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TEACH SHOWARRAY                            David Young, January 1988

LIB SHOWARRAY is a library to print rectangular regions of arrays of
numbers, either as tables of numerical values or as rectangular blocks
of characters (with special provision for showing zero-crossings). It
may be used, up to a point, to inspect arrays representing images.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- General
 -- Simple use
 -- General interface
 -- Resizing
 -- Characters and value ranges
 -- Underlying procedures
 -- Global variables
 -- Looking at large arrays
 -- Sending the output to a file

-- General ------------------------------------------------------------

Only 2-dimensional arrays (see HELP * ARRAYS) may be printed. The first
index into an array specifies the x-coordinate or column, increasing
from left to right, and the second index specifies the y-coordinate or
row, increasing from top to bottom (though this latter direction may be
reversed if necessary). The library is intended to be used mainly with
arrays storing numerical values.

Arrays, or parts of arrays, may be printed as

    - tables of numbers:

             2.00 2.24 2.45 2.65 2.83 3.00
             2.24 2.45 2.65 2.83 3.00 3.16
             2.45 2.65 2.83 3.00 3.16 3.32

    - blocks of characters, in which different characters stand for
    different ranges of numerical values:


    - graphics characters representing zero-crossing positions.

The second sort of output can provide a surprisingly good 'picture' on
most terminals and printers, if the characters used are graded so that
'brighter' characters, like '#', stand for higher values.

The last sort of output can't be shown in this file as the characters
used are terminal-dependent.

In the simplest sort of printing, each value or each character stands
for one element of the array. Sometimes it is convenient to compress or
expand the representation, for instance in order to make it fit on a
terminal screen, or to make a block of the array with equal numbers of
rows and columns print as a square on the screen. The library has
facilities for stretching and compressing arrays both horizontally and
vertically to achieve any desired scaling.

When blocks of characters are being printed, each character usually has
to stand for a range of values. A variety of ways of establishing this
mapping is provided.

The library can also print simple axes, so that the positions of
features in an array can be read off.

-- Simple use ---------------------------------------------------------

Three routines give a simple interface, when great flexibility is not
required. If axes are required, assign <true> to the global variable
SA_PRINT_AXES. If the array needs to be printed the other way up (ie the
y-index increasing upwards), assign <true> to SA_YUP.



This procedure prints out the whole of an array with one number per
element. It is not suitable for large arrays. An attempt is made to
print a sensible number of decimal places. (See details below of the
variable SA_SIGFIGS for how to change the number of digits printed.)

For example:

    vars arr;
    newarray([1 10 2 4], nonop +) -> arr;   ;;; See HELP * NEWARRAY

will print out:

      3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
      4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
      5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14


    sa_simple_asis (<array>)

This procedure prints the whole of an array with one character per
element, using a standard set of characters. (See details of the
variable SA_GREYS for how to change the characters used.) It is not
suitable for large arrays.

For example:

    newarray([1 8 1 8],nonop +) -> arr;


Note that this has 8 rows and 8 columns, but isn't square on the screen
(unless you have a very unusual terminal) because characters are higher
than they are wide.

Here '#' represents the largest values, down to a space character for
the smallest. If you print another array using SA_SIMPLE_ASIS a given
character won't necessarily represent the same value range. The
characters represent equal ranges of values, covering the entire spread
from the largest to the smallest value in the array being printed.


    sa_simple_fitscreen (<array>)

This behaves similarly but adjusts the size of the block of characters
to fill the screen as far as possible, whilst trying to make its shape
correspond to the 'shape' of the array. Thus the 8 x 8 array defined
above will print as a large block of text which should be almost square,
and which will stretch either right across the screen or from top to
bottom. With a small array like that, each array element will be
represented by a block of characters, whereas for a large array each
character will represent the average valuye of a block of array
elements. This procedure can thus be useful for getting an overview of a
large array, though of course definition will be lost.

Again, the assignment of value ranges to characters will vary from array
to array, and the actual characters used can be changed using SA_GREYS.
See the description of the variable SA_ASPECT_RATIO for how to change
the shape of the block of characters on the screen.

-- General interface --------------------------------------------------

This procedure provides a more flexible interface, giving greater
control over the way the array is printed.

    showarray (<array>, <region_spec>, <resize_spec>, <type_spec>,

The arguments to this are:

<array> - A 2-dimensional array of numbers.

    - specifies the part of the array that is to be printed. If this is
    a list, it specifies the region of the array in the same way as the
    first argument to * NEWARRAY specifies the bounds of the original
    array. Eg if <region_spec> is [2 6 3 9] then columns 2 to 6 and rows
    3 to 9 inclusive will be printed. If this argument is not a list,
    the whole of the array is printed.

    - specifies the size and shape of the block of characters. If it is
    not a list or vector, or the word "fitscreen", then one character is
    printed for each element. If it is a list or vector then it must
    have 2 or 3 elements and:

        The first element gives the maximum number of columns of
        The second element gives the maximum number of rows of printing.
        The third element, if present, gives the aspect ratio.

    See the explanation of resizing below.

    If the word "fitscreen" is given, then an attempt is made to make
    the block of printing fit neatly on the screen, with the aspect
    ratio set to SA_ASPECT_RATIO.

    - specifies the assignment of value ranges to characters. It must be
    a list or one of the following words: EVEN, LOG, HISTO, FIG, DIFF,
    SIGN, NUMS or ZEROS (in lower case). For an explanation of these,
    see below.

    - A string of the characters to be used in printing. The first
    character in the string will represent smaller values than the
    second, and so on.

As a simple example, this call to SHOWARRAY will do the same as a call to

    showarray(arr, "whole", "asis", "even", sa_greys);

(Here the words WHOLE and ASIS could be replaced by FALSE or anything
that isn't a list or vector.)

This call will print the zero-crossings for the whole of an array:

    showarray(arr, "whole", "asis", "zeros", '');

though there are no zero-crossings in the example array we have been
using - a test array with a zero crossings could be generated by

    newarray([-5 5 -5 5],nonop *) -> arr;

-- Resizing -----------------------------------------------------------

Resizing is particularly intended for use when the output is blocks of
characters (including zero-crossings). It works with numerical output
too, but this description will be in terms of character blocks.

The resizing argument to SHOWARRAY may be used to determine how big the
block of printout should be. If the word "fitscreen" is given (or
SA_SIMPLE_FITSCREEN is called) then the number of rows is reduced
relative to the number of columns by a factor equal to SA_ASPECT_RATIO
(which is user assignable). Thus suppose the whole of an array of 215
rows and 215 columns is to be printed. If the block of text had the same
number of rows as columns its height would be much greater than its
width (on most terminals). To make it look square on a terminal on which
the characters are 2.15 times as high as they are wide, 215 columns and
100 rows could be printed. Setting SA_ASPECT_RATIO to 2.15 (the default)
will achieve this ratio of columns to rows.

In fact, 215 columns and 100 rows is more than most screens can display.
Once the ratio of columns to rows in the printout has been established,
the "fitscreen" option causes the array to be shrunk or expanded to fit
on the screen as well as possible. As the ratio of rows to columns has
been fixed already, the character block will usually be limited either
by the width of the screen, or by the height of the screen, but not by

When the size of the character block has been established, the values of
the original array are either averaged or repeated locally to force a
match to the required size.

More control can be exerted if a list or vector is passed in the
<resize_spec> argument to SHOWARRAY. The third element then specifies
the aspect ratio to be used. In general, if the array (or the region of
it as specified in the <region_spec> argument) has M columns and N rows,
and the aspect ratio is A, then the ratio of columns to rows in the
character block will be close to (M*A)/N. (If the list or vector has
only two elements the aspect ratio defaults to unity, NOT to

The first and second elements of the list or vector specify the maximum
width and height respectively of the block of characters. Either the
width of the block will equal the maximum width, or the height will
equal the maximum height, depending on the aspect ratio. By making
maximum width very large, the size of the block can be made to depend on
the specified maximum height, and vice versa.

-- Characters and value ranges ----------------------------------------

When printing out blocks of characters, it is not usually possible to
have a different character for each different value stored in an array.
The range of values which is represented by each character is
established by the <type_spec> argument to SHOWARRAY. The argument may
be a list to set up the ranges explicitly (see below under SA_PRINT) or
it may be a word giving one of a series of options. In the descriptions
of the options, read 'region' for 'array' if the <region_spec> argument
is being used.

    - The range between the largest value and the smallest value in the
    array (or region to be printed) is divided into equal parts and one
    character assigned to each. The first character in the <char_string>
    argument is assigned to the smallest values, the last to the
    largest. Eg, if the array has values from 1 to 90, and <char_string>
    is '.x#', then a '.' will be printed for values from 1 to 30, an 'x'
    for values from 31 to 60, and a '#' for values from 61 to 90.

    - This is the same as taking the logarithm of every entry in the
    array, then using the EVEN option. Eg if the array has values from 1
    to 1000, and <char_string> is '.x#', then a '.' will be printed for
    values from 1 to 10, an 'x' for values greater than 10 up to 100,
    and a '#' for values greater than 100 up to 1000. If this option is
    used, all the values in the array must be greater than 0.

    - The value ranges are chosen so as to attempt to equalise the
    number of times each character in <char_string> is printed. This is
    known as 'histogram equalisation'. The first character in the string
    still represents the smallest values. In general the ranges for
    different characters will be different sizes. Eg if an array
    contained the value 1 in 20 elements and the values 2, 3 and 4 in 5
    elements each, and if <char_string> was 'x#', then 'x' will be
    printed for the value 1 and '#' for any of the values 2, 3 or 4. (The
    EVEN option would give 1 and 2 to 'x' and 3 and 4 to '#'.)

    - If this is specified, each different value in the array is printed
    as a different character, taken from <char_string> with the first
    character standing for the smallest value. If there are more
    different values in the array than there are characters in the
    string, a mishap will result, so this can only be used for arrays
    with a small variety of values.

fig -
    This allows each value to be printed as its most significant digit.
    If only the integers 0 to 9 are present in the array, then the
    character printed will just be one of the characters '0' to '9' as
    appropriate. If the numbers have fractional parts, then these will
    be ignored and only the integer part will print, except for numbers
    between 0.1 and 1.0, where 'a' will stand for numbers from 0.1 to
    just under 0.2, 'b' for 0.2 to just under 0.3 and so on. If the
    largest number in the array is greater than or equal to 10, then the
    printout will be as if all the numbers had been divided by a power
    of 10 to bring the maximum to somewhere between 1 and 10. Negative
    numbers print as spaces. The <char_string> argument must be present
    but is ignored.

    - The character '-' is printed for values less than 0, otherwise '+'
    is printed. <char_string> must be present, but is ignored.

    - Graphics characters are used (where possible) to show the position
    of zero crossings in the array (ie places where adjacent elements
    have opposite signs). Warning: resizing a large array can cause
    big disruption of the small-scale zero-crossings. <char_string> must
    be present, but is ignored.

General warning: if resizing is in operation, the mapping from values to
characters is done after resizing the array. If fewer characters are
printed than there are array elements, the averaging process may change
the mapping compared to that produced when the array is printed one for

-- Underlying procedures ----------------------------------------------

It is useful to be able to use the underlying procedures when the
general-purpose interface SHOWARRAY does not provide enough flexibility.
For instance, if the same value to character mappings are required for
different arrays, they can be saved and reused, or if a large array is
to be printed in a number of ways it can be resized once and different
character mappings applied.


    sa_limit(<array>,<region_spec>,<xlim>,<ylim>,<aspect>) -> <newarray>

This resizes an array following the rules in the "resizing" section
above. A new array of the required dimensions is returned but no
printing is done. <array> and <region_spec> are as in SHOWARRAY, and the
<xlim>, <ylim> and <aspect> arguments are the same as the components of
the <resize_spec> argument to SHOWARRAY described above.


    sa_resize(<array>,<region_spec>,<newsize>) -> <newarray>

This is the underlying resizing procedure, which does averaging or
repetition to force a region of an array to a particular size. <array>
is the array, <region_spec> is as in SHOWARRAY, and <newsize> is the
boundslist of the new array, which is returned. Thus the call

    sa_resize(arr,[5 10 50 100],[1 10 1 10]) -> newarray;

will (if ARR is big enough) return a 10 x 10 array in which columns 5 to
10 of the original array have been stretched out and rows 50 to 100 of
the original array have been squeezed down to fit.



This is the underlying printing procedure for character blocks. The
first two arguments are as in SHOWARRAY. The third is a list specifying
how characters are mapped onto value ranges, and has the format:

    [char_1 val_1 char_2 val_2 ... char_n-1 val_n-1 char_n]

where there are n characters, and the values are in increasing order. A
value in the array which is greater than or equal to val_i and less than
val_i+1 will be printed as char_i. (Any value less than val_1 will print
as char_1 and any value greater than or equal to val_n-1 will print as
char_n.) So for example if <levels_&_chars> is

    [`a` 10 `b` 20 `c` 30 `d`]

and the array has only integers in it, then 9 or less will print as 'a',
10 to 19 will print as 'b', 20 to 29 will print as 'c' and 30 and over
will print as 'd'. If the array has non-integer numbers, then anything
up to but not including 10 will print as 'a', and so on.

SA_PRINT can't print zero-crossings. The procedure to do that is only
accessible via SHOWARRAY, with ZEROS as the <type_spec> argument.

If an array element is a string or a word, the first character will be
printed regardless of the <levels_&_chars> argument.


        -> <levels_&_chars>

The arguments are as for SHOWARRAY (except that <type_spec> may not be
ZEROS or NUMS), but rather than doing any printing this routine returns
a <levels_&_chars> list suitable for passing to SA_PRINT. If <type_spec>
is a list it is returned unchanged; otherwise it must be one of the
words listed under 'Characters and value ranges'. Routine SHOWARRAY
calls SA_CHARS after it has used SA_LIMIT to do any resizing needed.



This is the underlying procedure to print a table of numerical values.
<array> and <region_spec> are as for SHOWARRAY, <integer1> and
<integer2> are as for * PRNUM. This calls SA_PRINT, and is called by
SHOWARRAY with what should be sensible defaults for the two integers.

-- Global variables ---------------------------------------------------

    - is initialised to a suitable string of characters for some
    terminals, but may need modifying to suit others (particularly those
    that use black on white). SA_SIMPLE_ASIS and SA_SIMPLE_FITSCREEN
    refer to it; it may be used as the <char_string> argument to
    SHOWARRAY and other routines.

    - is used by SA_PRINT to decide which way up to print the array. It
    is initialised to <false> unless it has been set before the library
    is loaded.

    - is the default aspect ratio for SA_SIMPLE_FITSCREEN and the
    FITSCREEN option in SHOWARRAY. It is initialised to a suitable value
    for a Visual 200 and may need to be modified for other terminals.

    - determines the maximum number of significant figures printed for
    each value by SA_SIMPLE_NUMS and the NUMS option to SHOWARRAY. It is
    intialised to 6. Ignored by SA_PRNUMS.


    - is initialised to <false>. If set to <true>, axes showing row and
    column numbers will be printed above or below and to the left of the
    output. These numbers refer to rows and columns in the original
    array, before any resizing. Each number on the horizontal axis
    should be read from top to bottom.

    If a list is assigned to this variable, it must contain 4 elements
    and will be taken to specify the values to give the axis numbers,
    overriding the array row and column numbers. The first two elements
    give the values of the left and right hand ends of the horizontal
    axis and the last two the values of the top and bottom ends of the
    vertical axis. (Bottom and top ends if SA_YUP is true.) The axes'
    ends are taken to be half a character outside the range of printed
    characters - ie at the positions on the page where you would draw a
    box round the main output.

    - is initialised to false. If set to <true>, the array will be
    assumed to hold integers representing character codes. No character
    replacement will be done - <type_spec> arguments will be ignored. It
    does not make sense to use resizing while this is true. It is mainly
    intended for internal use by the library.

-- Looking at large arrays --------------------------------------------

Sometimes it is desirable to look at large arrays without resizing them.
One way is to use the <region_spec> argument to look at the array
piecemeal, through small windows as it were. Another way is to get a
large block of characters into a VED buffer and then to move about it
using the cursor movement commands.

If you try this from VED, you will find it takes a long time, because
(at the time of writing), VED is very slow at sideways scrolling and
insists on doing a lot of it. One way round this is to send the output
to a file and then read it into VED again - see the next section.

-- Sending the output to a file ---------------------------------------

Since SA_PRINT uses * CUCHAROUT, you can just reassign to this variable
in order to send the characters direct to a file. (Note that this does
not provide a good means of storing an array.) To close the file, apply
CUCHAROUT to TERMIN. For instance

    discout('temp') -> cucharout;

Don't forget to delete the file when you've finished with it.

See Also


--- C.all/teach/showarray ----------------------------------------------
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1988. All rights reserved. ----------