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HELP V550                                              A. Sloman October 1983

                         VED CONVERSION FOR VISUAL 550

The visual 550 is useable with VED but has a number of limitations.
It starts up in low intensity mode so the library file has to transmit
codes to convert it to high intensity mode.

The main advantage is that the screen accommodates 33 lines. The main
disadvantage is that the keypad does not convert, like the V200 or VT100,
though with the 'FUNCTION FAST MOV' key depressed most of the number buttons
do transmit special codes, 2 and 8 being the exceptions.

Due to the large screen size, 18 is set as VEDSTARTWINDOW, i.e. the size of
the lower window.

Also there appear to be bugs in the software. Sometimes the screen remains
as it was after you insert or delete a line. I cannot find anything
systematic in this. So when inserting or deleting lines,0 make sure you
see the lower part of the window move up or down. If not, then REFRESH
the screen.

Owing to shortage of keys, REFRESH has to be done as ESC v (lower case).

There is supposed to be a set of graphic characters, but they do not
seem to work properly, so VEDNOGRAPHICS() is used. E.g. the status line
is made of hyphens.

The function keys go from F1 to F12. Since F0 is not available, the
sequence    ESC DEL is used to delete character under the cursor.

Otherwise F1 to F12 work as on the visual 200
F1  delete line to left
F2  delete whole line
F3  delete line to right
F4  delete word left
F5  delete word right
F6  delete switch static mode
F7  mark first line of range
F8  mark last line of range
F9  move marked range
F10 push current position
F11 pop current position
F12 (temporarily) insert line above current line. (See ESC ESC left arrow)
The ENTER button never transmits anything but the Carriage Return code.
So the key marked HOME may be used for ENTER.

ESC RETURN may be used instead for ENTER

For moving the cursor up or down a quarter of a window at a time use

ESC 8   cursor up fast
ESC 2   cursor down fast

Additional fast moves can be made with keypad number buttons while depressing

1 is down left, 3 down right, 4 left, 5 up, 6 right, 7 up left 9 up right
NB 2 and 8 only transmit their normal codes with the function key down

NB note that key 5 can be used for fast cursor moves UP the screen

Other keypad keys can be used if preceded by ESC:

ESC -       redo last command
ESC ,       change mode - go to command line
ESC 0       move word left
ESC .       move word right

The ARROW keys, at the top of the keyboard, can be used for big or small
jumps in four directions. If pressed on their own, the arrow keys move
the cursor one space left, right, up or down.

If preceded by ESC then do a SCREEN move, up down left right
So ESC up-arrow moves cursor to top of window, and if repeated causes the
window to move up the file, i.e. the file scrolls down.

Use two ESCs for big vertical moves:
If preceded by ESC ESC then up arrow goes to top of file, down arrow
goes to bottom of file.

Two escapes before the left or right arrow can be used to insert a new line
above or below the curent line:
ESC ESC left arrow does insert line above,
ESC ESC right arrow inserts line below

The VDU is capable of handline character insert or delete within a line,
but this has not yet been implemented.

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