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HELP VEDWINSUN                                  Ben Rubinstein, Feb 1986
                                         Updated by R.J.Duncan, Oct 1990

Using VED in a SunView "shelltool" window.

    CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Introduction
 -- VED Window Commands

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

When you run VED in a "shelltool" window, it will normally recognise
this fact automatically and adjust the size of its display to fit the
size of the window. This does not require any special initialisation:
shelltool sets the value of the TERM environment variable to "sun" and
this in turn (without any instructions to the contrary) causes VED to
load LIB * VEDSUN. This library configures VED for use with the Sun
terminal emulator and defines a keymap appropriate to the Sun keyboard:
see HELP * VEDSUN for more details. The library works out for itself
whether it is being run from the console or from a shelltool window and
determines the initial window size.

If this doesn't seem to be working, check first of all that the TERM
environment variable is correctly set and that there is nothing in your
"vedinit.p" file which is causing VED to load some other library in
preference to VEDSUN. If neither of these apply, it may be that VED is
failing to communicate properly with the terminal emulator. You can
force VED to configure itself for shelltool by calling the procedure


Adding this command into your "vedinit.p" file will make VED configure
itself for a shelltool window every time it is invoked.

Once the configuration has been properly completed, VED will recompute
the window size (and adjust the screen display if necessary) each time
it is called from the POPLOG top-level, and whenever it is re-entered
from the shell after a suspend. VED will not respond automatically to
window-size changes which occur whilst editing: you must explicitly
request a resize in this case, by using either the command

    <ENTER> adjust

(described below) or the procedure


If you are using the left-hand keypad with VED, this procedure is
normally bound to the key sequence ESC L4.

-- VED Window Commands ------------------------------------------------

The VEDWINSUN library defines three new VED commands for manipulating
the shelltool window in which VED is running:

    <ENTER> adjust

    <ENTER> stretch

    <ENTER> resize

These are defined as follows:

ved_adjust                                                   [procedure]
        Interrogates the window  manager to  determine the  size of  the
        shelltool window and adjusts  the display to  fit the new  size.
        Use this command to redraw the screen after changing the  window

ved_stretch                                                  [procedure]
        Allows you to change the size of the window using the mouse. The
        effect is the same  as if you had  selected the 'Resize'  option
        from the shelltool frame  menu, but VED  knows you have  changed
        the window size and will adjust itself to fit automatically.

ved_resize [ SIZE_SPEC ]                                     [procedure]
        Resizes  the  shelltool  window  and  adjusts  the  VED  display

        The SIZE_SPEC argument is optional: without it, the window  will
        be changed to a default size, usually 34 rows by 80 columns. You
        can change this default size in either of two ways:

            (1) if the variable  -vedwin_default_size- is a  two-element
                vector, then RESIZE will use  this as the default  size:
                the first element will be taken as the number of  lines,
                the second as the number of columns. So the declaration

                    vars vedwin_default_size = {40 80};

                will change  the  default size  to  be 40  lines  by  80
                columns. Both elements in the  vector must of course  be
                positive integers.

            (2) if the  variable -vedwin_file_sizes-  is a  list, it  is
                assumed to  describe  a  mapping  from  file  extensions
                (strings) to  size  vectors (as  described  above).  The
                RESIZE command  takes  as  the default  any  size  which
                matches  the  extension   of  the   current  file.   The

                    vars vedwin_file_sizes = ['wide' {10 132}];

                causes RESIZE to use a default window size of 10x132 for
                any file  whose name  ends  in '.wide'.  This  mechanism
                takes   precedence   over    the   default   given    by

        If SIZE_SPEC is  given, it should  be a pair  of numbers of  the

            LINES, COLUMNS

        which determine how big the new display should be. For example,

            <ENTER> resize 40, 132

        sets the window size to display  40 lines, each of 132  columns.
        Either of the  two components  of SIZE_SPEC may  be omitted,  in
        which case the  corresponding dimension  of the  window is  left
        unchanged, but where the number  of lines is omitted, the  comma
        must still be given to prevent ambiguity. Thus

            <ENTER> resize 72

        adjusts the window to display 72 lines, while

            <ENTER> resize ,72

        adjusts the window to display 72 columns.

        The RESIZE command may reduce the actual size of a window if the
        requested size is too big to  be fully displayed on screen.  You
        can find  out the  maximum window  size which  the command  will
        allow by doing

            <ENTER> resize ?

        Computation of this  maximum size works  on the assumption  that
        you are using the  standard font. If you  are using a  different
        sized font, you can force RESIZE to try to determine the size of
        font and adjust the maximum window size accordingly by doing

            <ENTER> resize ??

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