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TEACH POPNOTES                          Aaron Sloman Max Clowes, May 1981

=== SOME NOTES ON FEATURES OF POP11 ==================================


         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- REPEAT number TIMES action ENDREPEAT
 -- UNTIL condition DO action ENDUNTIL
 -- WHILE condition DO action ENDWHILE
 -- FOR init STEP step TILL condition DO action ENDFOR
 -- MATCHing on a corpus of lists - the DATABASE concept
 -- Retrieving all the items PRESENT which match a pattern

-- ITERATION -----------------------------------------------------------

There are many occasions upon which we will need to repeat some action or
actions many times over. For example in scanning a list or changing something
in small steps. There are a number of constructions designed to allow an
economical expression of these sorts of operations. They are usually called
'Loop Statements'.

-- REPEAT number TIMES action ENDREPEAT --------------------------------

The REPEAT statement is appropriate where you can express the extent of the
repetition in terms of the number of times it will need to be done. Thus

    : repeat 6 times
    :   99 * 9 =>
    : endrepeat;

does a bit of arithmetic six times. The 'action' can include as many
operations as you like between the TIMES and ENDREPEAT. Further the <number>
can be a variable or a more complex expression. e.g.

    : repeat random(20) times
    :   [another random number] =>
    :   random(100) =>
    : endrepeat

-- UNTIL condition DO action ENDUNTIL ----------------------------------

A more common requirement is repetition of some <action> until some
<condition> is satisfied, for instance, increasing X until it is bigger than

    : vars x, y, z;
    : 3 -> x; 99 -> y; 4 -> z;
    : until x > y do
    :   z + y -> x;
    :   x =>
    : enduntil;

REPEAT and UNTIL are both 'looping constructions' and as such involve an
underlying conditional statement. The action in the UNTIL loop,

    : x + y -> x

will be performed if the <condition> is FALSE. After performing it POP11
treats the following ENDUNTIL or ENDREPEAT as an instruction to 'loop back'
to the head of the statement - the UNTIL part - and test that <condition>
again. When the <condition> is TRUE, POP11 skips over both the <action> and
the closing bracket to perform the next specified command. Any number of
<action>s can be inserted in the DO... segment of all loop statements. We can
translate our first REPEAT into an UNTIL, thus:

    : vars num; 1 -> num;
    : until num > 6
    : do    99 * 9 =>
    :   num+1 -> num
    : enduntil;

-- WHILE condition DO action ENDWHILE ----------------------------------

This is similar to UNTIL except that the <action> will continue to be
performed while the <condition> remains <TRUE>

    : while picture(xposition, yposition) = space do
    :   jump(1)
    : endwhile;

Thus 'UNTIL condition DO' is equivalent to 'WHILE NOT(condition) DO'; use
whichever feels more natural.

-- FOR init STEP step TILL condition DO action ENDFOR ------------------

This construction is a variant on UNTIL where you want to separate out the
step-by-step incrementing that is being performed in the <action>. Thus to
count backwards from 10 we might use the construction:

    : for   10 -> num
    : step  num - 1 -> num
    : till  num = 0
    : do    num =>
    : endfor;
    ** 10
    ** 9
    ** 8
    ** 1

which could be written in UNTIL form as:

    : 10 -> num;
    : until num = 0 do
    :   num =>
    :   num - 1 -> num
    : enduntil;

Notice that neither version will print 0. As soon as the condition is true
the action is terminated.

-- ITERATING ON LISTS --------------------------------------------------

Another common need for iteration is in list processing, specifically in the
serial 'scanning' of the elements of a list. The following
is a typical loop construction to print out the elements of a list:

    : [a b c d] -> list;
    : until list = [] do
    :   hd(list) =>
    :   tl(list) -> list
    : enduntil;
    ** a
    ** b
    ** c
    ** d

You would be well advised to try this piece of POP11 on the computer.

Try also the central action of that fragment:

    : tl(list) -> list;
    : list =>

but make sure that LIST contains something before you do. The action

    : tl(list)->list

causes LIST to be given the value TL(LIST). TL is given the old value as
LIST. From that it produces as result a list containing all but the initial
element. The new list (the TAIL) is assigned to LIST.

For more on this, try TEACH LISTS;

Another typical use of iteration is to accumulate some total:

    : vars list, total;
    : 0 -> total;
    : [3 5 7] -> list;
    : until list = [] do
    :   total + hd(list) -> total;
    :   tl(list) -> list
    : enduntil;
    : total =>
    ** 15

An alternative and more widely used method is to recursively TL the list. The
recursive technique has the great advantage that any iteration written as a
recursive procedure can be TRACEd. Constructions utilising loops (REPEAT,
WHILE, UNTIL, FOR) do not admit of easy monitoring through TRACE.

-- MORE LIST PROCESSING ------------------------------------------------

-- REPRESENTATIONS -----------------------------------------------------

The basic thesis of AI's approach to the study of human intelligence is that
computation provides a good - perhaps the best - way to REPRESENT the
processes we call thinking, seeing, reasoning, speaking, learning. And a
crucial ingredient of the computational forms used in much AI research to
represent mentation is the LIST. For instance, the POP11 database (see below)
is defined as a list of lists.

There are many tasks where we will need to choose an element from a pool of
items e.g. from a deck of 'Court' cards like King of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds

    : oneof([kh jd qc qh as]) =>
    ** qc

ONEOF actually chooses at random, and typing the same thing again will not
necessarily produce the same result.
    : repeat 5 times
    :   oneof([kh jd qc qh as]) =>
    : endrepeat;

The nice thing here is that lists are 'elastic', they aren't designed to hold
an item of a fixed size or type.

More important still is the way that lists can be used to represent mental
STRUCTURES, for example the structure of a sentence.


This idea of a list structure flows from the fact that an element of a list
can itself be a list. These brief remarks do not do justice to the topic,
they are intended only as motivation for what is inevitably rather a formal
presentation. You may like to read Raphael, THE THINKING COMPUTER, Ch2

-- BASIC OPERATIONS ON LISTS -------------------------------------------

(a) Specifying the contents of a list - [] and ^

    : vars box;
    : [shoes tins brushes] -> box;

declares a variable BOX and gives it a value which is a list containing three

    : vars cupboard;
    : [box blanket pillow] -> cupboard;

Will similarly construct a list of three items.

    : cupboard =>
    ** [box blanket pillow]

How does POP11 know that the 'BOX' referred to here is not the variable we
declared earlier but the literal word "BOX"? The answer is - 'By convention'.

The square brackets are used where the items listed are to be understood
literally and not read as names of other things (e.g. other lists) or as
procedures that will yield something we want put into the list. I.e.
inside the square brackets words are QUOTED. If we wanted that mention
of 'BOX' to denote the list that BOX contains then we must indicate that
it is the value of BOX rather than its literal form that  is to be used.

    : [^box blanket pillow] -> cupboard;
    : cupboard =>
    ** [[shoes tins brushes] blanket pillow]

The use of "^" signals 'value of' to POP11. Of course we could construct
this list without the "^":

    : [[shoes tins brushes] blanket pillow]-> cupboard;

And evaluation really does mean 'evaluating'!

    : vars x y; 3 -> x; 4 -> y;
    : [the sum of x and y is x+y] =>
    ** [the sum of x and y is x+y]

Here POP11 has not evaluated X,Y but simply quoted them. But if we use
"^" appropriately:

    : [the sum of ^x and ^y is ^(x+y)]=>
    ** [the sum of 3 and 4 is 7]

POP11 has evaluated X, Y and the arithmetic expression X+Y, and it is the
results of the evaluations that appear in the list.


On some terminals the up-arrow looks like a little upside-down 'V'. On others
the keyboard uses an arrow pointing up. Notice that if the uparrow is to
precede a complex expression, the expression must be surrounded by

(b) Joining lists together - <>

Lists-within-lists is an important feature but we'll also need to join lists
end-to-end. The concatenation symbol <> is constructed from two keyboard
characters, the "greater-than" and "less-than" signs. It is placed between
the lists that we want joined in a similar fashion to the use of + between
numbers we want added

    : [box] <> [cupboard] =>
    ** [box cupboard]
    : [a b] <> [c d e] <> [f] =>
    ** [a b c d e f]

If we want the two lists that are in BOX and CUPBOARD joined together then we
need to use the variable names 'unprotected' as it were by the '[' and ']'
brackets that turn those names into quoted words:

    : box <> cupboard =>
    ** [shoes tins brushes [shoes tins brushes] blanket pillow]

Note that the original lists are unchanged by this:

    : box =>
    ** [shoes tins brushes]
    : cupboard =>
    ** [[shoes tins brushes] blanket pillow]

The operator <> creates a new list, by copying. Strictly, it is redundant,
since you can always get the same effect by using list brackets and the "^^"
prefix. E.g.

    box <> cupboard             IS THE SAME AS  [^^box ^^cupboard]
    [^^box ^^(tl(cupboard))]    IS THE SAME AS  box <> tl(cupboard)

(c) Accessing list elements - HD, TL

The items in a list can be accessed one at a time, using the procedure 'HD'
(pronounced 'Head'). The HD of a list is its first element, thus

    : hd(box) =>
    ** shoes

Note that SHOES is not itself a list. It is a word. We can also store numbers
in lists

    : hd([351 two 79 rubbish]) =>
    ** 351

The first element may be a LIST as for example

    : hd(cupboard)=>
    ** [shoes tins brushes]

And the HD of that list is "SHOES".

Getting access to anything other than this first element requires us to
combine together successive applications of HD or of HD and the other basic
procedure TL (Pronounced 'Tail'). Thus:

    : hd(hd(cupboard)) =>
    ** shoes

POP11 tackles this in several stages working from THE INSIDE OUT.

    1) ...(...(CUPBOARD))
        gets the value of CUPBOARD, which is the list:

    2) ...(HD(...))
        Then do the first (innermost) HD to it.
        The first element of the list above is:
            [SHOES TINS BRUSHES]
        which is now available for:

    3) HD(...(...))
        Then do the final (outer) HD operation to select its first element
        which is the the word:

An alternative to using HD is to pretend that the list variable e.g. CUPBOARD
is a PROCEDURE and apply it to the number 1 to get the first element. E.g.

    : cupboard(1) =>
    ** [shoes tins brushes]

Similarly to get the second and subsequent elements

    : cupboard(2) =>
    ** blanket
    : cupboard(3) =>
    ** pillow

But CUPBOARD(4) will produce a mishap message.

To get the second element of the first element of CUPBOARD do:

    : cupboard(1)(2) =>
    ** tins

The procedure TL (TaiL) is the list minus its first element (i.e. NOT just the
second element.):

    : tl(cupboard)=>
    ** [blanket pillow]
    : hd(tl(cupboard)) =>
    ** blanket
    : hd(tl(tl(cupboard)))=>
    ** pillow

Notice that TL always returns a LIST (unless you apply it to an empty list).

    : tl(box)=>
    ** [tins brushes]
    : tl([onething])=>
    ** []

What do you think the following will do? ([] is an empty list.)

    : tl([]) =>

Notice the lack of symmetry between HD and TL. HD(BOX) is the same as BOX(1).
But TL(BOX) is not the same as BOX(2): it is a list of remaining elements, or
[] if there aren't any more.

Moving around lists using HD and TL appears clumsy and laborious viewed in
terms of these nested procedure calls. But when used within procedures that
are designed to manipulate list formats that we as programmers have designed,
the consistency and simplicity of these two primitive operations becomes more
attractive, although as we shall see we have much more global ways of
accessing list contents - the MATCH procedure. Underneath these more powerful
modes of list processing there is however the basic operations of HD and TL.

The library procedure LAST (actually defined in terms of HD and TL) takes a
list and produces its last element:

    : last(cupboard) =>
    ** pillow

For more detail, see:

    R.Barrett A.Ramsay, A.Sloman
    Pop-11: A practical language for Artificial Intelligence
    Ellis Horwood and John Wiley, 1985.

-- PROCEDURES AND LISTS ------------------------------------------------

Getting to the bottom of a list by nested calls of TL as in
HD(TL(TL(CUPBOARD))) looks very clumsy. What would a procedure look like
which traverses a list printing out each element as it progresses?

    : define traverse(list);
    :   if  list = [] then
    :       'finished' =>
    :   else
    :       hd(list) =>
    :       traverse(tl(list))
    :   endif;
    : enddefine;

    : traverse(box);
    ** shoes
    ** tins
    ** brushes
    ** 'finished'

You may find it a little easier to understand the following version, which is
strictly equivalent. ("/=" means "is not equal to")

    : define traverse(list);
    :   if  list /= [] then
    :       hd(list) =>
    :       traverse(tl(list))
    :   else
    :       'finished' =>
    :   endif;
    : enddefine;

To see the mechanics of TRAVERSE and in particular how that call of TL(LIST)
in the ELSE branch works lets use TRACE -

    : trace traverse;
    : traverse(box);
    >traverse [shoes tins brushes]
    ** shoes
    !>traverse [tins brushes]
    ** tins
    !!>traverse [brushes]
    ** brushes
    !!!>traverse []
    ** 'finished'

TRAVERSE is being called recursively. That is each time the condition for
completion 'LIST = []' is FALSE, TRAVERSE prints something and then requests
an execution of TRAVERSE with a shortened (TaiLed) list. Eventually these
successive shortenings lead to an empty list [] whereupon no new call is
made, and the whole process 'unwinds' as shown by the '<TRAVERSEs' printed
out by TRACE.

You can think of each occurrence of '>TRAVERSE' as meaning something like:

    'start a new process executing the TRAVERSE instructions'

It also indicates the input for the process. Meanwhile the PREVIOUS PROCESS
waits until the new process has finished, as signalled by '<TRAVERSE' aligned
below. The '!' marks are to help you see the alignment. When the new process
finishes, the previous one continues from where it was in the 'script', or
definition, for TRAVERSE.

TRAVERSE is typical of the way that list structure can be combined with a
recursively organised procedure.

Try TRAVERSE on CUPBOARD. What should it do?

Suppose you were to define TRAVERSE with the two instructions

    : hd(list) =>
    : traverse(tl(list));

reversed. What would TRAVERSE(BOX) do then? Try this version of TRAVERSE, and

A more discriminating version of TRAVERSE would be a procedure which is
looking for the presence of a particular item on a list

    : define spotit(item, list) -> result;
    :   if  list = [] then
    :       false -> result
    :   elseif hd(list) = item then
    :       true -> result
    :   else
    :       spotit(item, tl(list)) -> result
    :   endif
    : enddefine;
    : spotit("tins", box) =>
    ** <true>

You should repeat this call of SPOTIT using TRACE. Notice that the value
supplied for ITEM in this call of SPOTIT is the WORD


Also, instead of doing its own printing, SPOTIT produces OUTPUT, i.e.
whatever value is assigned to the variable RESULT.

What would happen if we had written

    : spotit(tins, box) =>

and why?

Sometimes a program needs to know if something is in a list.

    : IF so and so is in such and such THEN ...

This requires the use of a testing procedure which produces a <TRUE>/<FALSE>
RESULT like SPOTIT, unlike our previous procedures which merely print
something on the terminal. (Your programs cant see the terminal.) Actually,
the POP11 system contains a library function MEMBER which behaves like
SPOTIT, so you can type

    : member ("shoes", box) =>

SPOTIT unlike TRAVERSE 'returns a result' which it leaves on the stack via
the 'output local' variable RESULT. Returning results in this way is a
characteristic feature of sound programming style in any language. That is we
are being quite explicit about the operations performed by a procedure - e.g
by giving names to the results it produces and stating those names clearly as
Output Locals. To see what is really going on you can do

    : trace spotit;
    : spotit("shoes", box) =>

Often a LIST is returned as a result rather than TRUE or FALSE. Thus a
procedure to produce from a given list a new one not containing a certain
item, might take this form

    : define delete(item, list) -> result;
    :   if list =[] then
    :       [] -> result
    :   elseif hd(list) = item then
    :       delete(item, tl(list)) -> result
    :   else
    :       [^(hd(list)) ^^(delete(item,tl(list)))] -> result
    :   endif
    : enddefine;

Note the use of ^^(...)

    : delete(3, [1 17 3 42 30 3 19])=>
    ** [1 17 42 30 19]

To understand how delete works it is essential to TRACE it:

    : trace delete;
    : delete(3,[1 17 3 42 30 3 19])=>
    >delete 3 [1 17 3 42 30 3 19]
    !>delete 3 [17 3 42 30 4 19]
    !!>delete 3 [3 42 30 3 19]
    !!!>delete 3 [42 40 3 19]
    !!!!>delete 3 [30 3 19]
    !!!!!>delete 3 [3 19]
    !!!!!!>delete 3 [19]
    !!!!!!!>delete 3 []
    !!!!!!!delete []
    !!!!!!<delete [19]
    !!!!!<delete [19]
    !!!!<delete [30 19]
    !!!<delete [42 30 19]
    !!<delete [42 30 19]
    !<delete [17 42 30 19]
    <delete [1 17 42 30 19]
    ** [1 17 42 30 19]

The essence of DELETEs solution of the task lies in the way that it
constructs the resultant list starting from the [] list that it reaches with
the last call of

    !!!!!!!>delete 3 []

Remember what we said before about TRACE printing.

    >delete 3 [42 40 3 19]

Means: 'starting a new process with inputs 3 and [41 40 3 19]'.

The previous process is suspended till this one has produced its result,
which is then used as input for '<>' in the suspended process. The suspended
process has to remember where it was in the instructions for DELETE, and what
values it had for any of its local variables, e.g. ITEM, LIST and RESULT.

DELETE is of course deleting ALL occurrences of the ITEM in the LIST offered
to it, it should perhaps have been called DELETE-ALL. What would a version
that DELETEs just the first instance of ITEM it finds look like?

Strictly, nothing is deleted from the original list. Rather a new COPY is
produced, minus the specified item. The original list is unchanged. E.g.

    : [1 2 3 2 1] -> list;
    : delete(2, list) =>
    ** [1 3 1]
    : list =>
    ** [1 2 3 2 1]

TEACH LISTS; provides more information on LISTS. Examples of list processing
can also be found in the demos LISTS1, LISTS2, NUMBERS and LISTSUMMARY.

-- LIST PATTERN MATCHING -----------------------------------------------


    : item = hd(list)

to accomplish their aims. But list representations of more complex situations
do not exhibit their significant features in terms of single items considered
in isolation. Rather the norm is one of a context or co-occurence of
elements. Thus we are much more likely to want to know whether a list
contains two designated elements occurring in a particular order.

Supposing we have this list

    : [a b c d e] -> x;

A relevant test might be to establish whether it contains B and D occurring
in that order. Now

    : member("b",x) =>
    ** <true>
    : member("d", x) =>

tell us that both are present i.e.

    : member("b", x) and member("d",x) =>
    ** <true>

but we know nothing of their relative positions in L nor indeed of their
intervening or surrounding context.

We can capture this ordering of B and D for example:

    : x(1) = "b" and x(2) = "d"

which specifies that D should immediately follow B in the list. In fact the
relationship that does obtain in X has the form

    : x(2) = "b" and x(3) = "d"

In this way we can specify any arbitrary patterning of elements in a list
structure. It will however  be very tedious to try all possible combination
of pairs of successive numbers. The situation gets even worse if you merely
want to test whether "D" occurs SOMEWHERE to the right of "B", although you
don't mind where exactly.

-- THE MATCHER ---------------------------------------------------------

To meet this need there is a procedure called MATCH that tests a given list
for the presence of some specified pattern. We use it like this:

    : list MATCHES pattern =>

-- DESCRIBING THE SHAPE OF A LIST PATTERN ------------------------------

The B, D example is of course but one of an infinite variety of patternings
that we might want to look for. So our specification of a pattern has to be
couched in a suitably descriptive language. The pattern for 'B immediately
followed by D' would be:

    : [== b d ==]

But the 'B followed somewhere by D' pattern would be specified like this:

    : [== b == d ==]

Where '==' denotes any number of list elements (including no elements). Thus
all of these lists should meet that specification:

    : [a b c d e]
    : [b d]
    : [b a a c d f]

To test a given list, say X, for presence of this specified pattern we'd call
MATCHES like this

    : x matches [== b == d ==] =>
    ** <true>

What result would you expect from the following:

    : x matches [a == e] =>
    : x matches [a == d == e] =>

The pattern specification we've adopted clearly admits of a lot of variation
X - its a rather sloppy fit: and often that is a useful way of representing
generality. There are a number of ways in which we can tighten it up, when
required. We might for example want just one intervening element between B
and D:

    : x matches [== b = d ==] =>
    ** <true>

These two symbols == and = are basic descriptors of pattern shape and we may
think of them as 'Gobbling up' intervening list items. We can call '='
Gobble-one and '==' Gobble-any.

Gobble-one and Gobble-any help us characterise the linear shape of a pattern.
We may also want to characterise its structural organisation. For example
that the first element in the target list must itself be a list - as it is in
CUPBOARD for example.

    : cupboard matches [[==] blanket ==] =>
    ** true

And this device may of course be used to dig arbitrarily 'deep' into a list

The pattern is then a sort of picture with lots of missing details, of the
kind of list we are looking for.


So far we've described our patterns in very literal terms. i.e. that there
needs to be a "B" and a "D", or a list etc. In practice the items we want to
include in our specification may have been constructed by other procedures
(and as we shall see by procedures that use MATCH). Typically these items
will be the value of variables. If we write

    : cupboard matches [box blanket ==] =>
    ** <false>

because the first element of CUPBOARD is not "BOX" but a list which is the
same as the value of the variable BOX. We need to enrich the pattern
specification language so as to distinguish between words used literally and
words used as variable names. We do this with the up-arrow ^ prefix. Thus

    : cupboard matches [^box blanket ==] =>
    ** <true>

The use of ^ (up-arrow) in the pattern specification here is of course the
same as that introduced earlier. Thus

    : [box blanket ==] =>
    ** [box blanket ==]


    : [^box blanket ==] =>
    ** [[shoes tins brushes] blanket ==]

And it is of course only this latter version that matches CUPBOARD. Had the
value of CUPBOARD been

    ** [shoes tins brushes blanket pillow]

then that MATCH would have failed.

We need to 'strip off' the list brackets of the value of BOX if we are to
match this new kind of CUPBOARD, and we can do this by using a double

    : [^^box blanket ==] =>
    ** [shoes tins brushes blanket ==]

To illustrate the power of MATCH and the pattern language, consider the
following defin tion of the procedure MEMBER, and compare it with the
definition of SPOTIT given earlier:

    : define member(item, list);
    :   list matches [== ^item ==]
    : enddefine;

-- RETRIEVING DETAILS OF THE TARGET LIST -------------------------------

Thus far we have merely been concerned to establish whether a particular
target list meets some pattern specification. And so far that specification
only cited various list fragments embedded within a context whose precise
composition was not germane to the recognition of this key configuration.

We may however want to know what that context is, when a match is obtained.
This is used in many places by the Eliza program which gives you back some of
what you have typed in.

Thus in recognising the ordered co-occurrence of "B" and "D" in the list

    : [a b c d e] -> x;

we might want to be 'told' what the value of the intervening list element(s)
is (are).

To set a variable say P to take on the value of  single list element prefix
the variable name with '?' Thus

    : vars p;
    : x matches [== b ?p d ==] =>
    ** <true>
    : p=>
    ** c

Similarly to set the variable to be some sequence of list elements use ?? Thus

    : vars q;
    : x matches [a ??q d ==] =>
    ** <true>
    : q=>
    ** [b c]

Think of "?" as "get ONE element" and "??" as get ANY elements", by analogy
with "=" and "==". Try the following, which gives LIST a new value, then uses

    : [i like talking to you] matches [i ??list you] =>
    ** <true>
    : [you ^^list me?] =>
    ** [you like talking to me?]

This is typical of the sort of trick used by Eliza.

Whenever the MATCH fails because the specified pattern, e.g. [A == D ==], is
not that of X, the queried variables may have their values altered as part of
the process of determining that the match fails.

The basic concept of MATCHing is that of an identity between some element or
elements of the target list and elements of the pattern specification. We can
generalise this by requiring that a target element have some specified

For example in the ELIZA world, the occurrence of a word indicating reference
to the family e.g. SON, FATHER, MOTHER, BROTHER etc in an input sentence is
an important response-determining cue. To detect that set membership we can
use a procedure as an affix to a queried variable in the pattern
specification. Thus

    : vars x;
    : [my father loved me] matches [== ?x:family ==] =>
    ** <true>

where FAMILY is a (previously-defined) procedure that might take the form

    : define family(word) -> result;
    :   member(word, [son father mother brother]) -> result
    : enddefine;

You can gain experience with MATCH ?, ??, ^, ^^, and variables by extending
the Eliza program, as explained in the ELIZARULES demo.

-- SUMMARY OF MATCH NOTATIONS ------------------------------------------

Basic format:

    list MATCHES pattern

Pattern specification can contain:

    1) [A B]
        literal words to be checked in the target list

    2) =
        The 'Gobble-one' spacer

    3) ==
        The 'Gobble-any' spacer

    4) ^A
        Check target list for occurrence of a single element that has same
        value as variable A.

    5) ^^A
        A holds a list of elements that must be same as a sequence of
        elements in target list.

    6) ?A
        Set A to have value of single element in the matching target list.

    7) ??A
        Set A to have value of sequence of elements in matching target list.

    8)  ?A:TEST
        Only allow A to match an element such that TEST(A) is TRUE.

    9) ??A:TEST
        Like (8), but the TEST is applied to a LIST of successive elements
        from the target list.

-- MATCHing on a corpus of lists - the DATABASE concept ---------------

The description of some task situation e.g. a fragment of 'the Blocksworld'
or a simple pictorial pattern may take the form of a large list corpus. The
program SEEPICTURE builds up just such a list representation of a PICTURE
pattern to provide a basis for recognition. The ELIZA program makes heavy use
of this kind of representation to store its 'conversational rules' - i.e. the
patterns that it will look for in your remarks to it.

-- ADDING AND REMOVING DATABASE ITEMS ----------------------------------

We can build up a DATABASE using ADD

    : vars database;
    : [] -> database;
    : add([a]);
    : add([b]);

or more concisely using ALLADD

    : alladd([[c] [d]]);

The items will be ordered in the DATABASE consistently with the order in
which they were added.

    : database =>
    ** [[d] [c] [b] [a]]

that is the last shall be first! This is not a property of ADD and ALLADD
that applications of the DATABASE would normally exploit.

Complementing ADD and ALLADD we have REMOVE and ALLREMOVE.

    : remove([c]);
    : database =>
    **[[d] [b] [a]]

The order of items in a call of ALLREMOVE is not important i.e. it does not
need to reflect the ordering of the DATABASE

    : allremove([[a] [b] [d]]);
    : database =>
    ** []

The procedure REMOVE will remove at most one item from the database, even if
it is given a pattern which matches several. Thus REMOVE([==]); instead of
removing everything, removes just one item. Moreover, REMOVE will generate a
MISHAP if it doesn't find one item to remove. Similarly, ALLREMOVE will
generate a mishap if it can't remove something for every element of the list
of patterns given to it as argument.

The procedure FLUSH is provided without these restrictions. FLUSH deletes
everything in the database that matches its argument, but if there is nothing
that matches, then FLUSH does nothing!

The argument given to FLUSH is a pattern specification, that is FLUSH carries
out a MATCH to determine the list items that it will DELETE. It is however
very powerful in its action... it removes ALL the matching DATABASE entries.
Thus with the DATABASE [[D] [C] [B] [A]] the action

    : flush([=]);

clears the DATABASE, thus:

    : database =>
    ** []

Thus FLUSH([=]) is equivalent in this situation to

    : allremove([[a] [b] [c] [d]]);

Whenever the database contains only one-element lists

    : flush([=]);

will remove them all.


    : flush([==]);

will empty the database no matter what is in it, and is therefore equivalent

    : [] -> DATABASE;

-- WHAT WAS REMOVED? ---------------------------------------------------

After using FLUSH or REMOVE the variable IT will hold the item last removed.

    : add([dogs like meat]);
    : remove([dogs like == ]);
    : it =>
    ** [dogs like meat]

The procedure ALLREMOVE, uses the variable THEM instead. This will be a list
of all the items removed. Similarly, ADD updates IT, and ALLADD records
things in THEM.

-- FINDING ITEMS IN THE DATABASE ---------------------------------------

Perhaps the most commonly used procedure is PRESENT which takes a pattern and
starts MATCHing it against every database item. If the match is ever
successful then the item is returned as the result of PRESENT otherwise the
result is false.

    : alladd([[a b c d] [d c b a] [a b d c]]);
    : present([== b ==]) =>
    ** [a b d c]
    : present ([== b c]) =>
    ** <false>

Notice that PRESENT finds the 'first' matching item. PRESENT is frequently
employed in a conditional e.g.

    IF PRESENT(pattern) THEN action

The 'IF... THEN' construction 'uses up' the value returned before THEN ie. try

    : IF PRESENT([== B ==]) THEN => ENDIF;

This arises because POP11 treats the value returned by PRESENT between "IF"
and "THEN" as <TRUE> or <FALSE>. For many purposes however we will need to
know what the matched item is for example to use it in the THEN branch of the
conditional. For this purpose the DATABASE variable IT is set to have the
value of the matching item, when PRESENT finds something.

    : if present([== b ==]) then
    :   it =>
    :   remove(it);
    : endif;
    ** [a b c d]

Which is of course the MATCHed item that PRESENT found. REMOVE has however
REMOVEd it -

    : database =>
    ** [[d c b a] [a b c d]]

Note that it found only ONE item, matching the pattern, and removed it.
FOREACH, explained below, shows how you can search for ALL items matching
some pattern.

-- RETRIEVING VALUES FROM WITHIN AN ITEM -------------------------------

Since all of the apparatus of MATCH is utilised in those DATABASE Functions,
PRESENT can be used to set values of appropriately queried variables in the
pattern specification.

    : vars x;
    : present([?x b ==]) =>
    ** [a b c d]
    : x =>
    ** a

Notice that if "?" or "??" is used before a word in a pattern, then that word
should be declared as a variable name. Hence the "VARS X;" above. If the
variables in patterns are not declared to be local, to the procedures which
use them, then different procedures can mess each other up. This applies to
procedures which use MATCH or any of the database operations PRESENT, FLUSH,

We do not always want the matching item. Sometimes we will know that the item
is present in the DATABASE and want only the value of some fragment of it.
For this purpose the procedure LOOKUP is provided. It does not return <TRUE>
or <FALSE> but merely sets the value of queried pattern variables when a
match is found.

    : lookup([?x b ==]);
    : x =>
    ** a

In the event of no match being found an error will result

    : lookup([?x == c]);
    INVOLVING:  [?X == C]
    DOING:      LOOKUP

-- Retrieving all the items PRESENT which match a pattern --------------

There will often be a need to find not just one matching item in the
DATABASE, (or to set the value of queried pattern variable for just one
matching item) but to find all of them. For this purpose the looping
construct FOREACH is provided:

    : foreach [== b ==] do
    :   it =>
    : endforeach;
    ** [d c b a]
    ** [a b c d]

Note that FOREACH is a 'syntax' word (like IF and DEFINE), not a procedure
name, and hence the pattern specification that follows need not be enclosed
in round brackets '(' ')'.

Examples of the use of these procedures can be found in the handout TELLME.


Just as ALLADD and ALLREMOVE can be given a list of patterns to add or
remove, similarly, ALLPRESENT can be given a list of patterns to look for in
the database. If it finds items for all of them it returns a list of the
found items (and also assigns it to the variable THEM). Otherwise its result
is false. E.g. to find a grandson of TOM:

    : alladd([
    :       [dick father harry]
    :       [tom father jack]
    :       [bill father tom]
    :       [jack father dick]]);
    : vars x, y;
    : if allpresent([[tom father ?x] [?x father ?y]]) then
    :   y =>
    : endif;
    ** dick
    : them =>
    ** [[tom father jack] [jack father dick]]

For more information on the database procedures see HELP ADD, HELP PRESENT,

In addition to these procedures the POP11 library contains some more powerful
procedures SCHECK and SCHOOSE, for matching a whole database pattern against
a database, and indicating whether the match was partially successful, what
was missing, what was surplus, etc.

--- C.all/teach/popnotes
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1990. All rights reserved. ----------