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HELP VEDSYSFILE                                  John Williams, Jan 1991


This procedure is used by commands such as HELP, TEACH, DOC, REF and
SHOWLIB for finding system documentation or source code, and reading it
into the editor, VED.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- How to use VEDSYSFILE
 -- An example
 -- How VEDSYSFILE searches for the requested document
 -- What happens if the search fails?
 -- Logging attempts to access documentation
 -- Related documentation

-- How to use VEDSYSFILE -----------------------------------------------

VEDSYSFILE takes three arguments, as follows:


Note: the name of the required document is NOT one of these three
arguments; that is taken from the variable VEDARGUMENT (for reasons
which will become apparent later).

The first argument, DEFAULT, should be a word which has been declared as
a permanent identifier. The value of this word is used as the default
document name, should VEDARGUMENT be an empty string.

The second argument, SEARCH_LIST, should be a list of directory
specifiers, in standard "search_list" format (see HELP * SEARCH_LISTS).
VEDSYSFILE looks through these directories for the reqested document.

The third argument, INITIALISATION_PROCEDURE, should be a procedure. It
will be executed if the document is succesfully located, just after the
file is read into the editor. Such procedures normally set file
attributes such as *VEDWRITEABLE and *VEDCOMPILEABLE. If this argument
is FALSE, the procedure *VEDHELPDEFAULTS is used instead.

VEDSYSFILE produces no results. Its net effect is to either (a) read a
document into the editor, or (b) call the procedure *VEDSYSFILEERROR, if
the document could not be located.

-- An example ----------------------------------------------------------

The system procedure *VED_TEACH is defined as follows:

    define vars ved_teach();
        vedsysfile("vedteachname", vedteachlist, false)

The call to -vedsetup- ensures that the users 'vedinit.p' file, which
might alter the default values of *VEDTEACHNAME and *VEDTEACHLIST, has
been compiled.

The procedures *VED_DOC, *VED_HELP, *VED_REF, *VED_SHOWLIB, and *VED_SRC
are defined similarly. The latter two are autoloadable libraries, so you
can examine the code if you wish.

-- How VEDSYSFILE searches for the requested document ------------------

VEDSYSFILE uses the procedure *VEDGETLIBFILENAME to find the full
pathname of the requested document, by calling it as follows:

    vedgetlibfilename(SEARCH_LIST, DEFAULT, REQUEST) -> FILENAME

The arguments SEARCH_LIST and DEFAULT are as described above. The third
argument, REQUEST, is the name of the document, taken from either
VEDARGUMENT or DEFAULT, as explained above.

VEDGETLIBFILENAME uses *SYSSEARCHPATH to perform the search, and then
assigns REQUEST to the value of DEFAULT if the search was successful.

-- What happens if the search fails? -----------------------------------

If VEDSYSFILE is unable to locate the required document, it calls the
procedure *VEDSYSFILEERROR as follows:

    vedsysfileerror(DOC_TYPE, REQUEST)

where DOC_TYPE is a string specifying the documentation category (e.g.
'HELP', 'REF', etc), and REQUEST (also a string) is the name of the
document that couldn't be found.

By default, VEDSYSFILEERROR prints a message of the form

    <DOC_TYPE> NAME not found - Try <DOC_TYPE> DEFAULT



However, it is possible to redefine VEDSYSFILEERROR, in which case
alternative actions can be performed each time a documentation request

-- Logging attempts to access documentation ----------------------------

It is possible to record documentation access requests, by providing an
appopriate definition for the procedure *VEDSYSFILELOG.

You could use this facility in order to maintain a league table; or
create a history list; or anything else you can think of.

Normally, VEDSYSFILELOG is set to *IDENTFN, in which case nothing
happens. If it is defined as a procedure with three arguments then it is
called with the name of the calling procedure, the requested document,
and the file which was found (or FALSE if not found).

For example, you could maintain a list of document requests as follows:

        vars helplog = [];

        define vedsysfilelog(caller_name, request, found);
            [% caller_name, request, found %] :: helplog -> helplog

Every time you call, for example, HELP or TEACH, a list like

        [ved_help 'foobaz' '/poplog/pop/help/foobaz']

will be added to HELPLOG.

-- Related documentation ----------------------------------------------

See also

    HELP * DOCUMENTATION    - General overview of Poplog documentation
    HELP * DOC              - The DOC command
    HELP * HELP             - The HELP command
    HELP * REF              - The REF command
    HELP * TEACH            - The TEACH command
    HELP * SHOWLIB          - The SHOWLIB command
    HELP * SRC              - The SRC command
    HELP * SEARCH_LISTS     - Describes the SEARCH_LIST format
    HELP * VEDGETSYSFILE    - Explains VED's cross-referencing system
    REF * VEDPROCS          - Complete list of VED procedures

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