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HELP SYSEXIT                            Revised by Fran Evelyn, July 85


In most circumstances, SYSEXIT causes the POP-11 system to exit back to
the operating system. All files are closed. SYSEXIT is called by *SETPOP
when it reads *TERMIN from the standard input, and by <ENTER> QQ from
within VED. If *SYSFORK has been used then SYSEXIT will only exit from
the current process.

SYSEXIT first runs the user-assignable procedure *POPEXIT (whose default
value is *IDENTFN). A procedure may be assigned to POPEXIT to prevent
the system from actually exiting, e.g. by calling *SETPOP. The procedure
*VEDPOPEXIT is then executed. VEDPOPEXIT checks whether there are
changed files left in the VED buffers, and writes them to disk if
appropriate. If TRUE is assigned to VEDALWAYSASK, VED will ask before
writing a file.

If you re-define POPEXIT, it may be wise to make it call VEDPOPEXIT().

-- ASSOCIATED DOCUMENATION --------------------------------------------

HELP *POPEXIT     - on the variable POPEXIT
HELP *SYSEXECUTE  - runs a specified file in place of the current POPLOG image
HELP *SYSFORK     - forks the current POPLOG process
REF *SYSUTIL      - operating system utility procedures
REF *SYSTEM       - other systems utilities

--- C.all/help/sysexit -------------------------------------------------
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1987. All rights reserved. ----------