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TEACH TELNETKEYS                                   Aaron Sloman Dec 1999


 -- Introduction: using Ved in "dumb terminal" mode
 -- Working without function keys
 -- Handling multiple buffers

-- Introduction: using Ved in "dumb terminal" mode --------------------

If you use telnet to log through to a machine running Ved you may be on
a terminal where the function keys do not work as you expect them to,
e.g. because the machine does not distinguish the "ENTER" key and the
"RETURN" key, and the arrow keys may not work as expected.

The key combinations described below do not require any special function
keys or arrow keys: you can get by using only the Contrl and Esc keys,
along with normal typewriter keys (alphabetic, numeric and symbol keys).

You may also find that you cannot use XVed either because you are not
using a machine that supports X window facilities, or because the
connection is too slow or for some other reason.

In that situation you may find it useful to use VED in its "dumb
terminal" mode where there is always only one window in which everything
is visible, though VED allows you to have that window divided
horizontally in two, so that you can see two files at a time.

You can have more than two files in the editor, e.g. a teach file,
some help files, your program file, and the output file, but only two of
them visible at any time. You can then switch to looking at one of the
non-visible files using the techniques described below.

-- Working without function keys --------------------------------------

You can use the following key combinations to perform functions that are
normally performed using special function keys.

Here the symbol "^" means

    "hold down the Control key while you click on the key shown.

e.g. "^G" means hold down Control and then tap the G key. The control
key should go down first, and should remain down until after you have
pressed the other key.

The symbol "ESC" means

    Press and then release the key marked "Esc" or "Escape"

Notice that in the former case the first key remains held down while the
second is pressed, whereas in the second case you release the first key
before pressing the second key. Here are some of the most useful
combinations of Control and Escape keys with other keys.


        ^G  Enter a command                       ENTER
    ESC ^G  Switch to/from command line           SWITCHSTATUS
ESC RETURN  Redo command on command line          REDOCOMMAND

        ^P  Move up one line                      CHARUP        uP
        ^N  Move down one line                    CHARDOWN      dowN
        ^B  Move left one character               CHARLEFT      Back
        ^F  Move right one character              CHARRIGHT     Forward

    ESC ^P  Move up several lines                 CHARUPLOTS
    ESC ^N  Move down several lines               CHARDOWNLOTS
    ESC ^B  Move left several characters          CHARLEFTLOTS
    ESC ^F  Move right several characters         CHARRIGHTLOTS

     ESC b  Move left one word                    WORDLEFT
     ESC f  Move right one word                   WORD RIGHT

     ESC v  Screen up                             SCREENUP
        ^V  Screen down                           SCREENDOWN

        ^A  Move to left edge of screen           SCREENLEFT
    ESC ^E  Move to right edge of screen          SCREENRIGHT
    ESC ^A  Move to start of line                 TEXTLEFT
        ^E  Move to end of line                   TEXTRIGHT
        LF  Move to start of next line            NEXTLINE

     ESC m  Mark start of range                   MARKLO
     ESC M  Mark end of range                     MARKHI
     ESC C  Mark the current procedure            ENTER mcp

     ESC g  Go to start of marked range           MARKFIND
     ESC G  Go to end of marked range             ENDRANGE

        ^R  Delete character under cursor         DOTDELETE
       DEL  Delete character to left of cursor    CHARDELETE

        ^W  Delete word to left of cursor         WORDLEFTDELETE
        ^U  Delete line to left of cursor         CLEARHEAD

     ^K ^B  Delete word to left of cursor         WORDLEFTDELETE
     ^K ^F  Delete word to right of cursor        WORDRIGHTDELETE
     ^K ^A  Delete line to left of cursor         CLEARHEAD
     ^K ^E  Delete line to right of cursor        CLEARTAIL
     ^K ^K  Delete current line                   LINEDELETE
     ^K ^D  Delete marked range                   ENTER d

     ESC w  Toggle half/full-screen window        SETWINDOW
     ESC x  Switch to other window                SWAPFILES

     ESC e  Enter file selection menu             FILESELECT
     ESC q  Quit the current file                 ENTER q

     ESC c  Compile the current procedure         ENTER lcp
     ESC d  Compile the current line              LOADLINE
        ^D  Compile the marked range              ENTER lmr

-- Handling multiple buffers ------------------------------------------

The following file gives useful information on how to cope with multile
buffers in VED when you cannot see all of the files at once.


--- $poplocal/local/teach/telnetkeys
--- Copyright University of Birmingham 1999. All rights reserved. ------