HELP PWMTOXVED                                   Jason Handby  July 1991

This file is to help users familiar with the POPLOG Window Manager (PWM)
to get started with using XVed.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Introduction
 -- Starting XVed
 -- Keyboard input and screen output
 -- Using the mouse
 -- Graphics programming under XVed

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

XVed is a full line-based editor for X Windows. In many respects, XVed
appears similar to the PWM. It is important to realize that the
underlying operations of the two are *very* different. In particular,
many programs written for the PWM (and VED) will not work correctly
under XVed. Also see REF *XVED/Caveat

Detailed documentation regarding XVed can be found in REF *XVED

-- Starting XVed ------------------------------------------------------

To enable XVed, use the following:

    % pop11

    : uses xved         ;;; messages may appear; this may take some time
    : xvedsetup();

For detailed information on starting XVed, refer to the section titled
"Loading and Running XVed" in REF *XVED

(IF you have problems loading XVed, refer to the section titled "If You
Have Loading Problems" in HELP *XVED

-uses xved- loads the XVed editor. The procedure -xvedsetup- performs
various initialization actions.

XVed is now ready for use. Typing

    : ved               ;;; or "teach", "ref", "help"...

will start XVed.

Unlike the PWM, which starts the POPLOG system in a new window, XVed
uses the original window from which pop11 was run as the base window.
After typing

    : ved

as above, a new window will be opened containing the vedbuffer for the
file 'temp.p'. In the base window, the pop prompt will have appeared
underneath the command line just typed.

-- Keyboard input and screen output -----------------------------------

Input from the keyboard is directed to a window, in accordance with the
current input focus. (The way in which your window manager decides the
input focus may vary; two common flavours are "whichever window the
mouse pointer is in", and "the last window the mouse pointer was clicked

When the input focus is moved to an XVed window, then that window
becomes active (exactly as if the buffer had been selected from within
VED, eg. with -vedfileselect-). In addition, the base window is still
usable while XVed is running.

The base window is not created by XVed. It will normally be some kind of
terminal emulator (eg. an xterm). This means that XVed cannot produce
graphics, etc. in the base window. Also, any output produced by a
program which would normally be sent to a terminal (eg. writing to
-poprawdevout-) will appear in the base window, *regardless* of which
XVed window is currently active.

-- Using the mouse ----------------------------------------------------

Under XVed, mouse buttons can be "bound" in the same manner as keyboard
keys, via an extension to the -vedset- notation. (See the section titled
"Use of VEDSET to set key and mouse bindings" in REF *XVED). The default
bindings for the mouse are described in HELP *XVEDMOUSE

Users who are used to the PWM may wish to set the value of the
UsePwmMouseBindings resource to -true-, which will make the mouse
bindings more like those provided by LIB *VEDMICE.

-- Graphics programming under XVed ------------------------------------

For programmers with little experience of X Windows, REF *X provides a
general overview of the X Windows architecture.

The facilities provided by POPLOG for use in the X environment are
documented in TEACH *XTOOLKIT and HELP *XTOOLKIT. REF *XTOOLKIT contains
more technical information.

LIB *RC_GRAPHIC and its associated extras provide a more straightforward
interface to the X Toolkit, with a similar degree of functionality to
the facilities documented in HELP *PWMGRAPHICS. See TEACH *RC_GRAPHIC
for more information.

--- C.x/x/ved/help/pwmtoxved -----------------------------------------
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------