ved_yankw
ESC F8      Move range in from last file            ved_mi
ESC F9      Copy range in from last file            ved_ti

R1          Move to start of text line              vedtextleft
R2          Move up one screen                      vedscreenup
R3          Move to end of text line                vedtextright
R4          Move to the left screen edge            vedscreenleft
R5          Move down one screen                    vedscreendown
R6          Move to the right screen edge           vedscreenright
R7          Move cursor north-west one char         vedcharupleft
R8          Move cursor up one char                 vedcharup
R9          Move cursor north-east one char         vedcharupright
R10         Move cursor left one char               vedcharleft
R11         Acts as another ESCAPE key                   -
R12         Move cursor right one char              vedcharright
R13         Move one word to the left               vedwordleft
R14         Move cursor down one char               vedchardown
R15         Move one word to the right              vedwordright

ESC R1      Moves current line to top of window     vedtopwindow
ESC R2      Move to the top of the file             vedtopfile
ESC R3      Move to start of marked range           vedmarkfind
ESC R4      Move current line to middle of screen   vedmidwindow
ESC R5      Move to the bottom of the file          vedendfile
ESC R6      Move to the end of marked range         vedendrange
ESC R7      Move north-west several characters      vedcharupleftlots
ESC R8      Move cursor up several lines            vedcharuplots
ESC R9      Move north-east several characters      vedcharuprightlots
ESC R10     Move cursor left several lines          vedcharleftlots
ESC R11     Move current line to middle of screen   vedmidwindow
ESC R12     Move cursor right several lines         vedcharrightlots
ESC R13     Move south-west several characters      vedchardownleftlots
ESC R14     Move cursor down several lines          vedchardownlots
ESC R15     Move south-east several characters      vedchardownrightlots

ESC w       Toggle normal/double length window           -

-- SUN TYPE 4 KEYBOARDS -----------------------------------------------

On newer machines (eg. SPARCstations) with Type 4 keyboards, the numeric
keypad has some extra keys. These are bound as follows:

-           Redo the last command                   vedredocommand
+           Switch between buffer and status line   vedstatusswitch
ENTER       Move to the status line                 vedenter
0   [INS]   Move one word to the left               vedwordleft
.   [DEL]   Move one word to the right              vedwordright

On the Type 4 keyboard, the keys L6, L8 and L10 are also labelled
"Copy", "Paste" and "Cut". Normally, XVed will assign other functions to
these, as shown above. However, for compatibility with other
applications, setting the resource "EditKeysEnabled" to be true in the
user's X defaults file will cause these keys to be mapped to "Copy",
"Paste" and "Cut". See REF *XVED/EditKeysEnabled for more details.

-- RELATED DOCUMENTATION ----------------------------------------------

REF *XVED/Server Keyboard Setup - A description of keyboard setup in

HELP *XVEDKEYS - Default key bindings

HELP *DXVEDKEYS   - Key bindings for DECwindows terminal
HELP *NCDXVEDKEYS - Key bindings for NCD X terminal
HELP *HPXVEDKEYS  - Key bindings for HP workstations
HELP *VEDKEYS     - Default key bindings for all terminals

--- C.x/x/ved/help/sunxvedkeys
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1993. All rights reserved. ----------