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HELP MLVED                                     Robert Duncan, Sept. 1987
                                                      Revised March 1990
                                                    Revised October 1994

Using the Poplog editor Ved with PML.

This file assumes a familiarity with the basic editor commands and an
understanding of the load-marked-range facility; for more introductory
information see HELP * VED, TEACH * VED and HELP * LMR.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

  1   Calling Ved from PML

  2   Compiling a file in Ved

  3   Compiling part of a file

  4   Compiling a single ML declaration

  5   Immediate mode evaluation

  6   Locating a particular definition

  7   Calling PML commands from Ved

1  Calling Ved from PML

The command

    ved <filename>

typed to the PML top-level prompt will bring up the Ved editor on the
named file. If the filename argument is omitted from the command, Ved
will return to the last file edited or loaded, or failing that, to a
default file called "".

Once inside Ved, the command

    <ENTER> pml

will return you to the PML top-level.

Ved is a general purpose editor, so that any kind of file may be edited
from PML. However, filenames with particular file extensions are assumed
by Ved to contain ML source code, in which case the compilation
facilities described below become available. The default file extensions
which Ved recognises are ".ml" (for most program files) and ".sig" for
signature definitions. You can use different extensions if you prefer --
".sml" for example -- by setting the appropriate compiler variables
described in HELP * COMPILE.

2  Compiling a file in Ved

When using the editor on an ML program file, the command

    <ENTER> l1

(for "load-one-file") can be used to compile it. This will compile the
contents of the current file as they are in the editor buffer,
regardless of how recently the file has been written out to disk. Any
bindings resulting from the compilation are added into the global
environment just as if they had been typed in to the top-level prompt
(so there is no concept of any local environment associated with the
current file).

Output from the compilation -- the display of bindings plus any syntax
or type error messages -- is directed into Ved's current output file.
This is by default the file "", but it can be changed by using
the command

    <ENTER> output <filename>

See HELP * LMR for details.

3  Compiling part of a file

By using the editor keys MARKLO and MARKHI you can mark out a range of
lines within the file being edited: exactly how to do this is described
in HELP * MARK. If the file is an ML program file, this marked portion
of the code can then be compiled independently of the rest of the file
with the command

    <ENTER> lmr

(for "load-marked-range"). On most keyboards this command will be bound
to the key sequence CTRL-D, but see HELP * LMR for more information.

As with the L1 command described above, all the bindings resulting from
an LMR command are added into the global environment. This means that
whenever a file is changed, it is only necessary to recompile those
declarations in the file which come after the change, as any preceding
definitions will still be visible. To compile all code from the current
cursor position to the end of the file, use the command sequence

    MARKLO          (* marks the current cursor position *)
    <ENTER> mef     (* marks the end of the file *)
    <ENTER> lmr     (* or CTRL-D: compiles the marked range *)

4  Compiling a single ML declaration

The command

    <ENTER> mcp

can be used to mark a single declaration in an ML program file.

The abbreviation MCP stands for "mark-current-procedure", a relic of
Ved's original association with the language Pop-11; in PML, MCP should
be interpreted as meaning "mark-current-declaration". The word
"declaration" here is restricted to meaning a top-level declaration
starting with one of the declaration keywords (such as val, fun,
datatype, etc.) and ending with a terminating semicolon; "current"
implies the declaration surrounding the current cursor position.

By marking out a single declaration with this command and then using the
LMR feature to compile the range, single declarations can be compiled
incrementally as they are added into a file. A single command

    <ENTER> lcp

(for "load-current-procedure") will do both these actions at once, and
with the added advantage of not disturbing any existing range markers.
This command is usually bound to the simpler key sequence

    <ESC> c

Ved is not a syntax-directed editor and so can only try to determine the
extent of the current declaration at the time the command is issued. It
does so with the following heuristic: starting at the current cursor
position, it searches backwards through the file until it finds a line
which has a declaration keyword beginning in column 1; that line is
marked as the start of the range. From there, it searches forwards to
find a line containing a matching semicolon and marks that as the end of
the range. To make proper use of this feature then, all top-level
declarations must start in column 1 of the file, while any local
declarations must be indented (and "local" here includes declarations
inside structures and abstypes as well as those in let and local

Remember though that if you are changing an ML declaration (rather than
adding a new one), it is not always sufficient to recompile only the
declaration which has changed. Other definitions which have already been
compiled, and which reference the original version of the declaration,
will not see the change and will continue to use the earlier version
(this follows from the strict "define before use" semantics of ML). To
see the true effect of a changed declaration, you must also recompile
everything which uses it.

5  Immediate mode evaluation

Ved's "immediate mode" provides a feature whereby you can interact with
the PML top-level from inside an editor file. The command

    <ENTER> im

is used to start up an immediate mode window on a file. By default,
Ved's current output file "" is used, but you can give an
argument to the IM command to override this if you wish, as in:

    <ENTER> im <filename>

Immediate mode files should, like program files, have the extension
".ml" so that Ved will know which compiler to use for them.

Immediate mode files behave much like ordinary files in that all the
normal editing functions are available for them, but for one substantial
difference: each immediate mode file has a PML top-level process
attached to it, and the <RETURN> key, instead of breaking the current
line as it would in an ordinary file, is interpreted as a signal to send
the contents of the current line to the waiting process. This means that
you can type into an immediate mode window just as you would outside of
the editor and have each line consumed by the PML compiler as you hit
<RETURN>; output from the compiler (including prompts) is inserted in
the file as it is produced.

At its simplest then, IM provides a complete logging facility for an
interactive session. However, because all the normal cursor movement
functions are available and because the <RETURN> key will enter *any*
line (not just the last line typed) you can move freely around the file
editing and re-entering lines which have been used previously. The mark
and load commands described above also work in immediate mode files, so
that larger blocks of text can be interleaved with the single lines
input by <RETURN>. Finally, because the file is attached to a separate
PML process which is independent of whatever else the editor is doing,
you can move into another file to work without disturbing the state of
the IM process, even if it is left in the middle of reading a
declaration; you can resume from the point at which it was left whenever
you return to that file.

Quitting from an immediate mode file kills off the compiler process
attached to it. It is also possible just to kill off the process but
leave the file in the editor as an ordinary file with the command

    <ENTER> end_im

This has the effect of sending an end-of-file character to the compiler

All the bindings evaluated by IM are, like those evaluated by LMR, added
into the single global environment. This means that both forms of input
can be freely mixed, even when arising from different files. A
productive method of working is to use the LMR and LCP commands to
incrementally compile declarations from a program file, and to have an
immediate mode window running in parallel for testing each definition as
it is loaded.

6  Locating a particular definition

You can use the command

    <ENTER> f <function-name>

(for "find") to locate the definition of a named function within an ML
program file.

For example, if the current file defines an ML function called sort,

    <ENTER> f sort

will move the cursor to the start of the line where the definition
begins. This works regardless of whether the definition is at top-level,
or is local to a let expression or similar construct.

This command will actually search for any function whose name starts
with sort, so will also find names likes sort', sort_pairs, sorted, etc.
Searching always starts from the current position within the file, so if
you don't get the name you're looking for first time, use the REDO key
to reexecute the command and move the cursor onto the next matching
definition. By repeatedly pressing REDO you can cycle through all the
functions which have the same prefix.

Alternatively, you can force an exact match on the name by giving the
option -x:

    <ENTER> f -x sort

This will show you the function sort and nothing else.

Unless directed otherwise, <ENTER> f will only search for a function
name; strictly, a name bound by a fun declaration. If you want to look
for a different kind of name, such as a type constructor, you can
precede the name with an appropriate keyword from the following set:


So to find the definition of the type constructor graph, use the command

    <ENTER> f type graph

The type keyword covers type, datatype and abstype declarations, while
the val keyword covers both val and fun declarations (providing a
superset of the default behaviour).

If you want to specify a keyword and force an exact match, the -x option
must come first:

    <ENTER> f -x type graph

The search mechanism does not parse the file, but uses simple rules for
recognising declarations and extracting the bound names. These rules are
not always accurate -- particularly when searching val declarations --
and are easily confused by syntax errors.

7  Calling PML commands from Ved

All the PML top-level commands described in HELP * COMMANDS are also
available from inside Ved: use the <ENTER> key to get to the command
line, and then type the command as you would to the PML prompt. For
example, try

    <ENTER> help commands

Where a command produces output, this is sometimes presented in a
different way when called from inside Ved. For example, the command

    <ENTER> showdef +

will display its output in a separate temporary file to keep it distinct
from that produced by the compiler.

--- C.all/pml/help/mlved
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1994. All rights reserved.