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HELP VSH                                           R.Evans November 1986

Lib VED_VSH provides facilities for running arbitrary Unix programs
taking input from, and writing output to a VED buffer. VSH is a more
advanced version of CSHFILE (see *VED_CSHFILE) with several new
features, including the ability to run interactive programs, C-shell job
control and asynchronous output.

NB: VSH is currently available only for Berkeley 4.2 systems, and
    systems derived therefrom. Using the library on any other system is
    likely to generate a mishap.

[This and related bsd facilities referred to below are unsupported, and
therefore included in the $usepop/pop/lib/lib directory.
    See DOC * SYSSPEC.

It is therefore necessary to compile ved_vsh explicitly e.g. with one of
the following commands
    uses ved_vsh
    lib ved_vsh
The latter will print a warning message.

It is hoped that although the facility is unsupported it will serve as
a useful programming example.]


         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Starting up VSH: <enter> vsh
 -- Controlling VSH subprocesses
 -- Finishing VSH: <enter> vend
 -- vedvshdefaults
 -- Prompts
 -- Echoing
 -- Interrupting VSH Output

-- Starting up VSH: <enter> vsh ---------------------------------------
                    <enter> vsh <args>

A VSH window is created with the command <enter> vsh, with optional
arguments. This command creates a VED buffer and a Unix process
whose input and output are associated with it. If no arguments are
given, the Unix process runs the command specified in the environment
variable $SHELL, or '/bin/csh' if that is not defined. If arguments are
given to VSH, the first is taken as the name of the command to run, and
the remainder are passed as 'command line' arguments. (NB: the command
name must be a full pathname, as needed by *SYSEXECUTE).

Normal communication with the VSH process proceeds as follows: to send
input text to it, type the text into the ved buffer and then use the
'load marked range' (see *LMR), or 'load current line' facility. This
causes the marked text to be sent to the VSH process. (NB: no 'immediate
mode' version of VSH is available yet.) Unlike CSH_FILE, you do not have
to wait for the VSH process to produce a response to your command before
you can carry on editing. Instead, VED returns almost immediately, with
'DONE' on the command line (signifying only that the command has been
sent to the VSH process, not that it has yet been executed), and you can
continue with other pursuits. When any output from the VSH process
arrives, it is placed in the VED buffer 'in between' you typing at the
keyboard. Often, of course, you will give a command which can be
executed quickly, and so you will probably wait for the output before
doing anything else, but if you give a command that takes a long time,
you need not wait for it to complete.

Also unlike CSH_FILE, VSH allows you to run interactive commands within
the buffer. Thus, for example, if you are running an ordinary C-shell
(generally, by giving VSH no arguments), you can give commands such as
'mail', 'pop11', 'rlogin xxx' as you could with an ordinary shell
process. (See below, however, for comments about command echoing.)

You may have as many VSH windows as you like, until you run into
system-wide limits on file-descriptors or processes  (generally, you
will not run into these limits).

-- Controlling VSH subprocesses ---------------------------------------

Each command you execute inside a VSH shell will create a Unix
subprocess. Several standard 'process control' functions, normally
available from the keyboard, may be given with the following special
enter commands:

    <enter> vintr   send interrupt   (like ctrl C)
    <enter> veof    send end-of-file (like ctrl Z)
    <enter> vsusp   send 'suspend'   (like ctrl \)
    <enter> vquit   send 'quit'      (like ctrl Y)

'vintr' and 'veof' are particularly useful, for example it is often not
possible to leave various interactive Unix commands without sending 'end
of file'. Generally, these commands are ignored by the VSH process
itself (that is, if you are not running a command subprocess). However,
this may not be true if you are running something other than a shell in
your VSH window.

Another two commands are provided to make interaction with certain
utilities (eg 'more', terminal exchanges) easier:

    <enter> vsp     send a space
    <enter> vcr   send a carriage return

More generally the command:

    <enter> vctrl  <c1> <c2> ...

allows you to send arbitrary characters to VSH directly. This is
sometimes useful for sending explicit newlines, for example. The
characters <c1> <c2> ... can be numbers (character codes), or characters
in pop11 syntax (eg `\n`).

-- Finishing VSH: <enter> vend ----------------------------------------

The command <enter> vend terminates a VSH process cleanly (<enter> veof
is usually ignored by VSH shell processes).  It does not quit the
associated VED buffer, but this becomes an ordinary file once the VSH
process has terminated. It is not necessary to terminate VSH processes:
exiting from POPLOG (even abnormally) will cause the VSH process to die

Technical note: if you have 'vend'ed all your VSH processes, but are
still in POPLOG, you may wish to give the command <enter> nomux, which
stops VED from doing input multiplexing (see *VEDMUX). This will result
in a slight speed-up in VED's processing of input characters, and a new
VSH will turn multiplexing on again if needed.

-- vedvshdefaults -----------------------------------------------------

VSH provides a user-definable procedure vedvshdefaults which is used to
set up properties of each VSH buffer it creates. The default version
makes the file non-writeable, sets the tab indentation to 8 and turns
off line-break.

-- Prompts ------------------------------------------------------------

Most shells (and other programs) prompt you for input and you type the
next command on the same line as the prompt. This is slightly
problematic for a utility like VSH, because it normally sends whole
lines to the VSH process (all the lines in the marked range),
but if the line has a prompt on it, it should not send the prompt

Some other POPLOG utilities, notably the 'immediate mode' package, use a
special character to mark the end of the prompt, so they can work out
where the 'real' input starts. VSH uses a different approach, simpler
and more flexible, but not quite so reliable. Whenever the VSH process
sends output to the buffer, VED remembers the last line sent. Then when
you next send some input (to VSH), it looks to see if the saved last
line of output is part of the line you are sending (NB: it only does
this if you send exactly one line of input.). If so, it assumes the last
output line was a prompt and so does not send it back. Thus by using
'load current line' you can maintain a natural interaction with the VSH
process, regardless of what prompts it sends back to you. But if you try
sending input on a line already containing an old prompt, different from
the last one ouput, VSH will not detect it properly.

-- Echoing ------------------------------------------------------------

When VSH starts up, it turns 'command echoing' off for the VSH process
it creates. Normally, when you type to the computer, it sends back the
characters you type so you can see them on the screen. In VSH this is
inappropriate, since the command you type is already on the screen, in
the buffer. However, some commands turn echoing on again. This is not
a big problem, but it is a little annoying - every time you send
something to VSH, it promptly sends you back a copy. Culprits
encountered so far are:

    rlogin  -  this is easy to put right: just do %stty -echo to the
               shell running on the remote host.

    pop11   -  use the macro -noecho- to turn off echoing
               once inside pop11 (see HELP NOECHO).

-- Interrupting VSH Output --------------------------------------------

If you give a command to VSH which generates a lot of output, you may
want to interrupt it before it finishes. There are two ways to do this.
Firstly, try doing ctrl-C. If you catch VSH actually outputting to the
buffer, ctrl-C will send an interrupt to VSH and so stop the command
that is generating all the output. However, sometimes, the ctrl-C will
occur in one of the gaps BETWEEN VSH output lines, in which case it will
be seen by VED and simply ignored. If ctrl-C doesn't work, try doing
<enter> vintr <return>. You may find it difficult to do this, given than
VSH keeps producing output between the characters you type, but VED will
keep track of what you are doing, so just type them slowly and
carefully. Once you hit <return>, the VSH process will be interrupted
and its output will stop.

--- C.unix/help/vsh
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1992. All rights reserved. ----------