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HELP WORDSWITH                                       A.Sloman, July 1988
                                       Updated Jonathan Meyer, Sept 1993

Facilities for finding words in the current Poplog word dictionary which
contain a given string or string pattern.

    wordswith(<string | word>) -> <list of words>
    (String patterns are not allowed).

    match_wordswith(<string|word>:S>,<procedure:P>) -> <list>

        Returns a sorted list of all words W such that P(S,W).

    match_wordswith(<string-pattern:S>) -> <list>

        Returns a list of all the words W that match S

    <ENTER> wordswith <string-pattern>
        Displays matching words in a temporary VED buffer, using a format
        controlled by wordswith_spacer, which is an integer or procedure.

The <string-patterns> used can contain special pattern elements, as
explained below.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Overview
  2   wordswith(<string | word>) -> <list>
  3   String patterns for match_wordswith or <ENTER> wordswith
  4   wordswith VS match_wordswith
  5   Displaying matching words in a VED buffer
  6   Displaying ALL words in the dictionary
  7   Controlling format: wordswith_spacer
  8   Related documentation

1  Overview
This collection of facilities can be used to find out what words are in
the current Poplog dictionary, shared by POP-11 and Prolog.

Some of the procedures simply produce an alphabetically sorted list of
words matching their argument, while others display the words in a VED

(See REF * WORDS and HELP * APPDIC for more information on words and the
POP-11 dictionary. Note that words that are in the dictionary need not
be identifiers in the current section. See REF * SECTIONS)

2  wordswith(<string | word>) -> <list>
This is the most primitive of the facilities provided. The argument for
the Pop-11 library procedure wordswith is a word or string that is taken

wordswith just returns an alphabetically ordered list of all the words
in the dictionary containing the string or word. E.g.

    wordswith('integer') =>
    ** [biginteger integer integer_bitcount integer_field
        integer_leastbit integer_length isbiginteger isinteger

3  String patterns for match_wordswith or <ENTER> wordswith
The procedure match_wordswith and the VED command <ENTER> wordswith are
more flexible than wordswith as they allow the use of string patterns
which can be used to control the match with words in the dictionary.

A string pattern is a POP-11 string which is to be matched against words
in the dictionary in order to select a subset of them. These patterns
are Poplog 'regular expressions'. The following table summarises the
patterns that are available:

    Pattern     Meaning
    -------     -------
    @. or @?    match any single character
    @*          match zero or more occurrences of the previous character
    @^ or @a    constrains a match to the start of the line
    @$ or @z    constrains a match to the end of the line
    @<          constrains match to the start of a word boundary
    @>          constrains match to the end of a word boundary
    @{N@}       matches N occurrences of previous character, where N is
                a positive integer.
    @{N,@}      matches N or more occurences of the previous character
    @{N,M@}     match at least N, at most M occurrences of previous
                character, where N and M are positive integers
    @[...@]     match any character between the brackets, where ... is
                any characters e.g. abc or range of characters e.g. A-Z
    @[^...@]    match any character except those between the brackets
    @(...@)     denotes a sub-expression for use with @N
    @N          match a repeat of the N'th sub-expression where N is
                a number 1-9
    @C          match C where C is the search delimeter or `@'
    @i          turns off case sensitivity for subsequent letters
    @c          turns on case sensitivity for subsequent letters

See TEACH * REGEXP for examples using these patterns, and REF * REGEXP
for a more detailed discussion of regular expressions. You may also want
to read TEACH * VEDSEARCH which gives examples of using these patterns
in VED.

4  wordswith VS match_wordswith
The two procedures wordswith and match_wordswith return alphabetically
sorted lists of words from the dictionary matching their argument. The
difference is that wordswith can take either a word or a string simply
selects all the words containing the word or string anywhere, whereas
match_wordswith takes only strings as input and is sensitive to strings
containing pattern elements as described above.

These procedures can be used independently of VED.


    match_wordswith('@ainteger') =>
    ** [integer integer_bitcount integer_field integer_leastbit

    match_wordswith('integer@z') =>
    ** [biginteger integer isbiginteger isinteger vedvt100screeninteger]

    match_wordswith('@?integer@?') =>
    ** []

If either wordswith or match_wordswith is given an empty string as
argument it will return a sorted list of all the words in the

Instead of a string pattern, match_wordswith can be given two arguments,
the first a word or string S, and the second a procedure for matching S
against words in the dictionary. E.g.

    match_wordswith("cat",isstartstring) ==>
    ** [cat catches]

    match_wordswith("cat",hassubstring) ==>
    ** [c cat]

5  Displaying matching words in a VED buffer
The command
    <ENTER> wordswith <string-pattern>

is probably the most convenient interface for finding out about words
currently in the dictionary, though a program would probably use one of
wordswith or match_wordswith or to make a list of matching words.

The VED command
    <ENTER> wordswith <string-pattern>

can take any of the string pattern formats listed above and described in
detail in REF * REGEXP.

All words in the current POP-11 dictionary matching the pattern will
then be displayed in a temporary VED buffer. For example,

    <ENTER> wordswith @aword

would produce all words starting with 'word', thus:

    word             word_dict_status word_identifier  word_string
    wordright        wordswith        wordswith_spacer


    <ENTER> wordswith @?word@?

produces only the words containing 'word' as an embedded string, e.g.:

    Lisp_keyword_package fast_word_string     match_words
    match_wordswith      matchwords           ved_wordswith
    vedvarskeywords      vedwordleft          vedwordleftdelete

The format produced can be controlled as described below, using

If no argument is given, <ENTER> wordswith will show ALL the words in
the dictionary.

6  Displaying ALL words in the dictionary
If the argument for match_wordswith is an empty string, then a list of
ALL the words in the dictionary will be returned.

Similarly if if <ENTER> wordswith is used with no argument, then ALL the
words in the dictionary will be displayed in a VED buffer, including
some unprintable ones, whose characters can be inspected in VED using
the <ENTER> cc (describe current character) command.

7  Controlling format: wordswith_spacer
Matching words found by <ENTER> wordswith are displayed in a temporary
VED file, using the user-assignable format controller held in the
variable wordswith_spacer which can be an integer or a procedure. It
defaults to the procedure vedtabright which causes the words to be
printed neatly in columns.

If wordswith_spacer is an integer N, then N spaces are left between the
words when they are displayed in the file. If the words are of varying
length this can look untidy, but will generally be more compact than a
column display.

The VED variable vedbreak is ignored, but vedlinemax is used to control
the width of the display.

If wordswith_spacer is a procedure, then the procedure is run after
every word is inserted in the file, to find the location to start the
next word.

The most commonly used value for wordswith_spacer is likely to be
vedtabright, which will display the words in columns. To ensure that
this works, the procedure ved_wordswith locally changes vedindentstep to
be one more than the length of the longest word found.

For example:

Using the default vedtabright, the command

    <ENTER> wordswith integer

produces a VED buffer containing:

  biginteger            integer               integer_bitcount
  integer_field         integer_leastbit      integer_length
  isbiginteger          isinteger             vedvt100screeninteger

Whereas if the command is preceded by

    2 -> wordswith_spacer;

it produces the more compact but less tidy format:

  biginteger  integer  integer_bitcount  integer_field  integer_leastbit
  integer_length  isbiginteger  isinteger  vedvt100screeninteger

8  Related documentation
See also:

    String matching routines

HELP * APPDIC     - applies procedure to words in the dictionary

REF * REGEXP      - regular expression matching
REF * STRINGS     - overview of information on strings
REF * WORDS       - information about words and the dictionary
REF * VEDSEARCH   - searching and substituting in VED

SHOWLIB * match_wordswith * ved_wordswith
    For details of the procedures used.

--- C.all/help/wordswith
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1988. All rights reserved.