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HELP POPRAWDEVOUT                                   A.Sloman August 1988

    This global active variable has as its value a device record, which
is the standard raw output device from the terminal.

(It replaces the old facility, * POPDEVRAW)

For full details, see REF * SYSIO/poprawdevout

See also
REF  *SYSIO      - for more on Input/Output procedures
REF  *CHARIO     - on character-stream input and output
REF  *SYSUTIL    - general utilities for access to operating system
HELP *INPUT      - overview of input facilities
HELP *OUTPUT     - overview of output facilities
HELP *RAWCHARIN  - outputs a character to the terminal in 'raw' mode
HELP *RAWCHAROUT - reads a character from the terminal in 'raw' mode
HELP *POPDEVIN   - the device for the standard input channel
HELP *POPDEVOUT  - the device for the standard output channel
HELP *POPRAWDEVIN - raw terminal input device
HELP *POPDEVERR  - the device for the standard error channel

--- C.all/help/poprawdevout --------------------------------------------
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1988. All rights reserved. ----------