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HELP NEWS.V14_5                                  Robert Duncan, Oct 1996

For the most recent news, see HELP * NEWS.


Dec  1 (John Williams)
    --- Poplog 14.5 now ready for beta-testing.

Nov 24 (John Gibson)
    --- ved_ved now deals with editing multiple files, i.e. it splits
        vedargument at whitespace boundaries, and edits each of the
        resulting filenames.

Nov 10 (John Williams)
    --- New procedure sysobjectfile added, for generating machine and
        operating system release specific object file names (for use by
        applications that might be delivered on more than one platform).
        See REF * SYSUTIL for more details.

Oct 29 (Simon Nichols)
    --- Two new commands, up and down have been added to LIB * DEBUGGER.
        These move up and down the call stack by one frame. Thus, up
        selects and displays the frame for the immediate caller, and
        down selects and displays the frame of the procedure called from
        the current frame. These commands have been added for
        convenience, since their effect can be obtained using frame with
        the appropriate frame number. See HELP * DEBUGGER for further

Oct 21 (John Gibson)
    --- From Version 14.5, Poplog saved images created by syssave and
        sys_lock_system no longer attempt to save the run-time state of
        externally-loaded code. In particular, they no longer save areas
        of dynamic memory allocated by the O/S library memory allocators
        malloc (Unix) and lib$get_vm (VMS).

        Thus saved images can now only be used to save the state of
        external loads immediately after compilation. They cannot now be
        used to save the state of external variables and data structures
        after external code has been run.

        This change was necessitated by various factors. First, external
        state-saving never really worked properly anyway (or rather, it
        worked partially on some systems but not on others), and
        REF * EXTERNAL has always advised against its use.

        Second, Poplog's use of shareable libraries under the Solaris
        and HP-UX operating systems mean that even that previous
        unsatisfactory behaviour is now unsupportable.

        See Saving and Restoring Images in REF * EXTERNAL for more

Oct 19 (Simon Nichols)
    --- A new library directory, $usepop/pop/lib/proto, has been
        introduced to contain prototype versions of new libraries,
        supplied for evaluation and comment. Being experimental, the
        facilities provided by such libraries may be modified in future.
        While all reasonable endeavours will be made to limit
        incompatible changes, programs using these facilities may
        require modification to utilise later versions.

        To make any experimental libraries supplied here accessible, do:

            uses popprotolib;

        before loading the required prototype library.

Oct 14 (Simon Nichols)
    --- A new command, source, has been added to LIB * DEBUGGER. This
        displays the source code for the procedure corresponding to the
        currently selected frame. This is in contrast to where, which
        shows the source for the currently executing procedure.
        See HELP * DEBUGGER for further information.

Oct 11 (Simon Nichols)
    --- The following bugs in LIB * DEBUGGER have been fixed:

        #   Breakpoints on nested procedures were not being reported by
            the breakpoints command.

        #   Displaying a stack frame of a procedure with a dlocal active
            variable resulted in a mishap.

        #   The values of dlocal variables of recursive invocations of a
            procedure other than the most recent were sometimes
            incorrectly reported.

        #   The animate command did not work correctly.

        #   The error reporting of the stopat command has been fixed.

        Some other minor bugs have also been fixed and general error
        reporting somewhat improved.

Oct 08 (Jonathan Meyer)
    --- Added postscript_line_consumer, for printing dstrings to PostScript

    --- (Unix Only) ved_print and ved_printmr can now generating PostScript
        output which prints Ved Character Attributes correctly. This is done
        using the -o <devtype> option, e.g.

            <ENTER> print -o ps

        prints the current file using PostScript.

        See HELP * VED_PRINT REF * postscript_line_consumer.

    --- Added ved_draw,  for  interactively drawing  boxes  around  text
        using the cursor keys. It uses the Ved graphics characters, e.g.

               | ABC |----------+----------|

        See REF * ved_draw.

Sep 29 (Jonathan Meyer)
    --- Poplog now supports `regular expression' string pattern matching,
        as popularised by Unix programs such as awk, grep, ed, etc.

        See REF * REGEXP for full details.

    --- match_wordswith and ved_wordswith now accept Poplog regular
        expression patterns. See HELP * WORDSWITH.

    --- The whole of the Ved search and substitution mechanism has been
        re-implemented to support regular expression search patterns as
        well as a suite of other new search and substitution options
        (for example, the ability to constrain a search to a marked range).

        See REF * VEDSEARCH for more details.

        The changes are largely backwards-compatible. In particular, the
        <ENTER> commands work much as they did in the earlier mechanism,
        the only notable exception being that, by default, backwards
        searches now wrap over the start of the file.

    --- The procedural interface  to the Ved  search mechanism has been
        rationalised.  The   procedures  vedcllocate,   vedlocate,
        vedbacklocate, vedtestsearch, vedtestclsearch are now  obsolete
        and are replaced by ved_try_search and ved_check_search.

    --- The variables  used  by  the  Ved  search  mechanism  have  been
        rationalised. The  old  search state  variables  vvedsrchstring,
        vvedsrchsize,  vvedoldsrchdisplay,  vvedinstring,  vedfoundline,
        vedfoundcol, and vvedanywhere are now obsolete and are replaced
        with a single active  variable, ved_search_state. Programs  that
        used to do things like:

            dlocal vvedoldsrchdisplay, vvedsrchstring, vvedsrchsize ...

        to preserve the ved search state can now simply do

            dlocal ved_search_state;

        Setting the search state is now done using ved_set_search. You
        can query the search state using ved_query_last_search.

        The old variables remain for backwards-compatibility.

        The  variables  vvedquery,  vvedsrchendline,  vvedsrchstartline,
        vvedampersand and  vvedpercent are  no longer  used by  the  Ved
        search mechanism.

Sep 23 (John Gibson)
    --- Prior to Version 14.5, the procedure gensym was implemented as a
        closure of an anonymous procedure whose frozval was the property
        maintaining the integer suffixes. This is no longer the case:
        the property is now in the variable gensym_property, and gensym
        itself is an ordinary constant procedure. If required, use

                uses popobsoletelib, old_gensym;

        to restore the old implementation.

Sep 16 (Simon Nichols)
    --- Important note to users of Poplog running under Solaris 2 and
        HP-UX (i.e. dynamically linked versions of Poplog):

            # Poplog on Solaris 2 will not run unless the directory
            $popexternlib is present in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Therefore, the
            Poplog login script $popcom/poplog adds $popexternlib to
            LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Users should beware of redefining, rather
            than adding to, LD_LIBRARY_PATH: this is in any case unwise
            as other software packages (such as OpenWindows) may also
            have added entries to it.

            # Poplog on HP-UX will not run unless the directory
            $popexternlib is present in SHLIB_PATH. Therefore, the
            Poplog login script $popcom/poplog adds $popexternlib to
            SHLIB_PATH. Users should beware of redefining, rather than
            adding to, SHLIB_PATH: this is in any case unwise as other
            software packages may also have added entries to it.

Sep 16 (Simon Nichols)
    --- A previous attempt to make LIB * SHOWTREE work when
        * pop_pr_quotes is true introduced a number of bugs. In
        particular, it no longer respected redefinitions of * pr, which
        meant that the Prolog library showtree no longer worked
        correctly. These problems have now been fixed. In addition, LIB
        SHOWTREE works with pop_pr_quotes true.

Aug 31 (Robert Duncan)
    --- The default key map for Ved has been changed: the new set of key
        bindings first introduced in Poplog Version 14.0 (vednewkeys)
        has now been made the default. These key bindings are described
        in HELP * VEDKEYS. Users who have already converted to the new
        bindings will see no change; other users who prefer to stick
        with the old bindings can do so by adding to the start of their
        "vedinit.p" files the lines:

            vedoldkeys -> veddefaultkeys;

        The old bindings are documented in HELP * VEDOLDKEYS.

        Note that only the standard escape- and control-key bindings are
        affected by this change: personal customisations and function
        key bindings set up by terminal configuration libraries remain
        as before.

Aug 24 (John Gibson)
    --- Following the change reported in the HELP NEWS entry for Nov 12,
        the new versions of the libraries

            showtree actor event newqueue

        have replaced the old ones. The old versions have been renamed
        old_* in $usepop/pop/lib/obsolete, i.e.

            old_showtree old_actor old_event old_newqueue

        and thus require

            uses popobsoletelib;

        to make them accessible via uses.

        This (non-upward-compatible) change has been made in order to
        encourage the use of the new (POPC-usable) versions. See
        HELP * SHOWTREE, * ACTOR, * NEWQUEUE for more details.

Aug 23 (Robert Duncan)
    --- The define_parser syntax form has been extended to support what
        are called ``meta-symbols'' which can considerably simplify the
        specification of large grammars. An example meta-symbol would

            OPT(phrase) ::=
                    /* empty */             { false }
                |   phrase

        which expresses the notion of an optional phrase. This meta-
        symbol could be applied on the right-hand-side of any subsequent
        rule, wherever an optional item is required. For example:

            vars ::=
                    /* empty */             { [] }
                |   var:v OPT(',') vars:vs  { v :: vs }

        This describes a list of vars, optionally separated by commas.

        See HELP * DEFINE_PARSER/Meta.

July 27 (John Williams)
    --- The core of the procedure syssort has been separated out and
        re-named nc_listsort, providing a fast non-checking and non-
        copying merge sort algorithm for lists. See LIB * nc_listsort.
        The procedure syssort is still available, however, and is now
        defined in terms of nc_listsort.

July 21 (John Williams)
    --- The directory $usepop/pop/lib/turtle/ is  no longer included  in
        the default value of popautolist (because the "turtle" libraries
        capture some identifier  names, e.g. "left"  and "right",  which
        should be available to users). However, the two principal  entry
        points to the  "turtle" package,  the procedure  turtle and  the
        library  LIB * VTURTLE,  remain   auto-loadable.  Also,  a   new
        library,  LIB * POPTURTLELIB,   is  provided   which  adds   the
        directory $usepop/pop/lib/turtle/ to popautolist when loaded.

July 7 (John Williams)
    --- News entries relating to Poplog versions 14.1 and 14.2 have
        been moved to HELP * NEWS.V14_1 and HELP * NEWS.V14_2

July 6 (John Williams)
    --- LIB * VEDSUNXTERMKEYS has been enhanced to cope with Sun type 5
        keyboards. Documentation is in HELP * SUNXTERMKEYS_TYPE5.

    --- HELP * VEDXTERM has been re-organised. The discussion of LIB
        VEDXGOTOMOUSE has been moved to a separate HELP file of the
        same name. Also, the lists of X key translations needed to get
        Ved working on a Sun or HP 9000 have been moved to data files
        stored in $popvedlib/term.

July 5 (John Williams)
    --- (Unix only). It is now possible to indicate to sys_file_match
        that it should call sys_file_stat with the follow_symlinks
        argument set false. For details, see REF * sys_file_match and
        REF * sys_file_stat.

Jun 30 (John Williams)
    --- The Ved command <ENTER> mp now skips over bracket characters
        that are enclosed between Pop-11 character quotes (`).

    --- The ordering of the arguments to the eq_p procedure in the
        procedures delete, ncdelete, and fast_ncdelete has been
        standardised. They all now call

            eq_p(list_element, item)

        whereas previously ncdelete and fast_ncdelete called eq_p with
        the arguments the other way round. See REF * LISTS.

Jun 29 (Simon Nichols)
    --- From Poplog version 14.23, Poplog will be additionally available
        on the following platforms:

        o Sun Sparc running Solaris 2.2

        o HP 9000/700 (Precision architecture) running HP-UX 9.0

        Unlike previous versions of Poplog, these are both dynamically
        linked against shared libraries. This means that Poplog images
        will be smaller and consume less system resources.

    --- From Poplog version 14.23, Poplog on HP 9000/300 will also be
        dynamically linked against shared libraries.

    --- Dynamically linked versions of Poplog use a new implementation
        of the low level internals of exload. The reimplementation has
        been done using the programmatic interface to the dynamic linker
        provided by the operating system (see REF * EXTERNAL for
        details). It has the following practical effects:

        o   Instead of relocatable object files, exload now links in
            shared objects (also known as shared libraries). There is
            hardly any extra effort involved in creating a shared object
            as opposed to a relocatable object. The following examples
            are taken from REF * EXTERNAL/Input File Arguments:

            To produce a shared object '' corresponding to the C
            source file 'test.c' on a Sun Solaris 2 system:

                % cc -o -G -K pic test.c

            To produce a shared library '' corresponding to the C
            source file 'test.c' on HP-UX:

                % cc -c +z test.c
                % ld -o -b test.o

            For further details see REF * EXTERNAL and the appropriate
            operating system/language processor manual.

        o   When making saved images, syssave and sys_lock_system should
            not be used to save the results of external functions that
            have already been run. (Note that this was always a dubious
            practice and not guaranteed to work on all systems). This is
            because shared objects are reloaded in their initial state
            when a saved image is restored: external functions and data
            are no longer placed in the saved image file, with
            beneficial effects on their sizes (and thus disk usage). For
            details see REF * EXTERNAL/Saving and Restoring Images.

        o   Because external loads are redone in one go when a saved
            image is restored, the saved object files must exist and be
            accessible in their original locations when the saved image
            is restored. This is not quite as restrictive as it might
            seem, since a shared object file may be referenced using a
            path name which includes one or more environment variables.
            These will be translated when the saved image is restored.

        For further details on the previous two points see
        REF * EXTERNAL/Saving and Restoring Images.

Jun 18 (Adrian Howard)
    --- Three new Ved procedures to aid the writing of REF files have
        been added. See * ved_idprops, * ved_jrefmr, and * ved_slrhs for
        more information.

    --- The procedures created by * shadowclass now have the correct

Jun 14 (John Gibson)
    --- uses may now take a non top-level identifier pathname as the
        library name argument, e.g.

                uses $-foo$-baz;

        This searchs the directories in popuseslist for a filename


        i.e. the corresponding filename is got by replacing `$`
        characters in the identifier pathname with `S`.

        Note that you must specify the full identifier pathname starting
        with $-, since the current section is NOT taken into account.
        This facility is intended for use with uses only, and not for
        autoloading. (It will actually work with autoloading for a
        reference to the full identifier pathname, but not for a
        relative reference within the current section.)

Jun 4 (John Williams)
    --- The procedure sys_read_lines can now take an extra (optional)
        boolean argument, for specifying whether the text to be read
        uses the new Ved character attributes (in which case
        vedfile_line_repeater is used to read from the file).
        See REF * sys_read_lines for details.

May 28 (John Williams)
    --- New Ved command <ENTER> newheading added, for creating new-style
        document section headers. See REF * ved_newindex.

May 28 (John Williams)
    --- The procedures ved_? and ved_?? (Ved commands <ENTER> ? and
        <ENTER> ??) now display mixed-case REF file names correctly.

May 25 (John Gibson)
    --- Fixed a bug in biginteger multiplication where the result was
        negative instead of positive when multiplying two negative
        bigintegers which were both powers of 2**31.

May 18 (John Williams)
    --- The procedure readstringline now ignores trailing spaces in
        the input line.

May 13 (John Gibson)
    --- Fixed the Ved input character processing mechanism and vedsetkey
        to deal properly with characters-with-attributes and 8-bit
        characters. Thus the vedsetkey translation string of an input
        character sequence can now contain attributes and Ved graphics
        characters, etc.

May 10 (John Williams)
    --- New procedure is_ved_output_file added, for recognising Ved
        "output" files. This procedure is used in the default value of
        vedfiletypes, in order to set vedcompileable false for output
        files. See REF * VEDPROCS and HELP * VEDFILETYPES.

May 7 (Adrian Howard)
    --- New for-form in_dstring added for iterating over dstrings. See
        HELP * FOR_FORM.

May 7 (John Williams)
    --- New procedures discin_device and discout_device added, for
        accessing the device records associated with the character
        repeater/consumer procedures created by discin and discout
        respectively. See REF * CHARIO.

May 04 (Adrian Howard)
    --- A new procedure app_subsystems applies a user procedure to the
        name of every subsystem in sys_subsystem_table.
        See REF * SUBSYSTEM for details

May 03 (Adrian Howard)
    --- A new generic type-checking procedure check_item has been added.
        See REF * DATA for full details.

Apr 30 (John Gibson)
    --- exload_batch now merges the object-file lists from all exloads
        within its range that do not have the (no batching) attribute.
        (Thus it produces a single call to external_do_load when the
        final endexload_batch is encountered.) See the section
        batching Attribute in REF * EXTERNAL for more details.

Apr 23 (John Gibson)
    --- A new procedure * is_vedfile_local enables the value of any
        variable to be localised to an individual Ved file.
        See REF * VEDPROCS.

    --- Using is_vedfile_local, the Ved immediate mode mechanism now
        sets vvedpromptchar to the prompt-marker space character (`\Sp`)
        only locally in an immediate mode file. Outside of this context,
        vvedpromptchar is false (making `\Sp` behave as a normal

    --- Also using is_vedfile_local, there is now a Ved command
        * ved_dssp (i.e. <ENTER> dssp -- Display Special SPaces) which
        causes all the Ved special space characters to be displayed as
        visible characters, but in the current file only.
        See REF * VEDCOMMS and Ved Special Space Characters in
        REF * VEDPROCS.

Apr 20 (John Williams)
    --- New option added to vedexpandchars: ^p, which expands to the
        directory name of the current Ved file. See HELP * VEDEXPAND for

Apr 16 (Robert Duncan)
    --- Various changes to newpop:

        The installation step -- copying a new basepop11 to $popsys --
        is now optional, selected with the option install. Previously
        this step was compulsory, making it difficult to use newpop
        incrementally. Now a command such as:

            newpop -link only

        does exactly as it suggests: it links newpop11 and no more. The
        default configuration file for newpop has been changed to
        include the install option and so works exactly as before; users
        who have created their own configuration files may wish to add
        the install option where appropriate.

        The options x, commands and images -- which have no effect
        except in conjunction with other options -- are now selected by
        default: you must specify nox, nocommands or noimages if you
        wish to override them. This change makes no difference to a
        standard installation, but can reduce the number of command-line
        options needed to perform particular tasks. For example, the
        link command given above will now build a newpop11 which
        includes X support (because x is assumed given); you must
        specify nox in the command if you don't want it. Also, a command
        such as:

            newpop -xved only

        is sufficient both to build the XVed saved image and install
        xved as a shell/DCL command.

        The strategy for deciding which libraries to use when linking
        against X has been made more sophisticated to cope better with
        system-specific configurations.

        See HELP * NEWPOP for full details.

Apr 15 (David Young)
    --- LIB * GAMMA revised completely and HELP * GAMMA updated.

Mar 15 (John Williams)
    --- New procedure sys_file_exists added - see REF * SYSIO for

Feb 19 (John Gibson)
    --- There is now a new style of index for Poplog documentation
        files, based on numbered sections and sub-sections. See for

        The new-style indexes will gradually replace the old.
        However, <ENTER> g (i.e. ved_g) recognises both, and moves
        to the appropriate section in the file.

        The new indexes are constructed with <ENTER> newindex -- see
        REF * ved_newindex.

Feb 17 (Ian Rogers)
    --- Extended XptResourceInfo so the first argument can now also be a
        WidgetClass. Ensures that the widget class is initialised before
        attempting to extract the resources.

Feb 15 (John Gibson)
    --- The whole subsystem mechanism has been re-implemented and moved
        from lib subsystem into the system core (lib subsystem no longer

        The changes are largely backwards-compatible. In particular, the
        subscr_subsystem interface to subsystem fields remains as
        before, except that the integer subscripts are now defined in

        An important aspect of the new system is that a subsystem record
        may be present in sys_subsystem_table without its compiler (and
        other associated procedures) actually being loaded; this has
        made possible the creation of separate libraries for the Prolog,
        Lisp and SML subsystems records (defining only their
        searchlists and file extensions fields, etc).

        There are now also subsystem libraries for the operating-system
        command interpreters LIB * CSH_SUBSYSTEM, * SH_SUBSYSTEM (Unix),

        A new subsystem can be constructed with subsystem_add_new.

        See REF * SUBSYSTEM for further details.

    --- As part of the above changes, the function of the old Ved
        variable popcompiler is now performed by the variable subsystem.
        That is, instead of an associated compiler procedure, each Ved
        file now has an associated subsystem name.

        This means that vedfiletypes should now set values for subsystem
        depending on a file's extension, etc. However, popcompiler
        remains as an autoloadable active variable which returns or
        updates the procedure corresponding to subsystem, and thus
        settings for popcompiler in vedfiletypes will now set subsystem

        Private compiler procedures previously being assigned to
        popcompiler can now easily be turned into subsystems using
        * subsystem_add_new. The updater of popcompiler actually does
        this for you, but in order to specify things like the file
        extension and prompt fields properly, it is recommended that you
        switch to calling subsystem_add_new explicitly yourself, and
        cease using popcompiler altogether.

        (If your compiler procedure is autoloadable, the following
        technique can be used: instead of a vedfiletypes entry

            [ '.foo' {popcompiler foo_compile} ]

        where foo_compile is autoloadable, use

            [ '.foo' {subsystem foo_subsystem} ]

        where foo_subsystem autoloads your subsystem and compiler, and
        is itself set to have the value "foo", i.e. the subsystem name.)

Jan 25 (John Williams)
    --- New option to printf added: %S. This prints an argument as a
        literal string, ignoring % and any other special characters.
        See HELP * printf.

Jan 22 (John Williams)
    --- The messages printed by the syntax words load, lib, pwd, and the
        Ved commands ved_lp, ved_lpr, ved_lcol and ved_rcol no longer
        contain string quotes, irrespective of the value of

Jan 12 (John Williams)
    --- * line_repeater can now be given <false> as its second argument,
        in which case a default maximum line size of 80 is assumed.
        Also, it now signals a proper MISHAP if the file doesn't exist,
        or can't be opened for reading (previously a system error


Dec 18 (Simon Nichols)
    --- All printing in LIB *DEBUGGER is now done with pr locally
        assigned the value of the procedure variable debugger_pr, whose
        default value is syspr. This has two consequences: firstly, the
        debugger now respects any customized printing procedures you may
        have defined as the *CLASS_PRINT of particular items' keys.
        Previously, all printing was effectively done with pr locally
        assigned to be sys_syspr (Poplog's standard printing procedure).
        Secondly, you can change the value of debugger_pr; thus, if your
        customized printing procedures contain bugs, you can assign
        sys_syspr to debugger_pr to prevent them being called.
        See HELP *DEBUGGER for details.

Dec 17 (John Meyer)
    --- Changed *mkimage so that the -nonwriteable flags controls the
        writeability of both closures and datastructures. (Previously,
        closures were made nonwriteable even if you did not specify the
        'nonwriteable' flag). See HELP * MKIMAGE/Optional Flags.

Dec 11 (John Gibson)
    --- The procedure syswait now waits for an (operating-system)
        child process to terminate using syshibernate. The major
        consequence of this is that XVed will continue to operate
        when running a shell process in the basewindow, etc.

Nov 27 (David Young)
    --- LIB * FORTRAN_DEC (see * EXTERNAL) now expands macros in the
        pseudo-Fortran that it parses, so that, for example, the same
        code can be used for single and double precision versions of a

Nov 27 (Robert Duncan)
    --- A new library LIB * LR_PARSER defines an LALR(1) parser
        generator and driver, analogous to the UNIX utility yacc(1).

        The main feature of the library is a * define_form for parsers:

            define :parser <name>();

        which derives a procedure definition from a context-free
        grammar. Actions for the parser are written in Pop11.

        An alternative procedural interface to the library makes it
        possible to create parsers dynamically, without using the
        define-form. This makes the facilities potentially accessible
        from languages other than Pop11.

        Relevant documentation:

            HELP * DEFINE_PARSER
                Describes the syntactic interface.

            HELP * LR_PARSER
                Gives an overview of LR parsing and an introduction to
                the library.

            REF * LR_PARSER
                Describes the procedural interface in detail.

Nov 26 (David Young)
    --- Moved the procedures rc_clip_region and rc_set_coord_frame
        out of LIB * RCG_UTILS and into separate libraries of their own,
        to reflect their general usefulness. Documentation put into
        HELP * RC_GRAPHIC and HELP * RC_GRAPHPLOT also updated.

Nov 17 (John Williams)
    --- The Ved commands <ENTER> dir and <ENTER> ls (for listing
        directories on VMS and Unix platforms respectively) no longer
        create temporary disk files, which means that they can be used
        safely after a "DISK QUOTA EXCEEDED" error. This also applies to
        the <ENTER> PURGE command. See LIB * ved_dir and LIB * ved_ls.

        Also, the following related HELP files have been revised:
            HELP * LS, HELP * DIR, HELP * PURGE, HELP * DEL

        and the following obsolete libraries have been removed:

Nov 12 (John Gibson)
    --- There is now a new directory


        into which various obsolete libraries will begin to be moved
        after Version 14.5 of the system. There is a new library
        LIB * POPOBSOLETELIB which adds this directory to popuseslist;

                uses popobsoletelib;

        will make this directory available for subsequent library
        searches by uses, etc.

    --- Owing to the highly non-modular set of identifier names they
        employed, the following libraries in $popliblib have been
        superseded by new versions which define a more modular set of

            LIB ACTOR    --> LIB NEW_ACTOR    (see HELP * ACTOR)
            LIB EVENT    --> LIB ACTOR_EVENT  ( "   "      "  )

        In all cases, the old versions now load the new versions and
        then define the old identifier names as synonyms for the new
        ones. (After Version 14.5, the old files will be moved to
        $usepop/pop/lib/obsolete, and will thus require
        'uses popobsoletelib;' to make them accessible.)

Nov 11 (john Gibson)
    --- Fixed bug in Ved search substition -- character attributes in
        substitute string were being ignored.

Nov  1 (John Gibson)
    --- New constants pop_undef and pop_undef_p added. These contain
        respectively the standard undef record and undef-closure used to
        initialise top-level lexical variables, etc. See REF * IDENT.

        Note that one reason for making pop_undef readily accessible is
        to enable Pop-11 non-opener syntax words to be explicitly
        initialised to an undef, e.g.

            constant syntax endexload = pop_undef;

        Previously, such words had named undef records as their values,
        simply by virtue of not being initialised. However, POPC
        compilation will require that all such words have an explicit
        initialisation (it also saves the space occupied by the named
        undefs in the ordinary system).

Oct 27 (John Gibson)
    --- There is now a bit POP11_PERM_GLOBAL in pop_pop11_flags, and a
        corresponding compile_mode keyword :pop11 +global, which causes
        all vars and constant declarations to be made automatically
        global (including implicit ones made with define, etc).

        Moreover, this bit is now set by the :pop11 +strict option to
        compile_mode, ie +strict will make all declarations global. If
        required, the new syntax word nonglobal enables this to be
        overriden (and may be used anywhere that global can).

        See REF * SECTIONS, Global Identifiers.

Oct 26 (John Gibson)
    --- Pop-11 quoted word syntax may now be used to get word
        identifiers for permanent identifiers, by surrounding any ident
        expression with word quotes, e.g.

            "ident foo" -> baz;
            "ident $-mysect$-xxxx" -> word_id;

Oct 19 (John Gibson)
    --- New macro #_TERMIN_IF added. This can be used (for example) to
        terminate an include file that is already present, e.g.


        See REF * PROGLIST. (This replaces the previous unsatisfactory

                [ %"'#_ENDIF'"% ] -> proglist;

        etc, which as well as being clumsy will not work correctly with
        POPC compilation.)

Sep 24 (John Gibson)
    --- Closures may now be constructed with upto around 65,000 frozvals
        (the exact limit is implementation dependent). Previously,
        attempting to construct a closure with more than the old limit
        of 255 truncated the actual number.

Sep 17 (John Gibson)
    --- The newpop installation command now has an option "stripdoc",
        which causes it to remove all special Ved character encodings
        from all documentation files. See HELP * NEWPOP.

Sep 14 (John Williams)
    --- Some obsolete Ved libraries and associated documentation have
        been removed from the system: LIB L4000, L4004, L5000, and
        VEDBELMYE; also HELP L4000. They were used for running Ved on
        Lyme terminals.

Sep 13 (John Gibson)
    --- A new external pointer class structure, dataword "exptr_mem",
        has been added. initexptr_mem(nbytes) creates a fixed-address
        structure whose external pointer points into itself at an area
        of memory of size nbytes bytes. (This thus replaces the previous
        rather cumbersome necessity to create a separate (ordinary)
        external pointer pointing to a string or an intvec, etc.)

    --- The macro EXPTRINITSTR has been changed to use initexptr_mem.

    --- The new procedure sys_grbg_fixed(fixed_struct) can be used to
        directly free the memory occupied by any fixed-address
        structure. (This is intended particularly for use with

        See REF * EXTERNAL_DATA for details of these changes.

Sep  9 (Adrian Howard)
        A new Ved command ved_qand has been added. See REF * ved_qand
        for details. It quits the current file then executes its
        argument as a Ved command. This means you can do things like
            <ENTER> qand ref lists
        instead of:
            <ENTER> qref lists

Sep  7 (Adrian Howard)
    --- Installed new version of ved_ul implemented using the new Ved
        character attribute facilities. This means the results of
        LIB * PAGE and LIB * RNO can now be viewed without the aid of

Sep  4 (John Gibson)
    --- The <typespec> mechanism used in defclass, exacc, etc now
        allows a new basic field type "exval". This is the same as
        "exptr" for field accessing (i.e. returns an external pointer),
        but for updating it allows any object to be assigned into the
        field; the actual value inserted is got by processing the object
        in a similar way to an external function argument. See Field
        Specifiers for POPLOG Data in REF * KEYS.

Sep 03 (Adrian Howard)
    --- ved_h now works as expected when pop_pr_quotes is true

Aug 26 (John Gibson)
    --- The external <typespec> syntax now allows external function
        arguments to be declared using dummy argument names, e.g.

            l_typespec foobaz(x, y, z) :int;

        A variadic function can be declared with the special argument
        name "...", e.g.

            l_typespec afunc(a, b, c, ...) :void;

        The principal purpose of these enhancements is to allow
        individual argument(s) to be flagged with <SF>, viz

            p_typespec foobaz(x, y<SF>, z) :int;

        When the function is called with exacc, this will cause a
        decimal or ddecimal passed for that argument to be passed as a
        machine single float rather than (the default) double. This is
        necessary for new-style ANSI C function declarations involving a
        "float" argument, as in

                int foobaz(int x, float y, int z)

        where the argument y will be expected as a single rather than a
        double. (Note, however, that even in an ANSI compiler, a
        function declared in the old style,

                int foobaz(x, y, z)
                float y;
                int x, z;

        still expects a double for the y argument.)

        See the sections External Compound Types: Functions in
        REF * DEFSTRUCT and Calling External Functions: Floating-Point
        Arguments in REF * EXTERNAL.

    --- The boolean values <false> and <true> can now be passed as
        arguments to external function calls with exacc etc, and will be
        translated to 0 and 1 respectively.

Aug 12 (John Williams)
    --- LIB * POPHOST now uses sys_host_id to infer the value associated
        with "machine serial number". This value will always be either a
        (big)integer or a string.  See HELP * POPHOST for details.

Aug  7 (Robert Duncan)
    --- The specification of sys_host_id has been changed so that it
        might now return the host identification as a string rather than
        a number. This is to satisfy System V Release 4 Unix systems
        which define the hardware serial number as a string, possibly
        containing non-numeric characters. The actual result returned on
        existing systems should remain unchanged. See REF * sys_host_id.

Aug  7 (John Williams)
    --- UNIX ONLY: it is now possible to specify whether the procedures
        * sys_file_stat and * sysdelete should follow symbolic links.
        See REF * SYSUTIL and REF * SYSIO.

Jul 29 (John Williams)
    --- Minor bug in LIB * ved_sourcefile fixed - it now classes files
        as "lib" or "src" appropriately.  Also, new user-assignable
        procedure * vedsrcfiledefaults defined by LIB * ved_sourcefile.

Jul 22 (John Gibson)
    --- Since Ved now supports underlining directly, the procedure
        ved_ul has been removed from the Ved library.

For earlier news please see HELP * NEWS.V14_2

--- C.all/help/news.v14_5
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1996. All rights reserved.