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HELP VEDOLDKEYS                                  Robert Duncan, Nov 1989
                                           Updated Aaron Sloman Jan 1991

Default key bindings in VED prior to Poplog 14.5.

These key bindings have been superseded as the default in Poplog 14.5 by
a new set of bindings described in HELP * VEDKEYS. Anyone who wants to
restore these bindings as the default can do so by including at the
start of their "vedinit.p" file the two lines:

    vedoldkeys -> veddefaultkeys;

WARNING: some of the bindings described below are over-ridden by
function key assignments in particular terminal customising libraries,
e.g. LIB * VEDVT220KEYS (as described in HELP * VEDVT220KEYS)

    CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Introduction
 -- Checking current key bindings
 -- Changes for Poplog Version 14
 -- Notation
 -- Special Characters
 -- Key Bindings by Function
 -- + Moving the Cursor
 -- + Inserting
 -- + Deleting
 -- + Re-inserting deleted text
 -- + Searching
 -- + Windows and Files
 -- + The Command Line
 -- + The Marked Range
 -- + Justifying and formatting text
 -- + The Position Stack
 -- + Compiling
 -- + Special Editing Functions
 -- + Switching Modes
 -- + Getting Help
 -- Key Bindings by Key
 -- + Control Keys
 -- + Escape Keys
 -- + ESC followed by a letter
 -- + ESC followed by a control character
 -- + ESC followed by other symbols
 -- Longer Sequences
 -- The "kill" table
 -- Tailoring VED

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

This file describes the set of key bindings which made up the default
keymap for VED prior to Poplog 14.5. This has since been superseded by a
new set described in HELP * VEDKEYS, so the key bindings described here
are now referred to as the ``old'' bindings, and are associated with the
procedure VEDOLDKEYS. You can at any time restore VED's keymap to
exactly the state described here simply by calling the procedure:


NB: this will erase any custom bindings you may have installed.

These old bindings are not all terribly consistent, being derived from
the original version of VED which used character sequences generated by
the function keys on a Visual 200 VDU. Newcomers to VED are advised to
stick with the new defaults described in HELP * VEDKEYS, although
confirmed EMACS users might like to use the alternative described in

Most VED terminal libraries define their own key bindings to make use of
any function keys they might provide. These bindings will typically be
extra to those described here, but some libraries do redefine some of
the default key bindings to suit the layout of function keys. If in
doubt, check the help file for the terminal library you are using.

You can always prevent terminal libraries from defining extra key
bindings by assigning FALSE to the variable VEDFUNCTIONKEYS. A list of
help files describing different terminal configurations can be found in
HELP * VED/Terminal, with more detail in REF * VEDTERMINALS.

-- Checking current key bindings --------------------------------------

To find out what any particular key sequence is bound to, try:

    <ENTER> hk

This will ask you to press the key or key sequence. If there is a
corresponding procedure its name will be printed on the command line. If
nothing is printed then you have started the beginning of a key sequence
which is not complete. You can try completing the sequence in various

    <ENTER> hkey

is similar, but more verbose.

To define your own key bindings use the syntax VEDSET or the procedure
VEDSETKEY - see HELP *VEDSET, *VEDSETKEY. For lists of additional
relevant help files see HELP * VED

-- Changes for Poplog Version 14 --------------------------------------

Some new mappings from key sequences to VED functions have been provided
for the sake of users who have to use terminals without a good
collection of function keys, and without a convertible keypad. All such
mappings are marked "++" below.

In addition this file has been reorganised. The facilities are first
presented grouped according to function, and secondly according to
the key sequences that produce them.

-- Notation -----------------------------------------------------------

In the descriptions of key bindings which follow, the notation:


(pronounced "control X") stands for the single character generated by
pressing the <CTRL> key and the X key simultaneously. Control characters
are traditionally written as upper case, but either case will do.

The notation:

    ESC x

(pronounced "escape X") is a two character sequence, generated by
pressing first the <ESC> key and then the unshifted X key. The case of
"x" is significant here. Not all keyboards have an <ESC> key clearly
marked. If you can't find one, it can be simulated by typing ^[. (Note
to EMACS users: VED will not accept META-X in place of ESC X.)

Longer sequences are built up in the obvious way, so that

    ESC ^X

is generated by pressing first <ESC> and then ^X.

The keys TAB, LF and RETURN are the tab, line-feed and carriage-return
keys. They are normally marked as such on the keyboard, but just in
case, the correspondences are:

    TAB     ^I
    LF      ^J
    RETURN  ^M

Some recently introduced keyboards no longer have the LF key,
unfortunately. The DEL or "delete" key may be marked in various ways,
but has no obvious alternative.

VED procedure names and variable names are written here in upper case to
make them stand out, but they are in fact lower case.

WARNING: distinguish upper and lower case. E.g. the following two are
    ESC a
    ESC A

The second one requires the use of the SHIFT key. (Sometimes marked with
an upward pointing arrow).

-- Special Characters -------------------------------------------------

The characters

    ^O ^Q ^S ^X ^Y

are often interpreted specially by the operating system or by the
terminal and so are not usually used by VED.

The character ^C is used to interrupt VED and abort the current command.
On some systems a different character may be used as the interrupt
character. On VMS ^Y is the "abort" or "quit" character. Some, but not
all, Unix users also set it up as the "quit" character.

-- Key Bindings by Function -------------------------------------------

-- + Moving the Cursor ------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

        ^T  Move up one line                            CHARUP
        ^V  Move down one line                          CHARDOWN
        ^H  Move left one character                     CHARLEFT
            (Sometimes redefined as CHARDELETE)
    ESC ^F  Move right one character                    CHARRIGHT ++

     ESC i   Move up several lines                      CHARUPLOTS
     ESC f   Move down several lines                    CHARDOWNLOTS
     ESC M   Move left several characters               CHARLEFTLOTS
     ESC 2   Move right several characters              CHARRIGHTLOTS

     ESC J   Move down and right several lines          CHARDOWNRIGHTLOTS
     ESC K   Move down and left several lines           CHARDOWNLEFTLOTS
     ESC 1   Move up several lines                      CHARUPRIGHTLOTS
     ESC L   Move up and left several lines             CHARUPLEFTLOTS

     ESC O   Move to middle column of screen,           SCREENMIDDLE
             (on current line). On VT100 initiates
                special sequences

        ^B  Move left one word                          WORDLEFT
        ^F  Move right one word                         WORD RIGHT

     ESC A  Screen up                                   SCREENUP
        ^K  Screen up                                   SCREENUP
     ESC B  Screen down                                 SCREENDOWN
        ^L  Screen down                                 SCREENDOWN

     ESC C  Move to end of text line                    TEXTRIGHT
     ESC D  Move to left edge of screen (column 1)      SCREENLEFT

     ESC ]  Move to right edge of screen                SCREENRIGHT
     ESC ^  Move to start of line                       TEXTLEFT

        LF  Move to start of next line                  NEXTLINE
       (or ^J)

     ESC t  Go to top of file                           TOPFILE
     ESC b  Go to end (bottom) of file                  ENDFILE

     ESC {  Go to start of marked range                 MARKFIND  ++
     ESC }  Go to end of marked range                   ENDRANGE  ++

   ESC TAB  Move to next tab stop                       TABRIGHT

To go to a particular line number, do

    <ENTER> line-number


    <ENTER> 123

to go to line 123. See also the section on 'Searching' below.

-- + Inserting --------------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC )  Open new line above current                 LINEABOVE
     ESC *  Open new line below current                 LINEBELOW

All printing characters are inserted immediately at the current cursor
position. Characters after the cursor are normally shifted right to make
room, but setting VEDSTATIC causes existing characters to be overwritten
instead (see the section 'Switching Modes' below).

Tab and carriage return characters are interpreted as follows:

       TAB  Inserts a single tab character at the current cursor
            position, or if VEDNOTABS is TRUE, sufficient spaces to pad
            to the next tab stop. See HELP * VEDNOTABS.

    RETURN  In normal mode, this breaks the current line at the cursor
            position. In immediate mode (see HELP * IM), the line is
            sent to the compiler. On the status line (command line) it
            causes the current command to be obeyed.

-- + Deleting ---------------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

        ^P  Delete character under cursor               DOTDELETE
       DEL  Delete character to left of cursor          CHARDELETE

        ^W  Delete word to left of cursor               WORDLEFTDELETE
        ^U  Delete line to left of cursor               CLEARHEAD

        ^R  Delete word to right of cursor              WORDRIGHTDELETE
        ^E  Delete line to right of cursor              CLEARTAIL
        ^]  Delete current line                         LINEDELETE

     ESC |  Delete marked range                         ENTER d  ++

     ESC ,  Delete region between stacked positions     ENTER cut ++
            (See HELP * VED_CUT,* VED_SPLICE)(The cut
            region can be re-inserted using "ESC ." (splice)

Note: additional delete facilities are described in the section on
the "kill" table, below.

-- + Re-inserting deleted text ----------------------------------------

The letter "y" for "yank" refers to retrieval of previously deleted

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------
     ESC 9
     ESC y  Re-insert marked range last deleted         ENTER y     ++

     ESC 8  Yank whole line last deleted                ENTER yankl ++

    ESC ^U
    ESC ^W
     ESC 7  Yank word or part line last deleted.        ENTER yankw ++

     ESC .  Re-insert text last removed by ved_cut      ENTER splice ++
             (See "ESC ," above HELP * VED_CUT,* VED_SPLICE)

The last marked range deleted can be retrieved with ENTER y. The last
non-empty line deleted can be recovered with ENTER yankl. The last word
or part line deleted can be recovered with ENTER yankw. The last text
deleted with ENTER cut, can be recovered with ENTER splice. In all cases
the text is re-inserted at a location determined by where the cursor is.
"y" inserts after the current line. "yankl" inserts before the current
line so that it can undo vedlinedelete. "yankw" and "splice" insert at
the current cursor location, after which re-formatting may be necessary.

There is no ring or stack of delete buffers: only the last thing deleted
can be recovered. See HELP * YANK for full details.

Note that on many terminals, for any keystroke sequence leading to a
deletion of more than one character, prefixing the same key sequence
with ESC will undo the deletion.

-- + Searching --------------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC /  Repeat last search forwards                 ENTER re_search
     ESC \  Repeat last search backwards           ENTER re_back_search

To search forwards for a given string, do

    <ENTER> /<string>
    <ENTER> "<string>

To search backwards for a given string, do

    <ENTER> \<string>
    <ENTER> `<string>

In both cases the second method finds only non-embedded strings.

See HELP * VEDSEARCH for a summary of additional search and replace

-- + Windows and Files ------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC v  Refresh the current window                  REFRESH

     ESC w  Toggle half/full-screen window              SETWINDOW
     ESC x  Switch to other window                      SWAPFILES

    ESC ^H
    ESC BS  Screen up in other window                   ENTER xup

    ESC ^J
    ESC LF  Screen down in other window                 ENTER xdn

     ESC e  Enter file selection menu                   FILESELECT

     ESC q  Quit the current file                       ENTER q

     ESC 3  Complete file name to left of cursor        FILECOMPLETE ++
            (See HELP * VEDFILECOMPLETE)

-- + The Command Line -------------------------------------------------

Not all terminals have a key marked "ENTER" that can be made to transmit
a special code to tell VED to move to the status line. So some
alternatives are provided.                                              ++

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

   ESC RETURN                                                           ++
   ESC ^G                                                               ++
     ENTER  Prepare to enter a command on command line  ENTER

        ^G  Switch to/from command line                 STATUSSWITCH

     ESC g                                                              ++
        ^_  Redo command on command line                REDOCOMMAND

-- + The Marked Range -------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC $  Mark start of range                         MARKLO
     ESC %  Mark end of range                           MARKHI

     ESC ^P Mark the current procedure                  ENTER mcp      ++

     ESC {  Go to start of marked range                 MARKFIND       ++
     ESC }  Go to end of marked range                   ENDRANGE       ++

        ^D  Compile the marked range                    ENTER lmr

     ESC |  Delete the marked range                     ENTER d        ++

     ESC y                                                             ++
     ESC 9  Yank range last deleted                     ENTER y        ++

     ESC k  Copy marked range to after line with cursor ENTER t        ++
                (i.e. transcribe it)

     ESC m  Move marked range to after line with cursor ENTER m        ++

See HELP * MARK for a full description of the marked range.

-- + Justifying and formatting text -----------------------------------

     ESC :  Justify current procedure                   ENTER jcp      ++
     ESC =  Right Justify current paragraph             ENTER jp       ++
     ESC ;  Right Justify and align current paragraph   ENTER jjp      ++

-- + The Position Stack -----------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC '  Push current position on position stack     PUSHKEY
     ESC (  Pop last stacked position                   POPKEY
     ESC p  Swap current and stacked positions          EXCHANGEPOSITION

     ESC ,
<ENTER> cut Delete region between stacked positions     ENTER cut
            (re-insert with ENTER splice or "ESC .")

-- + Compiling --------------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

        ^D  Compile the marked range                    ENTER lmr
     ESC c  Compile the current procedure               ENTER lcp
     ESC d  Compile the current line                    LOADLINE

In immediate mode:

    RETURN  Send current line to compiler
    ESC ^D  Toggle input on RETURN                      ENTER switchmode_im
            (see REF * ved_switchmode_im)

    ESC ^Z  Send end-of-file to immediate-mode compiler ENTER end_im
            (NOT available to Unix users who use ^Z
             as the suspend character)

See HELP * LMR, * IM.

-- + Special Editing Functions ----------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC ^T Transpose two characters to left of cursor  ENTER sw     ++

     ESC <  Change current word to lower case           ENTER lcw    ++
     ESC >  Change current word to upper case           ENTER ucw    ++
        ^N  Change case of character under cursor       CHANGECASE   ++

-- + Switching Modes --------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC #  Toggle static (overstrike) mode             SETSTATIC
     ESC z  Toggle hard tabs
            (Alters * VEDHARDTAPS)
    ESC ^D  Toggle input on RETURN in immediate mode    ENTER switchmode_im

-- + Getting Help -----------------------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

     ESC h  Get help on current word                    GETSYSFILE

     ESC @  Show a key binding                          ENTER hk        ++

     ESC n  Search for next isolated asterisk           NEXTHELP

     ESC u
     ESC N  Search for previous isolated asterisk       PREVIOUSHELP    ++

Isolated asterisks usually indicate help cross-references: to follow up
a cross-reference, type <ESC> n to locate the asterisk, then <ESC> h to
get the corresponding help, teach or ref file.
Try (for example) HELP * HELP.

-- Key Bindings by Key ------------------------------------------------

-- + Control Keys -----------------------------------------------------

If you use a terminal other than a VISUAL 200 some of the sequences may
have been re-assigned. For users who do not have a terminal with
'alternate keypad' mode, LIB KEYPAD may be useful. SHOWLIB KEYPAD
provides information.

Some of the VED functions can be achieved by control characters, i.e.
hold down the CTRL button and press a key. (CTRL-A is represented below
as ^A). Note that some of these functions may be over-ridden by
conversion to particular terminals. LIB VEDEMACS changes most of them.

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

      ^A  Move to beginning of line                   SCREENLEFT
      ^B  Move back a word                            WORDLEFT
      ^C  Interrupt
      ^D  Load marked range (for program files)       ENTER lmr
          (See HELP LMR)
      ^E  Delete to end of line                       CLEARTAIL
      ^F  Move forward a word                         WORDRIGHT
      ^G  Like CHANGE mode key                        STATUSSWITCH
      ^H  Back space. Like BS key.                    CHARLEFT
          Move cursor left one character
      ^I  TAB, like TAB key. Insert suitable number   (insert TAB)
          of spaces, or tabs, depending whether
          VEDNOTABS is true or false. See HELP * VEDNOTABS

      ^J  (LF key) Move to beginning of next line     NEXTLINE
       (Position of cursor is controlled by VEDLEFTMARGIN.)
      ^K  Move to top of screen                       SCREENUP
      ^L  Move to bottom of screen                    SCREENDOWN
      ^M  Same as RETURN. Insert new line             VEDDOCR
          (In "immediate mode" sends current line to the compiler)
      ^N  Change case of character under cursor       CHANGECASE
      ^O  Often trapped by operating system - can't be used.
      ^P  Delete character at cursor Position         DOTDELETE
      ^Q  Often trapped by operating system - can't be used.
      ^R  Delete WORD to RIGHT of cursor              WORDRIGHTDELETE
      ^S  trapped by operating system - can't be used.
      ^T  Move up a line. (Like keypad 8)             CHARUP
      ^U  Delete line to left of cursor               CLEARHEAD
      ^V  Move down a line (Like keypad 2)            CHARDOWN
      ^W  Delete Word to left of cursor               WORDLEFTDELETE
      ^X  On VMS turns this into ^U, otherwise undefined
      ^Y  Interrupt and abort POP11 on VMS.
          You can lose your work! (On Unix,if set as QUIT character
          this aborts Poplog if typed twice within a second. Otherwise it
          calls SETPOP).

      ^Z  Move to right of current line               TEXTRIGHT
          (NOT available to Unix users who use ^Z as
           the suspend character)
      ^]  Delete current line                         LINEDELETE
      ^_  (CTRL and underscore) REDO last command     REDOCOMMAND
            (doesn't work on all terminals.)
      ^^  (CTRL and "^" button). Not used
      ^\  (CTRL and "\"). Not used
          (Sometimes set to "suspend process" on Unix.)
      ^@  Null character. Ignored by VED because some
          terminals send spurious nulls.

       DEL  Delete character to left of cursor          CHARDELETE

-- + Escape Keys ------------------------------------------------------

Several commands may be given by typing the <ESC> key followed by
another key. These look arbitrary. The sequences are in fact mostly
those produced by VT52 or Visual 200 function keys, for which VED was
originally used. But you can also type them directly yourself. Note that
the upper case letters, e.g. <ESC> H need the SHIFT key to be pressed.

Unless you are using a Visual 200 VDU it is very likely that the effect
of some of these sequences will have been redefined to suit the codes
generated by certain function keys. For instance, some of the sequences
marked 'unused' may be used by your keyboard if it is not a VISUAL 200.
LIB VEDEMACS redefines most of them.

You can always check with the ENTER hk command, as described above.

-- + ESC followed by a letter -----------------------------------------

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

        ESC a     Move left a quarter window          CHARLEFTLOTS
        ESC b     Go to bottom of file                ENDFILE
        ESC c     Compile current procedure           ENTER lcp
        ESC d     Compile current line)               LOADLINE
        ESC e     Give menu of files being edited     FILESELECT
        ESC f     Move down a quarter window          CHARDOWNLOTS
        ESC g     Redo last command                   REDOCOMMAND  ++
        ESC h     Get help file for word at cursor.   HELPFOR
        ESC i     Move up a quarter of a screen       CHARUPLOTS
        ESC j     Justify current procedure           ENTER jcp    ++
        ESC k     Transcribe marked range             ENTER t      ++
        ESC l     Delete word to left of cursor       WORDLEFTDELETE
        ESC m     Move marked range                   ENTER m      ++
        ESC n     Search for next "*"- used in help   NEXTHELP
                  files for finding cross references)
        ESC o     unused
        ESC p     Exchange current position with top  EXCHANGEPOSITION
                  of position stack
        ESC q     Quit current file                   ENTER q
        ESC r     Delete word to right of cursor      WORDRIGHTDELETE
        ESC s     Move right a quarter of a screen    CHARRIGHTLOTS
        ESC t     Go to top of file                   TOPFILE
        ESC u     Go to previous cross reference      PREVIOUSHELP      ++
                    (Like ESC n backwards)
        ESC v     refresh screen                      REFRESH
        ESC w     enlarge or contract window size     SETWINDOW
        ESC x     swap to previous VED buffer         SWAPFILES
        ESC y     "Yank" in last range deleted        ENTER y
        ESC z     Switch 'hard tabs' mode on or off
                   (Alters VEDHARDTABS)

        ESC A     like up arrow button                SCREENUP
        ESC B     like down arrow button              SCREENDOWN
        ESC C     like right arrow button             TEXTRIGHT
        ESC D     like left arrow button              SCREENLEFT
        ESC E     unused
        ESC F     unused
        ESC G     unused
        ESC H     Go to end of file                   ENDFILE
        ESC I     unused
        ESC J     Go down and right several lines     CHARDOWNRIGHTLOTS
        ESC K     Go down and left several lines      CHARDOWNLEFTLOTS
        ESC L     Go up and left several lines        CHARUPLEFTLOTS
        ESC M     Go left a quarter screen            CHARLEFTLOTS
        ESC N     Go to previous cross reference      PREVIOUSHELP      ++
        ESC O     Go to middle column of screen,      SCREENMIDDLE
                  on current line. On VT100 initiates
                  special sequences
        ESC P     Delete character under cursor       DOTDELETE
        ESC Q     Delete line to left of cursor       CLEARHEAD
        ESC R     Delete whole line                   LINEDELETE
        ESC S     unused
        ESC T     unused
        ESC U     unused
        ESC V     unused
        ESC W     unused
        ESC X     unused
        ESC Y     unused
        ESC Z     unused

-- + ESC followed by a control character ------------------------------

Here ^A means CTRL-A:

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

      ESC ^A                                            SCREENUP
      ESC ^B
      ESC ^C
      ESC ^D   Calls VED_SWITCHMODE_IM in "im".         ENTER switchhmode_im
      ESC ^E
      ESC ^F   Move right one character                 CHARRIGHT
      ESC ^G   Go to commandline                        ENTER
      ESC ^H
      ESC BS  (use back space button or ^H)             ENTER xup
            Scroll the other window up a page.
      ESC ^I
      ESC TAB (use TAB key or ^I). Move cursor          TABRIGHT
                right to next tab position
      ESC ^J
      ESC LF  (use LF button or ^J) scroll the          ENTER xdn
                other window down a page

      ESC ^K  See The "kill" table facilities below.                ++

      ESC ^L  Refresh screen                            REFRESH

      ESC ^M
      ESC RETURN  (or ^M) Go to commandline             ENTER       ++
      ESC ^N    unused
      ESC ^O    Not available.  ^O trapped by VMS
      ESC ^P    Mark current procedure                  ENTER mcp   ++
      ESC ^Q    Not available. ^Q trapped by VMS
      ESC ^R    unused  (used by VMS and Unix)
      ESC ^S    Not available. ^S trapped by VMS and Unix
      ESC ^T    Swap two characters to left of cursor   ENTER sw    ++
      ESC ^U    Yank last word or part line             ENTER yankw ++
      ESC ^V    unused
      ESC ^W    Yank last word or part line             ENTER yankw ++
      ESC ^X    not available. VMS traps ^X
      ESC ^Y    not available. ^Y causes process to abort.
      ESC ^Z    End immediate mode                      ENTER end_im
                (NOT available to Unix users who use ^Z
                 as the suspend character)

-- + ESC followed by other symbols ------------------------------------

(NB several of these are redefined for particular terminals)

       Key  Function                                    VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                    -------------

      ESC !     Delete word to left                 WORDLEFTDELETE
      ESC "     Delete word to right                WORDRIGHTDELETE
      ESC #     Go into or out of static mode       SETSTATIC
      ESC $     Set beginning of marked range       MARKLO
      ESC %     Mark current line as end of range   MARKHI
      ESC &     Move range to after current line    ENTER m
      ESC '     Push current position               PUSHKEY
      ESC (     Pop last stacked position           POPKEY
      ESC )     Insert line above current line      LINEABOVE
      ESC *     Insert line below current line      LINEBELOW
      ESC +     PUSH position onto position stack   PUSHKEY
      ESC ,     Cut text between two stacked        ENTER cut     ++
      ESC -     POP position on position stack      POPKEY
                (Compare with   ESC p)
      ESC .     Splice in text removed by ENTER cut ENTER splice  ++
      ESC /     Search forward for last search string  ENTER re_search

      ESC 0
      ESC 1     Move up and right several lines     CHARUPRIGHTLOTS
      ESC 2     Move right a quarter screen         CHARRIGHTLOTS
      ESC 3    Complete file name to left of cursor FILECOMPLETE ++
      ESC 4
      ESC 5
      ESC 6
      ESC 7     Yank word or part line deleted      ENTER yankw
      ESC 8     Yank last line deleted              ENTER yankl
      ESC 9     Yank last range deleted             ENTER y

      ESC :     Justify current procedure           ENTER jcp  ++
      ESC ;     Justify and align current para.     ENTER jjp  ++
      ESC <     Convert word to lower case.         ENTER lcw  ++
      ESC =     Right Justify current paragraph     ENTER jp   ++
      ESC >     Convert word to upper case.         ENTER ucw  ++
      ESC ?     used to initiate special sequences  "vedquerytable"
                produced by some keypads
      ESC @     Show a key binding                  ENTER hk   ++

      ESC [     Usually start of a special sequence
      ESC \     Search back for last search string  ENTER re_backsearch
      ESC ]     Go to right hand edge of screen     SCREENRIGHT
      ESC ^     Go to start of text in line         TEXTLEFT
      ESC _     unused
      ESC `     unused

      ESC {     Go to start of marked range         MARKFIND   ++
      ESC |     Delete marked range                 ENTER d    ++
      ESC }     Go to end of marked range           ENDRANGE   ++

      ESC ~     unused
      ESC DEL   unused

-- Longer Sequences ---------------------------------------------------

On the VISUAL 200 VED puts the keypad into a special mode in which some
of the keys translate a three character sequence starting with <ESC> ?

See HELP * VEDKEY5 for information about a convenient alteration of the
keypad on the Visual 200.

On the VT100 the three character sequences start with <ESC> O.

-- The "kill" table ---------------------------------------------------

Sequences starting ESC ^K are used to kill (delete) or retrieve text.

       Key  Function                                 VED Procedure
       ---  --------                                 -------------

 ESC ^K ^B  Delete word to left of cursor            WORDLEFTDELETE   ++
 ESC ^K ^F  Delete word to right of cursor           WORDRIGHTDELETE  ++
 ESC ^K ^A  Delete line to left of cursor            CLEARHEAD        ++
 ESC ^K ^E  Delete line to right of cursor           CLEARTAIL        ++
 ESC ^K ^K  Delete current line                      LINEDELETE       ++
 ESC ^K ^D  Delete marked range                      ENTER d          ++
 ESC ^K ^P  Delete region between stacked positions  ENTER cut        ++

NOTE that the default bindings have these as "undelete" operations, and
make the corresponding "delete" ones all start without the ESC. See

-- Tailoring VED ------------------------------------------------------

For information on tailoring VED for different terminals, see


    Using VED in an xterm window
    Using VED on HP workstations in an xterm window.

    Describes the "logical" names used in various documentation files
    to describe VED functions that can be invoked from the keyboard.

    Defining new key mappings interactively

    Defining new VED "ENTER" commands

--- C.all/help/vedoldkeys
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