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HELP NEWPSYS                                           A.Sloman Jan 1991


This library program makes available a forward-chaining production-
system interpreter with a number of advantages over LIB * PSYS
and LIB * PRODSYS, including generality, flexibility and efficiency.

It is written in such a way as to be readily tailorable by users, who
may wish to alter parts of the code. However, a collection of global
control variables makes a wide variety of behaviours possible. Extensive
use is made of the Pop-11 pattern matcher. See HELP * MATCHES.

         CONTENTS - (Use <ENTER> g to access required sections)

 -- Introduction
 -- Defining a condition-action rule (define :rule ....)
 -- Adding extra checks to the rule compiler
 -- psys_new_rule(<name>, <conditions>, <actions>, <type>)
 -- psys_delete_rule(<name>, <type>)
 -- psys_pr_rule(<name>, <list>)
 -- Rule record format
 -- Rule instance format
 -- Conditions may be simple or complex
 -- Types of conditions
 -- -- Simple conditions (patterns)
 -- -- OR conditions
 -- -- NOT conditions
 -- -- NOT_EXISTS and IMPLIES conditions
 -- -- ALL conditions (for meta-rules)
 -- Actions
 -- Instantiation of actions
 -- "popval" list elements
 -- "apply" list elements
 -- Built-in action types
 -- -- [<data item>]
 -- -- [ADDALL [<data item>] [<data item>] ...]
 -- -- [SAY <message>]
 -- -- [EXPLAIN <message>]
 -- -- [STOP <message>]
 -- -- [NOT <pattern>]
 -- -- [POP11 <procedure>]
 -- -- [POP11 <procedure name>]
 -- -- [POP11 <pop11 instructions>]
 -- -- [PUSH <item> <word>]
 -- -- [POP <word>]
 -- -- [DEL <integer> <integer> ...]
 -- -- -- WARNING count only SIMPLE conditions for <integer>
 -- -- [REPLACE <integer> <data item>]
 -- -- [REPLACE <pattern> <data item>]
 -- -- [MODIFY <integer> <key> <value> <key> <value> ...]
 -- -- [MODIFY <pattern> <key> <value> <key> <value> ....]
 -- -- [NULL .....]
 -- -- [RULE TYPE <ruletype> <name> [<conditions>] [<actions>]]
 -- -- [RULE <name> [<conditions>] [<actions>]]
 -- -- SAVE and RESTORE actions
 -- -- [FAIL <message>]
 -- -- [PAUSE]
 -- -- [READ <question> <??constraint??> <data item> <??explanation??>]
 -- -- READ actions in detail
 -- -- READ action constraints
 -- -- [MENU <menu> <action list> <??explanation??>]
 -- -- Structure of the <menu> vector
 -- -- Structure of the menu [<options>] list
 -- -- Structure of the menu [<mappings>] list
 -- -- Printing out menus: psys_print_menu(message, options)
 -- -- The menu <action list>
 -- -- -- Example of a MENU action
 -- -- [ADDALL <data item> <data item> ...]
 -- User-defined action keywords and psys_action_type
 -- Interactive commands
 -- Rule manipulating procedures
 -- Global variables
 -- psys_rules (list of rules)
 -- psys_database
 -- psys_show_conditions (boolean)
 -- Example of psys_show_conditions trace output
 -- psys_chatty (boolean or integer)
 -- psys_repeating (boolean)
 -- psys_walk (boolean)
 -- psys_pausing (boolean)
 -- psys_allrules (boolean, or 1)
 -- psys_recency (boolean)
 -- psys_sortrules (false or procedure)
 -- psys_remember (false or list)
 -- psys_debugging (boolean)
 -- psys_get_input (boolean for asynchronous input)
 -- psys_backtrack (boolean)
 -- psys_memlim (false or integer)
 -- psys_max_conditions (integer)
 -- psys_eval(action)
 -- psys_eval_list(actions)
 -- psys_finish(rules, database)
 -- A format for defining psys_sortrules
 -- Selecting on the basis of specificity
 -- Sorting on the basis of the most recent condition made true
 -- Turning tracing of individual rules on or off
 -- Extended example: factorial
 -- Extended example TEACH * PSYSRIVER
 -- Extending ved_mcp to cope with new syntax
 -- psys_copy_modify (DANGER)
 -- See Also

-- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------

LIB NEWPSYS defines a forward-chaining production system interpreter,
called psys_run, which is invoked with two arguments, a list of rules
(defined below) and an initial (possibly empty) working memory, a list
of lists.

Each rule is defined by a list of conditions to be tested against
the contents of the working memory, and a list of actions to be
performed if all the conditions are satisfied.

It is possible to have different rule-sets, with different sets made
"current" at different times.

On each cycle of the interpreter, all rules in the current rule-set that
have all their conditions satisfied are found (or, if the variable
psys_allrules has the value FALSE, then only the first such rule is
found), and if there are two or more such "applicable" rules a
user-definable selection procedure is run to determine which rule or set
of rules should have their actions executed.

There are several control variables that control the search strategy,
the amount of trace printing, and the interaction with the user,
including a limited "explanation" facility. It is possible either to
specify that all rule activations should be traced interactively, by
setting the global variable psys_walk TRUE, or else to selectively
trace or untrace individual rules if psys_walk is FALSE.

A typical invocation of the system would first define a collection of
rules (using the syntactic form described below), held in the list
psys_rules, and set up an initial working memory, held in the list
psys_database, and then give the command


It is possible to have additional lists of rules, and some of the rules
may perform actions that switch the current rule-set.

The package provides a wide range of facilities for testing and
debugging, and for tailoring the behaviour to different requirements,
including limiting the size of the working memory, varying the strategy
for selecting the most appropriate rule if several are applicable,
allowing all applicable rules to run on each cycle, giving "canned" text
for explanations, preventing the same rule from being used more than
once if satisfied on the same data, allowing simple backtracking, and so

There is a rich collection of built-in action types, including the
powerful REPLACE action, and actions PUSH and POP for convenient
manipulation of stacks in the working memory. In addition users can
define their own action types, or else directly invoke Pop-11 procedures
in actions.

There is a simple default syntax procedure for defining rules. However,
the mechanisms are easily extendable to use a different syntax or do
far more checking.

In order to get an overview of the mechanism it may be useful to look at
the extended example in TEACH * PSYSRIVER and the factorial example
below, before reading the detailed description that follows.

-- Defining a condition-action rule (define :rule ....) ---------------

Although it is possible to create a rule using the primitive constructor
-conspsysrule- (see LIB * NEWPSYS), or the procedure -psys_new_rule-,
described below, a convenient syntax is provided for defining a rule,
giving it a name, and automatically adding it to the list psys_rules. A
rule definition using this syntax looks like this:

    define :rule <name> in <ruleset> <conditions> ;


    define :rule <name> <conditions> ;

Where <conditions> is a sequence of lists, and <actions> is a sequence
of lists, as described below.

<ruleset> should be an identifier whose value is a list of rules. If "in
<ruleset>" is missing, the <ruleset> defaults to psys_rules.

Note that the separator between <conditions> and <actions> is a
semi-colon in the format given above. This format allows VED's commands
on current procedures to be used, e.g. <ENTER> mcp, jcp, and lcp. (See

However, the syntax is flexible in that users can specify that the
separator should be some other symbol. In fact any word in the user
assignable list -psys_condition_terminators- is acceptable, and the
default value contains ";", "-->" and "==>". So for example, the format

    define :rule <name> <conditions> --> <actions> enddefine;

will work, though the previously mentioned VED commands will no longer
automatically work on the "current" rule. (See the section below on
extending ved_mcp to cope with this.)

An example

define :rule rule3 in diagnose [patient ?x] [temperature high];
    [say ?x is very ill]
    [?x needs aspirin]

This will create a rule and add it to the list of rules -diagnose-, or
replace a rule called "rule3" if there is one already in that list.

If "in diagnose" left out, the list -psys_rules- is used instead.

When a rule definition in this form is first compiled the rule is added
to the end of the list (psys_rules or some other list). So rules are
stored in the list in the order of their definition. However, if a rule
definition is edited and re-compiled, the new version replaces the old
in the same place in the list.

-- Adding extra checks to the rule compiler ---------------------------

There are two user-definable procedures used in reading in rule
definitions. They are used to read in the list expressions defining
conditions and actions, respectively:

    psys_readcondition() -> list;
        The default version is defined simply to call -listread- and
        return the result.

    psys_readaction() -> list;
        The default version calls -listread- and returns the result
        unless it starts with "POP11" in which case, if necessary, it
        compiles the procedure in the tail of the list. See POP11
        actions below.
        (SHOWLIB * NEWPSYS/psys_readaction for full details)

Users can redefine these to do extra syntax checking in rule
definitions, e.g. if all conditions and all actions have to have certain

At present they do no checking, apart from requiring a list expression
for each condition or each action. Because the internal structure of the
lists is not checked, errors (e.g. wrong format for a "MODIFY" action)
will be detected only at run time. Checking action formats can be
achieved by re-defining -psys_readaction-.

A possible extension of this package would be to redefine these two
procedures to allow an English-like notation for expressing rules or
actions. (Other languages could be used instead of English.)

-- psys_new_rule(<name>, <conditions>, <actions>, <type>) -------------

Given a word, a list of conditions, a list of actions, and a word that
names a ruleset, this procedure does exactly the same as the "define
:rule" form, i.e. it updates an existing rule in psys_rules, or creates
a new one at the end.

-- psys_delete_rule(<name>, <type>) -----------------------------------

<name> should be the name of a rule that is in the list that is the
value of the word <type>.

If the location of a rule in the list is to be changed, the rule must
first be removed from the list using psys_delete_rule.

This can be done in an action of a rule, e.g.

    [NULL [popval psys_delete_rule(?name)]]


    [NULL [apply psys_delete_rule ?name]]

(See explanation of NULL actions, "popval" elements and "apply"
elements, below).

It would also be possible to define a new action type of the form

    [DELETERULE ?name]

as shown below in the section on "User-defined action keywords".

-- psys_pr_rule(<name>, <list>) ---------------------------------------

The second argument, <list>, should be a list of rules. If it is not
provided it defaults to psys_rules.

This procedure gets the rule of that name from the list and prints it
out in a format that allows it to be recompiled.

-- Rule record format -------------------------------------------------

Each rule is a record of type "psysrule", with four fields,
psys_rulename, psys_conditions, psys_actions and psys_ruletype.

-- Rule instance format -----------------------------------------------

When a rule is found to be applicable, because all its conditions are
satisfied, a rule instance, or rule activation, record is created. This
is a record of type "psysactivation". The record has the following
        The rule record, an object of the type described above.
        A list of words occurring as variables in the conditions of
        the rule.
        A list of the values bound to the variables as a result of
        matching all the conditions to establish applicability.
        A list of the items in psys_database (the working memory) found
        to correspond to the conditions of the rule (excluding WHERE
        This is a vector of numbers, recording "recency" information for
        the rule instance. There is one number for each condition. The
        number is 0 if it is a WHERE condition or a NOT condition
        or an ALL condition.
        Otherwise it is a number >= 1 giving the relative "age" of the
        item in the database found to match the condition.
        The vector will be empty ({}) if psys_recency is false.
        (See information about psys_forevery, below.)

For example, if the conditions of the rule were

        [Father ?x ?y] [WHERE isfemale(y)] [Mother ?y ?z]

Then the psys_varsof field would contain the list [z y x], the
psys_valsof field might contain [joe mary tom], the psys_foundof
    [[Father tom mary] [Mother mary joe]]

and the psys_recof field the vector

    {5 0 2}

indicating that [Father tom mary] was the fifth most recent item added to
the database and  [Mother mary joe] the second. This information allows
a variety of recency-comparing algorithms to be defined for ordering or
selecting applicable rules.

WARNING: if a condition of type [ALL ?<variable>] is used to extend the
conditions using patterns extracted from the database, as described
below, this may also extend the psys_varsof and psys_valsof lists
in instances of the rule.

-- Conditions may be simple or complex --------------------------------

Every rule has a (possibly empty) sequence of conditions determining
when it is applicable. A condition may be simple or complex.

A simple condition is just a pattern to be matched against the database,
    [size ?object ?x]
    [temperature ?t]

A complex condition may have additional elements, including the key
words described below, namely "NOT", "OR", "WHERE", "NOT_EXISTS",
"IMPLIES", described below.

A simple condition, i.e. a pattern, is a list, some of whose elements
may be variable names preceded by "?" or "??", of the type used by the
Pop-11 pattern matcher described in HELP * MATCHES and HELP * SYSMATCH.
Patterns may contain embedded patterns, e.g.

    [parts ?object == [?partnum == size 5 ==] == ]

which would access objects with parts, containing at least one part
with attribute size 5, and will b ind the variables object and partnum
if such an object exists.

Restriction procedures may also be used, e.g. ?x:isinteger, as described

The Pop-11 syntax using "^" and "^^" to insert the value of a variable
is NOT supported in LIB NEWPSYS conditions and actions, since these
require too much re-creation of list structures when rules are run.
Instead two facilities are provided:

First: the whole sequence of conditions has to be true simultaneously
with the same bindings for the same variables. Thus the following can be
used to identify two people, x and z, such that x is paternal
grandfather of y (as in forevery - see HELP * FOREVERY)

    [father ?x ?y] [father ?y ?z]

I.e. it is not necessary to express the second condition as
    [father ^y ?z]

Second: WHERE conditions, described below, can be interspersed among
ordinary conditions. These allow Pop-11 expressions to be evaluated
in order to control testing for applicability. For example the
following conditions will be satisfied by two people, a, and b, such
that b is twice as old as a.

    [age ?a ?x1] [age ?b ?x2] [WHERE x2 = 2 * x1]

Note that in a WHERE condition, variables (e.g. x1 and x2 above) are
used with whatever values they have got from previous conditions, and do
not need to be prefaced with "?". However, words that are not variables
need to be explicitly quoted, e.g.

    [man isat ?place] [?thing isat ?place] [WHERE thing /= "man"]

In addition "popval" elements, explained below, allow portions of
an action to be evaluated.

-- Types of conditions ------------------------------------------------

Every condition is a list specifying conditions that must all be
satisfied if the actions are to be executed.

A <condition> takes one of the following forms:

-- -- Simple conditions (patterns)
    True if [<pattern>] matches something in psys_database, the
    working memory (consistently with variable bindings so far). Any
    unbound variables will become bound if the condition is satisfied.

    <pattern> may have any of the forms described in HELP MATCHES

-- -- OR conditions
[OR [<pattern>] [<pattern>] [<pattern>] ...]
    True if one of the patterns matches something in the database.
    For each successful match it will try to match remaining conditions
    in the list, until all the remaining conditions match.

NB: at present "OR" can only be followed by a list of patterns to be
matched against the database. I.e. OR is followed by simple conditions,
and complex conditions are not allowed, e.g. conditions using "NOT" or

Because OR has this restriction, an OR condition actually functions
as a simple condition in relation to various comments made below about
restrictions on conditions. In particular, variables bound in an OR
condition will be accessible in subsequent conditions and in ACTIONS.

-- -- NOT conditions
[NOT <pattern>]
    True if [<pattern>] does NOT match anything in the working memory.
    Initially unbound variables in the pattern may receive spurious
    values as a result of partial matches.

Like "OR", this can include only a simple conditions, i.e. a pattern to
be matched against the database, not complex condition. (NOT_EXISTS,
defined below, can have arbitrary conditions, including complex

Warning, although a NOT condition may contain variables, those variables
should not be used (in the same rule) in subsequent conditions or in
actions, as the values of the variables will be undefined if the NOT
condition succeeds.

[WHERE <Pop-11 expression>]
    True if the Pop-11 expression evaluates to something non-false.
    WHERE conditions may contain some variables (indicated by
    "?" and "??") which have been bound in a previous pattern. E.g. a
    list of conditions might be something like

        [age ?person1 ?n1] [age ?person2 ?n2] [WHERE ?n1 > ?n2]

    However, the variables in a WHERE condition need not have "?", so
    the above could be replaced by the following, with a slight increase
    in efficiency.

        [age ?person1 ?n1] [age ?person2 ?n2] [WHERE n1 > n2]

    WHERE conditions do not have to come at the end of a condition
    sequence. E.g. the above might be followed by

        [cousin ?person1 ?person2]

    in a rule that is applicable to a pair of cousins such that the
    first is older than the second. Allowing WHERE conditions to
    occur early in a conditionlist makes it possible to avoid wasted
    effort finding matches that are later going to be rejected.

    If the Pop-11 expression in a WHERE condition causes an error, e.g.
    because not all the variables have appropriate kinds of values, then
    this is equivalent to the WHERE expression being false. (The errors
    are trapped. Such trapping is turned off by psys_debugging)

-- -- NOT_EXISTS and IMPLIES conditions

A particularly powerful type of condition allows a rule to be fired only
if some generalisation is true. For example if you want a rule to fire
if all known adult males are teachers you could use a condition of the
following form:

    [NOT_EXISTS [male ?x] [adult ?x] [NOT teacher ?x]]

Because this can be hard for non-logicians to interpret, the following
format is also accepted for the special case of a NOT_EXISTS condition
that has only one NOT condition.

    [IMPLIES [ [male ?x] [adult ?x] ] [NOT teacher ?x]]

Note 1: Notice that "IMPLIES" is followed by only TWO components, the
first being a LIST of conditions (i.e. the antecedents of the
implication), and the last a single condition, the consequent.

Note 2: NOT_EXISTS can have any number of conditions. If there is only
one condition and that is simply a pattern, then it is equivalent to
a "NOT" condition, though slightly less efficient.

Unlike "NOT", "NOT_EXISTS" can be followed by any type of condition,
simple or complex, whereas NOT can be used only with simple conditions.

E.g. the following is legal

    [NOT_EXISTS [OR [<pattern1>] [<pattern2>] ...] ]

whereas the corresponding "NOT" condition would not work.

WARNING: although the patterns in a NOT_EXISTS or IMPLIES condition may
contain variables, and these variables may be repeated in other patterns
in the same complex condition, the same variables should not be used (in
the same rule) outside these conditions, as their values will be

-- -- ALL conditions (for meta-rules)
[ALL ? <variable1>]
    This form of condition is provided to allow a list of patterns to be
    dug out of the database and then checked as if they were part of the
    list of conditions of the rule.

Suppose, for example, that there is a goal in the database of the form

    [goal [BlockA ison ?block] [?block ison =]] ]

Than a rule that is to check whether that goal is satisfied might have
the following two conditions

    [goal ?goallist]
    [ALL ?goallist]

The first condition will dig out the goal. The second will check whether
it is satisfied and if so bind the list of database items to the
variable instances. Both the variable ?goallist and variables that occur
in it can be used in actions of the rule. An example of this mechanism
is shown in TEACH * PSYSRIVER

-- Actions ------------------------------------------------------------

Actions, like conditions, may be simple or complex. Complex conditions
are lists which start with a known keyword (e.g. READ, SAY, MENU, DEL,
MODIFY, POP11 etc -- all defined below). If there is no such initial
keyword, the action is taken as a data-item, i.e. a list to be added to
the working memory psys_database.

Actions, like conditions, may include variables (preceded by "?" or
"??") that have been bound by testing the conditions of the rule against
the working memory. Any such variables will be replaced by their values
before the actions are performed. (See the section on instantiation,
below.) However, no such variable should be used in an action unless it
also occurs in a simple condition, since it is only from a satisfied
simple condition that a variable can acquire a value. Complex conditions
    [NOT ...]
    [WHERE ....]
    [NOT_EXISTS ....]

cannot bind variables. The exception is an OR condition or ALL condition,
which can.

Actions may also include "popval" elements or "apply" elements, to be
evaluated before the action is performed, as described below.

Complex actions corresponding to initial keywords may either be of a
built-in type or a user-defined type, as explained below.

-- Instantiation of actions -------------------------------------------

Before rule actions are executed they are instantiated. This means that
any variables preceded by "?" or "??" that have been bound in the
conditions of the rule are replaced by their values. Unbound variables
and their prefixes are left uninstantiated. In addition "popval" and
"apply" list elements are interpreted. The former by compiling and
executing them, the latter directly. They are described below.

-- "popval" list elements ---------------------------------------------

Any element of an action, embedded at any depth may be a list of the

    [popval <Pop-11 expression>]

i.e. a list whose first element is "popval". During instantiation the
<Pop-11 expression> is first instantiated, which will replace any bound
variables and evaluate any embedded "popval" or "apply" elements. After
that the expression is given to the Pop-11 function -popval- to be
compiled and executed. Any results produced will be spliced into the
enclosing action.

E.g. the following could be an action.

        [remember [popval ?x + ?y]]

?x and ?y should already have values. If the values were 2 and 3
respectively then this action would add the following to the working

            [remember 5]

The use of "?" is optional. So

            [remember [popval x + y]]

Would have the same effect.

Notice that the value of the expression is not put in an embedded list,
unless the expression evaluates to a list. E.g. an action of the form

    [... [popval 10//3 ] ...]

evaluates to

    [... 1 3 ...]

not to

    [... [1 3] ...]

-- "apply" list elements -----------------------------------------------

The popval mechanism is very general because it allows an arbitrary
Pop-11 expression to be compiled and run. However, because it requires
the compilation of a procedure it can be slow, and will add to garbage
collection time. In some cases it is more efficient, though less
readable, and less general, to use "apply".

An "apply" list element is of the form

    [apply <procedure name> <arg1> <arg2> .... ]

Variables that are to be instantiated must be preceded by either "?" or
"??". The named procedure will be applied to all the arguments. So in
the previous examples, instead of

            [remember [popval x + y]]


            [remember [apply + ?x ?y]]

And instead of

    [... [popval 10//3 ] ...]


    [... [apply // 10 3]...]

-- Built-in action types ----------------------------------------------

An <action> is one of the following (this list may be extended):

-- -- [<data item>]
[<data item>] is added to the working memory
(Where <data item> does not start with any of the keywords indicated

-- -- [ADDALL [<data item>] [<data item>] ...]
All the items are added to the database, in the order given. This means
that the last one will be the most recent, which may be important if
"recency" information is used for selecting rules.

-- -- [SAY <message>]
[<message>] is printed out. It can be a mixture of "canned" strings,
variables preceded by "?" or "??",  [popval...] or [apply...] elements,
or embedded lists. The variables that have been bound will be replaced
before printing.

-- -- [EXPLAIN <message>]
This is exactly like SAY actions except that if psys_explain_trace is
false then it is ignored. For example this can be used to suppress
verbosity during development.

-- -- [STOP <message>]
This is exactly like a SAY action, except that after the <message> is
printed out the production system run is halted.

-- -- [NOT <pattern>]
All items matching <pattern> are removed from the working memory.

-- -- [POP11 <procedure>]
-- -- [POP11 <procedure name>]
-- -- [POP11 <pop11 instructions>]

In the first two cases the procedure is run.

In the current implementation, if the user defines the action to be
of the form

    [POP11 <pop11 instructions> ]

then when the rule containing this is read in the instructions are
compiled to a procedure and the action is just a two element list,
containing the word "POP11" and the procedure. So it is possible to use
this form to handle conditional actions efficienctly, instead of having
separate rules for each case. An example might be:

    vars temp; ;;; declare any variable used globally in a POP11 action.

    define :rule temperature [temperature ?temp];

               if temp == 98 then [temperature normal]
               elseif temp < 98 then [temperature low]
               else [temperature high]


This could be expressed more clearly as three separate rules, but in
some cases the loss in efficiency might be important.

Note that the two procedures
    psys_eval_list(<action list>)

are available for use in the body of a POP11 action. The <actions> can
be any items of the sort that can occur as actions of a rule, for

    [POP11 if ...  then psys_eval([DEL 2]) endif]

would be equivalent to the action

    [DEL 2]


    [POP11 if .... then psys_eval_list([.....]) ....endif ]

The only use for these procedures arises when the POP11 code calls the
actions indirectly, e.g. inside a conditional.

-- -- [PUSH <item> <word>]
This assumes that there is in the database a list of the form
    [<word> ....]

This is replaced with

    [<word> <item> ...]

If psys_copy_modify is false, the old list-links are used, otherwise
the old item is removed and a new one constructed. However, in either
case the tail of the original list (represented by ....) is re-used.

-- -- [POP <word>]
This assumes that there is in the database a list of the form
    [<word> <item> ....]

This is replaced with

    [<word> ...]

I.e. the first item after the stack name (<word>) is removed. If
psys_copy_modify is false, the old list-links are used, otherwise
the old database item is removed and a new one constructed. However, in
either case the tail of the original list (represented by ....) is

NB Don't confuse POP actions and POP11 actions.

-- -- [DEL <integer> <integer> ...]
For each <integer> N, delete from the working memory the item that
matched the N'th simple condition of the rule (i.e. excluding WHERE
conditions, NOT conditions ALL conditions and other complex conditions).

-- -- -- WARNING count only SIMPLE conditions for <integer>
A common cause of errors is to count complex conditions in selecting the
integers in DEL, REPLACE, or MODIFY actions (see belwo).

-- -- [REPLACE <integer> <data item>]
This is equivalent to [DEL <integer>][<data item>], but may be a little
clearer to read in some contexts.

Note the warning above about how to interpret the integer.

-- -- [REPLACE <pattern> <data item>]
This is equivalent to two actions
    [NOT <pattern>]
    [<data item>]

Warning: don't use variables in <data item> that are assumed to be
bound in  the <pattern>. If instantiated variables are to be used, then
they must be bound in the conditions of the rule.

-- -- [MODIFY <integer> <key> <value> <key> <value> ...]
If the integer is N, this is equivalent to a command to remove the
database item that matched the N'th SIMPLE condition, and replace it
with a new copy in which the item following the occurrence of <key> is
replaced by an occurrence of <value>, for each <key> <value> pair in the

For example, if the first condition of a rule is [monkey == holds ?x ==]
then the action [MODIFY 1 holds bananas] would mean that whatever
matched x would be replaced by the word "bananas". This is useful when
it is necessary to modify part of a database item whose complete
structure is not known.

If the first condition of the rule is of the form [NOT ...] and the
second condition is [monkey == holds ?x ==], then the [MODIFY 1 ..]
action would refer not to the [NOT ...] condition, since it is a complex
condition, but to the [monkey ...] condition, which is simple (a
pattern). See comment on DEL actions above.

WARNING: do not use two MODIFY commands with the same <integer> in
the actions of the same rule. E.g. don't do:

    [MODIFY 2 age 20]
    [MODIFY 2 wife mary]

The second modify action will not find the original database item
to modify. Instead do

    [MODIFY 2 age 20 wife mary]

This is more efficient in any case as it requires the modified item to
be searched for in the database only once.

WARNING: if one of the <key>s happens to be identical with one of the
<value>s in the database item, then the item following the <value> may
get replaced, causing obscure bugs. Checking for this would slow things
down and require restrictions on formats used.

-- -- [MODIFY <pattern> <key> <value> <key> <value> ....]
As above, except that the modification is done to everything that
matches the <pattern>.

Warning: do not expect variables bound in the pattern to provide
values for other variables in the action. See the comment on REPLACE

-- -- [NULL .....]
If an action starts with "NULL" nothing is done, apart from
instantiating it. This instantiation means that it can include variables
that will be bound and [popval ...] items or [apply ...] items that will
invoke Pop-11 procedures, e.g. to display the database or do some
book-keeping. E.g.

    [NULL [popval psys_database ==>]]

will simply print out the whole database.

An equivalent alternative might be:

    [POP11 psys_database ==>]

See POP11 actions below.

-- -- [RULE TYPE <ruletype> <name> [<conditions>] [<actions>]]
-- -- [RULE <name> [<conditions>] [<actions>]]

This creates a new rule (added to the front of the list of name
<ruletype>), or a new definition of an old rule if it already exists
in the list. If "TYPE <ruletype>" is not specified then it defaults to

WARNING: if the new rule is to include any variables preceded by "?" or
"??" then make sure their names are different from any variables
occurring in the rule containing the [RULE ...] action.

For example the following detects any item containing an even number
in the database, removes it, and creates a new rule that will abort
the process if another even number turns up.

    define :rule check_even
            [== ?x:isinteger ==]
            [WHERE x mod 2 = 0];

        [DEL 1] ;;; delete it

            [popval gensym("rrr")]          ;;; new rule name
            [[== ?y:isinteger ==] [WHERE y mod 2 = 0]]  ;;; conditions
            [[STOP Found even number ?y]]]              ;;; actions


-- -- SAVE and RESTORE actions
It is possible to save or restore either the working memory, or the
ruleset using these actions. The formats available are as follows:

    [SAVE RULES <name>]
        Equivalent to:  psys_rules -> valof(<name>)

    [SAVE DATA <name>]
        Equivalent to:  psys_database -> valof(<name>)

    [RESTORE RULES <name>]
        Equivalent to:  valof(<name>) -> psys_rules

    [RESTORE DATA <name>]
        Equivalent to:  valof(<name>) -> psys_database

These actions can be combined, as follows:

    [SAVE DATA <name1> RULES <name2>]

    [RESTORE DATA <name1> RULES <name2>]

If the ruleset is changed using [RESTORE RULES ...] any remaining rules
in the currently applicable list are run.

-- -- [FAIL <message>]
This prints out <message> (after suitable instantiation - see SAY
actions above), then restores the state to just before the last rule was
activated. This may enable some other rule to fire.

This is a difficult mechanism to use sensibly, and works only if
psys_backtrack is true - otherwise the information required for a FAIL
action is not saved.

It is not clear that this is a useful facility.

-- -- [PAUSE]

This action will pause till the user presses the RETURN key, unless
the variable psys_pausing has the value false. It is equivalent
to a READ action of the form: [READ '' [==] []]

This means that interactive commands can be given during the pause,
as explained in the section on Interactive commands below.

-- -- [READ <question> <??constraint??> <data item> <??explanation??>]

The <constraint> is optional and may be omitted. The <explanation>
is also optional and may be omitted. The forms of the elements of
READ actions are described below.

When a READ action is executed, the <question> is printed out, and the
user types something in which is tested against the <constraint> (if

<question> may be a string or list or any other object that can be
printed out.

<data item> should be a list. It may contain the word "ANSWER", in which
case that will be replaced by whatever the user types in, and the
resulting <data item> will be added to the database, unless it is the
empty list.

The <constraint>, if present, should take one of the forms below, and if
omitted it defaults to [==], which will match anything

The <explanation> should be a vector containing strings, words or
lists, which, if requested, will be printed out suitably instantiated.
Strings are printed without alteration. A word is replaced by its
current value. A list will be evaluated using psys_value, which will
replace variables of the form ?x or ??x with their values, and
lists of the form [popval <expression>] as explained below. So a
READ action ending with an explanation may have the form:

        ['Does' ?patient 'feel ill, well or soso?']   ;;; question
        [OR ill well soso]              ;;; possible answers
        [patient feels ANSWER]          ;;; to go in database
        {'Because how' patient 'feels is relevant to the diagnosis'}]

A more detailed account of READ actions follows.

-- -- READ actions in detail

The READ action of the above form does the following:
    (1) <question> is printed out,
    (2) A line is read in (using -readline-), but with an opportunity
        for the user to ask questions as explained in the section
        on interactive commands below.
    (3) The answer is matched against <constraint> and if it matches then
    (4) It is inserted in place of every occurrence of "ANSWER" in
        <data item> and the latter is added to the database, unless
        it is empty.

    If the match fails at (3) the process restarts from (1).

An empty action as in [READ <message> []] is useful for ensuring that
the program pauses and gives the user the chance to invoke the
interactive commands described below.

-- -- READ action constraints

If the constraint in a READ action is of the form [:<word>] then that
implies that only one item should be typed in, and <word> is the name of
a procedure that must be applied to that item and return a non-false
result. E.g. in order to insist on an integer, use the constraint

If the constraint is of the form [OR <item1> <item2> ...] then the user's
input must be a single item identical with one of <item1> <item2> etc.

If the constraint is of the form [LOR <item1> <item2> ...] then the
user's input must be a list identical with one of <item1> <item2>

So the following two constraints are equivalent
    [OR a b c]  [LOR [a] [b] [c]]

However the second format allows [] to be one of the options, so that an
empty reply is acceptable where a default can be used.

If the user is to type in several items separated by spaces, and
these are to be put in a list satisfying some condition, then the
constraint could be of the form

    [?? <variable> : <word>]

where <word> is the name of a procedure, which will be applied to the
list and should return true or false. E.g. if the procedure
-isnumberlist- has been defined so that it checks whether its argument
is a list of numbers or not and returns -true- or -false-, then the
constraint might be something like:


In that case the value of the variable "numbers" can be used in
subsequent actions.

Instead of an answer to the question the user may type "show", "why", or
one of the other options specified in the section on interactive
commands below.

The default READ facility makes use of -readline- so all answers have
to be typed on one line. (See HELP * READLINE)

-- -- [MENU <menu> <action list> <??explanation??>]
This is analogous to a READ action, except that it can offer users the
option of a menu of answers to choose from, so that the user need simply
reply by typing in a letter or number instead of having to type in the
whole thing.

As with READ actions, the <explanation> is also optional and may be
omitted. The format for explanations is as described above for READ

When a MENU action is executed, the <menu> is printed out, and the
user types something in which is tested to make sure it is one of the
options provided in the menu. If it is, the appropriate action from
the <action list> is executed. The <menu> and <action list> must have
related structures as follows.

The <menu> is a vector of two or three elements of the following form

    {[<message>] [<options>] [<mappings>]}

Where the last item is optional: it is useful only in the case where
the action list is of the first form indicated below.

The <action list> must be either a list containing a single action (in
the form of a list, possibly including the word "ANSWER") or else a list
mapping options to actions, as explained below.

-- -- Structure of the <menu> vector

In more detail the structure of a <menu> vector is this:

The first element of the vector, [<message>] is a list of words or
strings that can be printed to pose a question, prior to printing out
the menu of possible answers. If the words are preceded by "?" or "??"
they are assumed to be variables and their values are substituted
instead. Any embedded "popval" elements or "apply" elements are
evaluated as described above. So a possible example would be

            ['How does' ?patient 'feel today?']

-- -- Structure of the menu [<options>] list

The second element of the <menu vector> [<options>] is a list of lists,
one list for each option. Each list starts with a letter or number, to
be typed to select that option and continues with information to be
printed out to describe the option. An example of the options list might

            [[1 very ill] [2 very well] [3 soso] [4 dont know]]

-- -- Structure of the menu [<mappings>] list

The third element of the <menu> vector, [<mappings>] is a list showing
what value should be assigned to the variable ANSWER corresponding to
each selection made. The list is of the form

    [<key> <value> <key> <value> <key> <value> ....]

where the <key> may be either a single item or a list of items, but each
<value> must be an ATOMIC object, i.e. a word or a number that can be
tested using "==". For example the list of mappings might be:

            [ 1 ill 2 well [3 4] unknown]

So if the user typed 1 the word "ill" would be assigned to ANSWER,
if the user typed 2 the word "well" whereas if the user typed either 3
or for the word "unknown" would be used.

-- -- Printing out menus: psys_print_menu(message, options)

The printing of a menu is done via the user-definable procedure
psys_print_menu, which is given the message list and the options list
as its arguments.

The user responds by typing in one of the menu options, or one of the
interactive commands described below (e.g. ".why", ".data" etc.). If no
acceptable response is provided the program prints the menu out again.

-- -- The menu <action list>

When an appropriate menu option has been selected by the user, the
program performs the appropriate action chosen from the action list.

The <action list> has one of the following formats


        e.g. [[Patient needs ANSWER]]

    [<key> [<action>] <key> [<action>]...]

where each <key> is an item, or a list of alternative items, that the
user may have typed in, or may have been derived from what the user
typed in, on the basis of [<mappings>], e.g.
            ill [?patient needs treatment]
            [well unknown] [?patient needs tests]

In the first format, with a list containing a single action, the
<action> may, as with READ actions, include the word "ANSWER", which
will then be replaced either by what the user typed in, or by the item
related to what the user typed in, according to the <mappings> list,
described above.

Each <action> can be any action type that can occur in a rule, including
a further MENU action.

WARNING: If the mappings list is provided, then each <value> must be
an ATOMIC object, i.e. a word or number, not a list or string or vector.
Then each <key> in the <actions> list should either be one of those
<values> or a list of those <values>.

The following would not work as expected:
    Options list:
            [[1 very ill] [2 very well] [3 soso] [4 dont know]]

    Mappings list:
            [1 [very ill] 2 [very well] [3 4] unknown]

    Actions list:
            [very ill] [?patient needs treatment]
            [[very well] unknown] [?patient needs tests]

If the user typed in "1" the list [very ill] would be provided as the
value from the mappings list, but this would not be matched against the
first item in the actions list, rather it would be compared with the
word "very" and with the word "ill", and the test would fail. If the
value 2 were typed in by the user, then the mappings list would produce
the value [very well] and this would not be recognised as a member
of the second list of keys, because "lmember" is used, for speed, and
it uses the test "==" not "=".

So for communication between bits of a MENU action use words or numbers,
not complex objects like lists or strings or vectors.

-- -- -- Example of a MENU action

The following example assembles the items discussed above:

            ;;;<message list>
            ['How does' ?patient 'feel today?']
            ;;; <options list>
            [[1 very ill] [2 very well] [3 soso] [4 dont know]]
            ;;; <mappings list>
            [ 1 ill 2 well [3 4] unknown]

            ;;; action list allowing keys "ill" "well" "unknown"
            ;;; single key
            ill [?patient needs treatment]

            ;;; two possible keys associated with the same action
            [well unknown] [?patient needs tests]
            ;;; explanation
        {'Because how' patient 'feels is relevant to the diagnosis'}]

An equivalent MENU action, not using a <mappings lsit> would be:

            ['How does' ?patient 'feel today?']
            [[1 very ill] [2 very well] [3 soso] [4 dont know]]
            ;;; no <mappings list>

        ;;; action list using the numbers directly as keys
            1 [?patient needs treatment]
            [2 3 4] [?patient needs tests]

        {'Because how' patient 'feels is relevant to the diagnosis'}]

Yet another equivalent would be
            ['How does' ?patient 'feel today?']
            [[1 very ill] [2 very well] [3 soso] [4 dont know]]
            [1 treatment [2 3 4] tests]

        ;;; Single action format, using "ANSWER"
             [?patient needs ANSWER]

        {'Because how' patient 'feels is relevant to the diagnosis'}]

As the last two examples show, there is usually no point having a
<mappings> list in the menu vector unless it is required to associate
the user's choice with a value for ANSWER to be inserted in some data
base item.

-- -- [ADDALL <data item> <data item> ...]

If the keyword is "ADDALL" the rest of the action should be a list of
lists, which will all be added to the database, in that order. (I.e.
the last item will be the newest item for subsequent rules.)

-- User-defined action keywords and psys_action_type ------------------

Users can define new complex action types associated with new keywords.

To define a new action keyword "REPORT" do something like this:

    define doREPORT(rule_instance, action);

    "doREPORT" -> psys_action_type("REPORT");

Then any action starting with the word REPORT will invoke this
procedure, by applying it to the current rule_instance (i.e. the current
activation of the rule containing the action that starts with the
keyword) and the instantiated action from the rule's action list.

Storing the name, rather than the procedure, in the property
psys_action_type allows the procedure to be redefined, or traced, during
program development, without the need to replace the old version in the

The test for whether an action is user-defined is done before
recognising built-in types. This makes it possible for a user-defined
type to over-ride the built in action type. I.e. after instantiating the
action, as described above, the program first looks to see whether the
initial word of the action has been associated with a procedure using
the user-assignable property psys_action_type, in which case the
procedure is run with the current rule and the current action as
arguments. Otherwise, it checks to see whether the action is one of the
built-in forms listed below.

-- Interactive commands -----------------------------------------------

During execution of READ actions and at interaction pauses resulting
from -psys_walk- being true or a rule being traced (as described below),
the user has the option of typing in any of the following interactive
commands, all of which start with a dot or colon to indicate that what is
typed in is not an answer to a question. (The full effects of these
commands cannot be understood without reading later sections of this
file describing the effects of variables like psys_show_conditions,
psys_chatty, etc.

    This causes information about the current rule and the current
    action from that rule to be printed out. The printing is done by
    the user-definable procedure

        psys_displayrule(action, rule_instance)

    which is given the current (instantiated) action, and the current
    rule instance from which it comes. (The form of a rule instance is
    defined above.)

    This causes an explanation of the current action to be printed out,
    if provided (i.e. in a READ action, as explained above). If "why"
    is typed again, repeatedly, then information about previously
    activated rules is printed out, until there are no more rules.
    This "repeated why" option works only if the user has made the
    global variable psys_remember a list initially (e.g. []), rather
    than false. Otherwise the information about previous interactions
    will not be stored for interrogation in this way.

    For the current READ action "why" will cause a user-provided
    explanation string to be printed out, if it is given in the fourth
    element of the READ action. Otherwise psys_displayrule is used
    to print out the action and the context, in answer to "why".

    This causes information in the working memory, psys_database, to be
    printed out.

 .data <pattern>
    This causes all the data that match the pattern to be printed out.

 .trace <rule names>
    Causes tracing to be switched on for the named rules, like
    psys_trace, described below.

 .untrace <rule names>
    Causes tracing to be switched off for the named rules, like
    psys_untrace, described below.

 .untrace all
    Causes tracing to be switched off for all rules, and psys_walk
    made false.

 .show_conditions true
    Causes psys_show_conditions to be made true, so that testing of
    rule conditions is shown in detail.

 .show_conditions false
    Turns the above off

 .chatty true
    Either of these makes psys_chatty true

 .chatty false
    This makes psys_chatty false

 .chatty <integer>
    This assigns the integer to psys_chatty

    This makes psys_walk true

 .walk false
    This makes psys_walk false

 :<Pop-11 expression>
    If the user types a colon followed by a Pop-11 expression, then the
    Pop-11 expression is executed and if there is any result it is
    printed out. This may be useful during debugging.

 ? (or any unrecognised command)
    This causes a help message to be printed out, listing the commands

-- Rule manipulating procedures ---------------------------------------

Each rule is represented by a three element structure: the name, which
is a word, the conditions, a list of lists, and the actions, another
list of lists. A rule is created by

    psys_consrule(<name>,<list of conditions>,<list of actions>)

The following three procedures each takes a rule and returns the
appropriate item. The last two have updaters.


All three components are returned by

    psys_destrule(rule) -> actions -> conditions -> name;

The syntactic form

    define :rule <name> <conditions>; <actions> enddefine;

reads the <name>, the <conditions> and the <actions> checking that the
latter are all lists, and puts the new rule at the end of the list
psys_rules (see below). If there is already a rule with this name then
its conditions and actions are replaced by the new ones. Thus this
syntax makes it easy to edit and recompile a rule (unlike the library
package LIB PRODSYS).

If there is already a rule with the <name> then this replaces
its conditions and actions. If there isn't a new rule is appended to

-- Global variables --------------------------------------------------

There are several global variables that users may find useful, along
with procedures for manipulating them.

-- psys_rules (list of rules) -----------------------------------------

This is a list of rules to which new rules are appended by the

    define :rule .... enddefine

syntax, as described above. It is possible in principle to manipulate
several lists of rules, by temporarily saving and restoring the value of

The procedure

    psys_rule_named(<word>, <list>) -> <rule>
    psys_rule_named(<word>) -> <rule>

Searches down the given <list> for the rule with the name. If not
provided, <list> defaults to psys_rules.

A list of the form of psys_rules is required as first argument to

-- psys_database ------------------------------------------------------

This is used as the working memory when rules are running. It is
the second argument of psys_run, and is accessed by a collection of
procedures partly analogous to the Pop-11 database procedures described

    Adds item to psys_database

    Returns false or the first item in psys_database matching pattern

    Removes everything in psys_database that matches the pattern. If
    psys_copy_modify is false then the removal is non-constructive,
    i.e. database list links are re-used (to save garbage collections).

psys_forevery(patternlist, proc);

    "proc" is a procedure that takes two arguments, a vector and a
    number, used for getting "recency" information about the items
    satisfying the conditions of an action. The vector is a vector
    of integers giving the locations of items in the database that
    satisfied conditions in the rule. The number says how many such
    numbers are recorded in the vector. E.g. if the vector is
    { 3 1 9 2 ....} and the number is 4, then that says that the
    first condition matched the third most recent item in the database,
    the second condition matched the most recent item, the third one
    matched the 9th most recent and the fourth one matched the second
    most recent. Note that WHERE, NOT and ALL conditions get the number
    0. (See the information about psys_recof, above.)

    For every possible way of matching the patterns in paternlist
    psys_forevery runs the procedure proc with the pattern variables
    set. This is used to find all possible ways of instantiating the
    conditions of each rule, in order to build a list of possible
    applicable rules, to be sorted by psys_sortrules.

psys_allpresent(patternlist) -> false or found_list
    This is defined as follows

        define psys_allpresent(patternlist) -> found;
            lvars patternlist, found;

            define lconstant procedure report_success( vec, num );
                ;;; return the items found.
                lvars vec, num;

            psys_forevery(patternlist, report_success);
            false -> found;

-- psys_show_conditions (boolean) -------------------------------------

If -psys_show_conditions- is true then whenever a rule is about to be
tested, its name and all its conditions are printed out, then as each
condition in turn is checked the result is printed. The printout can be
a little confusing because newpsys will try all possible ways of
matching conditions to the database. Indentation indicated by vertical
bars is used to show the dependencies.

If the conditions are C1, C2, C3, then information about whether C1 is
satisfied is prefixed with "|". After C1 has been satisfied, information
about C2 is printed out preceded by "||". If C2 is satisfied, then each
information about satisfaction or non-satisfaction of C3 is prefixed
with "|||".

After that, any further reports on tests for a different way of
satisfying C2 will be prefixed with "||". When all those have been
exhaused, additional ways of satisfying C1 will be tested, and results
prefixed with "|". If any are successful then new attempts will be
made on C2, prefixed with "||", and so on.

For every combination of conditions that is satisfied, the variables in
the conditions will be printed out with the values assigned to them by
the matcher in satisfying the conditions. (See example below.)

Further trace information is controlled by psys_chatty and psys_walk.

-- Example of psys_show_conditions trace output -----------------------

The file TEACH PSYSRIVER describes a newpsys program that makes a plan
for getting man, fox, chicken and grain across a river. One of the rules
is called "complete_move" in the rule_set called "solve_rules". It has
two conditions to be satisfied: [complete_move ?move] and [state ?state]

If psys_show_conditions is set true the following illustrates the
printout when this rule is tested for applicability:


** [Checking conditions for: complete_move in solve_rules]  ;;;rule
** [[complete_move ? move] [state ? state]]                 ;;;conditions
|** [SUCCESS [complete_move [move chicken]]]
||** [SUCCESS [state [[chicken isat right]
                      [fox isat left]
                      [grain isat right]
                      [man isat right]]]]
|||** CONDITIONS SATISFIED: Variables bound:
|||** state = [[chicken isat right] [fox isat left] [grain isat right]
     [man isat right]] ; move = [move chicken] ;


In this case no other ways of satisfying the conditions will be
attempted because psys_allrules is set -false- and the first applicable
rule instance is therefore selected.

A more complex example showing the attempt to find different ways
of satisfying the conditions follows. The rule being tested is
"move_thing" in the rule_set "solve_rules". It has seven conditions,
one of them an OR condition, whose first disjunct fails, while its
second succeeds in one case. The program tries to find something
at the same side of the river as the man (in this case the right
side). The first candidate is the man, but this falses the
thing /= "man" test to fail. The second candidate is the grain, and
that fails because the last move in the history list was moving
the grain, so it eventually tries the third candidate, the chicken,
and the rule is shown to be applicable, with "thing" bound to "chicken",

** [Checking conditions for: move_thing in solve_rules]
** [[man isat ? place]
    [? thing isat ? place]
    [WHERE thing /== " man "]
    [OR [opposite ? place ? other] [opposite ? other ? place]]
    [state ? state]
    [NOT tried [move ? thing] ? state]
    [NOT history [[move ? thing] =] ==]]
|** [SUCCESS [man isat right]]
||** [SUCCESS [man isat right]]             ;;; trying thing = "man"
|||** [Tested WHERE [thing /== " man "]]
|||** [Result is: <false>]
||** [SUCCESS [grain isat right]]
|||** [Tested WHERE [thing /== " man "]]
|||** [Result is: <true>]
||||** [SUCCESS [opposite right left]]
|||||** [SUCCESS [state [[chicken isat right]
                         [fox isat left]
                         [grain isat right]
                         [man isat right]]]]
||||||** [SUCCESS [NOT tried
                       [move grain]
                       [[chicken isat right]
                        [fox isat left]
                        [grain isat right]
                        [man isat right]]]]
|||||||** [FAILED [NOT history [[move grain] =] ==]]
|||||** [FAILED [state ? state]]
||||** [FAILED [opposite ? place ? other]]
||||** [FAILED [opposite ? other ? place]]
||||** [FAILED [OR [opposite ? place ? other] [opposite ? other ? place]]]
||** [SUCCESS [chicken isat right]]          ;;; trying thing = "chicken"
|||** [Tested WHERE [thing /== " man "]]
|||** [Result is: <true>]
||||** [SUCCESS [opposite right left]]
|||||** [SUCCESS [state [[chicken isat right]
                         [fox isat left]
                         [grain isat right]
                         [man isat right]]]]
||||||** [SUCCESS [NOT tried
                       [move chicken]
                       [[chicken isat right]
                        [fox isat left]
                        [grain isat right]
                        [man isat right]]]]
|||||||** [SUCCESS [NOT history [[move chicken] =] ==]]
||||||||** CONDITIONS SATISFIED: Variables bound:
||||||||** state = [[chicken isat right] [fox isat left] [grain isat right]
     [man isat right]] ; other = left ; thing = chicken ; place = right

As this example illustrates, making -psys_show_conditions- true can
produce an enormous amount of printout. But this is sometimes essential
for debugging.

-- psys_chatty (boolean or integer) -----------------------------------

The variable psys_chatty controls trace printing while rules are
running, as follows, depending on whether its value is false, true, or
an integer.

    if false, there is no trace printing (though rules can print things
        out using SAY actions).
    if true, causes minimal useful information to be printed out during
    if the value is divisible by 2 then the list of rule-instances
        already activated is printed out on every cycle, if
        psys_repeating is false and the list is to be remembered.
    if the value is divisible by 3 then all WHERE and ALL tests are
        printed out
    if the value is divisible by 5 then the database is printed out
        on every cycle
    if the value is divisible by 7 then checks on applicability
        conditions for rules are printed out.
        (Compare psys_show_conditions)
    if the value is divisible by 11 then the list of applicable rules
        found is printed on every cycle
    if the value is divisible by 13 then information is printed out
        concerning items added to or removed from the psys_database, and
        truncation of the database is announced whenever its length
        exceeds psys_memlim
    if the value is divisible by 17 and psys_walk is false then every
        rule that is activated is printed out, without an interactive
    Default value of psys_chatty is false.

For example, to make checks on applicability conditions printed out, and
every rule that is activated printed out do

    7 * 17 -> psys_chatty;

The value of psys_chatty can be altered interactively as explained

-- psys_repeating (boolean) -------------------------------------------

Default is true.

If this is set false the system will not trigger the same rule on the
same psys_database items twice. Use of this option requires all rules
that are fired to be remembered in association with the database items
that triggered them. The actual database items are remembered for
comparison with future items that make the condition in the rule true.
This means that if rule R1 runs once with database item [r a b] making
its condition true, then it may run again later if a new item [r a b] is
added to the database.

Setting psys_repeating false adds to the memory load of the program as
well as requiring additional tests. See also the WARNING in connection
with psys_copy_modify.

In some cases, careful ordering of rules can make it unnecessary for
psys_repeating to be made false.

-- psys_walk (boolean) ------------------------------------------------

If this is set true then the system pauses before doing each action of a
rule that has been selected, and invites questions, using the procedure
psys_interact, which allows questions to be asked. In particular

        displays the current rule and the action from that rule.

See additional information about Interactive commands above.

The default value for psys_walk is false.

In order to distinguish pauses due to psys_walk being true from the
pauses when real questions are being asked, a different prompt is
used, namely:


-- psys_pausing (boolean) ---------------------------------------------

If this is not false then PAUSE actions will work. If it is false
they are ignored.

-- psys_allrules (boolean, or 1) --------------------------------------

If true, run all the rules whose conditions are true, not just the first
rule found. More generally, if the list of conditions of a rule can be
satisfied in more than one way (e.g. the pair

    [father ?a ?b][mother ?b ?c]

may have several instances), then all the instantiations of the rule
will be found by psys_applicable on each cycle. These will be put into a
list along with all applicable instantiations of other rules. The
procedure psys_sortrules can be defined to sort such a list of
applicable rules, as explained below.

Trace -psys_applicable- to see which applicable rule instances are found
on each cycle.

If the value of psys_allrules is the integer 1, only one rule will be
run on each cycle. Nevertheless, all applicable rules will still be
given to psys_sortrules, and the first instance, after sorting, will be
run. This is useful for debugging - in order to show all the applicable

Alternatively psys_allrules can be made true, and psys_sortrules can be
made to return a list of only one rule.

The default for psys_allrules is false. This means that only the first
applicable rule that is found will be executed on each cycle. If the
rule has more than one applicable instance (i.e. more than one way of
matching the conditions against items in working memory), it is not
defined which one will be selected.

-- psys_recency (boolean) ---------------------------------------------

If this is made true, then items in the list of possible rule
activations given to psys_sortrules have an extra field representing the
recency of addition to the database of all items matching conditions.
Thus if the conditions C1, C2 and C3 match the fourth the first and the
seventh items in psys_database, then the recency representation will be
a vector of three numbers

{4 1 7}

If the condition is of type NOT or WHERE, no particular database item
makes it trule, so the corresponding number in the vector of numbers
will be 0.

-- psys_sortrules (false or procedure) --------------------------------

The default for this is false. If non-false, it is assumed to be a
user-defined procedure that sorts rules that are applicable. This makes
sense only if psys_allrules is non-false.

psys_sortrules is given a list of possible rule activations and returns
a list of possible rule activations.

A possible rule activation is represented as a vector consisting of four
or five elements. If psys_recency is false there are only four elements
in each rule, namely:

    - a rule whose conditions are satisfied
    - a list of variables bound when the conditions were satisfied,
    - a list of the corresponding values of the variables.
    - a list of the database items matching the conditions

If psys_recency is true then there is an extra element, a vector of the
type described above in connection with psys_recency.

Example definitions of psys_sortrules, corresponding to different search
strategies are given below.

-- psys_remember (false or list) ----------------------------------------

If this is non-false, then in psys_run it is given a list as value, and
then all activated rule-instances are added to the front of the list, in
the form of a rule_instance record of the type described under

The Default is false.

psys_remember is used in connection with requests for explanations. (A
very primitive explanation facility). It is also used if psys_repeating
is false.

-- psys_debugging (boolean) -------------------------------------------

If true, extra information is printed out, and Pop-11 error messages
that are caused in WHERE conditions are not suppressed. Default is

-- psys_get_input (boolean for asynchronous input) --------------------

If psys_get_input is true, then if user types anything during execution
the whole line (terminated by RETURN) is read in as a list using
readline() and added to the working memory. Then if appropriate it may
trigger a rule on the next cycle. The test for whether there is any
input waiting to be read in is carried out after each rule is activated.

For example, suppose the variable is true, and the user types a line
consisting of the character "d", followed by a space, followed by
additional words etc, then if there is a rule of the form below it
will be activated before the next rule, if selected by psys_sortrules:

define :rule process_input [d ??rest];
    ;;; delete the item
    [DEL 1]
    [SAY message ??rest received]
    [READ 'OK?' []]

This will then pause on the READ action, allowing the user to
interrogate the database, etc.

-- psys_backtrack (boolean) -------------------------------------------

If true this enables backtracking to be done using the [FAIL..] action,
as described above. It defaults to false.

-- psys_memlim (false or integer) -------------------------------------

If made an integer > 0 then every time anything is added to
psys_database its size is truncated to the length of psys_memlim by

-- psys_max_conditions (integer) --------------------------------------

This integer defaults to 30 and represents the maximum number of
conditions that a rule can have. It is used only if psys_recency is
true. If it is changed lib newpsys will have to be re-compiled. However,
it can be set before lib newpsys is compiled.

-- psys_eval(action) --------------------------------------------------
-- psys_eval_list(actions) --------------------------------------------

These two procedures are explained above in connection with the
    [POP11 ...]
action type.

-- psys_finish(rules, database) ---------------------------------------

The user-definable procedure psys_finish is invoked by psys_run on
completion. It is given the current values of psys_rules and psys_data
as arguments. So it can be used to print out the final value of the
working memory, or perhaps store it in a file, etc.

Usually psys_rules will be no different from the original list given to
psys_run, but in principle it is possible for programs to modify it, so
the final value is also made available to psys_finish.

-- A format for defining psys_sortrules -------------------------------

Different search (conflict resolution) strategies can be defined for
selecting between applicable rules by making psys_allrules true or 1,
and defining the procedure psys_sortrules appropriately.

If one of the criteria for ordering possible rules is the recency with
which their conditions have become true, then psys_recency should be
true in order that the recency information be recorded in the list of
possible rules.

All possible search strategies can be defined using a procedure
psys_sortrules, of the following form, where psys_better is defined
according to the preference strategy, as indicated below.

    define psys_sortrules(possibles) -> possibles;
        ;;; possibles is a list of applicable rule instances

        syssort(possibles, psys_better) -> possibles;

        if psys_allrules == 1 then
            ;;; truncate possibles list to length 1
            [] -> back(possibles)


The procedure psys_better will be applied to two rule instances at a
time, and can use the following procedures to access their components:

    psys_ruleof psys_varsof psys_valsof psys_foundof psys_recof;

-- Selecting on the basis of specificity ------------------------------

This is one way to define psys_better so that it gives priority to rules
with most conditions satisfied, would be to assign the following to it.

    define psys_more_specific(instance1, instance2);
        lvars instance1, instance2;


If the two rules have the same number of conditions, then the first
rule found will come first.

-- Sorting on the basis of the most recent condition made true --------

In order to ensure that recency information is recorded in the
possibilities list do

true -> psys_recency;

Then define the sort procedure something like this

    define psys_youngest(instance) -> num;
        ;;; Given a rule instance find the "age" of the most recently
        ;;; added item making one of its conditions true.
        lvars n, instance, num=9999999;
        for n in_vector psys_recof(instance) do
            unless n == 0 then
                min(num, n) -> num

    define psys_more_recent(instance1, instance2);
        ;;; given two rule instances return true if the first has the
        ;;; most recent enabling condition
        lvars instance1, instance2;

A more complex rule could compare the two recency vectors until there is
a difference, and if there isn't one then use specificity, for instance

    define psys_more_recent(instance1, instance2) -> boolean;
        ;;; given two rule instances return true if the first has the
        ;;; most recent enabling condition
        lvars instance1, instance2, vec1, vec2, num1, num2, boolean;

        define ages_list(vec) -> list;
            ;;; produce a sorted list of the non-zero numbers in vec
            lvars vec, list;
                procedure (num); lvars num;
                    unless num == 0 then num endunless
                endprocedure)%] -> list;
            sort(list) -> list

        for num1, num2 in ages_list(vec1), ages_list(vec2) do

            if num1 > num2 then
                false -> boolean; return()
            elseif num2 < num2 then
                true -> boolean; return()

        ;;; No difference in ages list, so compare specificity
        psys_more_specific(instance1, instance2) -> boolean


Naturally there is no uniquely best strategy: it is up to the user to
define one.

-- Turning tracing of individual rules on or off ----------------------

If psys_walk is true, all rules will be traced. However, if it is false,
information about individual selected rules can be provided, including
interactive pauses before each action, by using the following

psys_trace(<list of rule names>)
    Specifies that those rules should be traced. What this means is that
    the program will print out a message stating when the rule is being
    checked for applicability, and will indicate if its conditions are
    not satisfied. If they are satisfied and the rule is selected to be
    run, then during execution it will pause before each action,
    allowing the kind of interactive interrogation described above in
    the section on user interaction.

psys_untrace(<list of rule names>)
    This undoes the effect of psys_trace. However individual rules will
    still be stepped through if psys_walk is set true.

    Unsets tracing on all rules.

-- Extended example: factorial ----------------------------------------

This example computes the factorial of a number typed in by the
user. It is fairly fast, but can generate a lot of garbage if
given a large number (e.g. 1000), so it is best to set popmemlim
and popminmemlim as high as possible. (See HELP *POPMEMLIM)

The following code can be marked and executed:

uses newpsys;
;;; First clear list of rules
[] -> psys_rules;

;;; The first rule detects the termination condition - when the counter
;;; value in the database is set to the number whose factorial is to be
;;; computed, represented as [fact ?x]

define :rule f1 [fact ?x] [counter ?x] [total ?y];
    [STOP the answer is ?y]

;;; Rule f2 increments the counter and does the multiplication

define :rule f2 [counter ?x] [total ?y] ;
    [MODIFY 1 counter [popval x + 1]]
    [MODIFY 2 total [popval y * x]]

;;; Rule f3 starts the process by asking the user for the number
;;; whose factorial is to be found, and stores it as [fact ANSWER].

define :rule f3;
    ;;; This must be last rule if psys_repeating is true

    ;;; Start things off by getting the input to factorial
    [READ 'What number is the input?'
        [fact [popval ANSWER + 1]]
        ;;; next bit printed out in response to "why"
        {'I need a number to compute factorial'}]

    ;;; Initialise the database
    [total 1][counter 1]

true-> psys_repeating;  ;;; OK because rule f3 is last.

true -> psys_walk;      ;;; Make it false for a quicker answer!

false-> psys_backtrack; ;;; Saves unnecessary storage.
                        ;;; (Prevents use of FAIL actions)

false -> psys_allrules; ;;; Prevent repeated firing of f3 if any
                        ;;; other rule is applicable.

false-> psys_chatty;    ;;; Make it true for more tracing

false -> psys_remember; ;;; Saves storage, but prevents "why" questions
                        ;;; going back to earlier rule activations.

false-> psys_copy_modify;   ;;; Maximise efficiency. Can be risky

psys_run(psys_rules, []);

;;; End of example

By replacing the two separate database items [counter ?x] [total ?y]
with a single item [counter ?x total ?y] it is possible to speed
this program up significantly. Rule f2 would need to be altered
to use a single [MODIFY ....] action instead of two actions.

-- Extended example TEACH * PSYSRIVER ---------------------------------

This teach file defines a production system that can solve the
river-crossing problem described in TEACH * RIVER. It includes a
complete solution that can be run once LIB NEWPSYS has been compiled.

-- Extending ved_mcp to cope with new syntax --------------------------

As explained above, if rule definitions use something other than ";"
to separate conditions from actions, the built in VED utilities for
operating on the current definition will not work. This can be fixed
as follows.

If all occurrences of "define" and "enddefine" defining rules and
top-level procedures start at the beginning of a line, then the
following will re-define the procedures for finding and marking the
beginnings and ends of definitions:

define ved_mbp;
    ;;; mark beginning of definition
    vedcharright();         ;;; take cursor past the beginning of line
    veddo('\\@adefine ');   ;;; search back for beginning
    vedmarklo();            ;;; mark it

define ved_mep;
    ;;; Mark end of definition
    if vedcolumn == 1 then vedcharleft() endif;

After that, rule definitions like the following can be compiled using
ved_lcp, or <ESC>-c in VED, as long as "-->" is in the list
psys_condition_terminators and the initial and final lines are
not indented.

define :rule test_rule
    [condition 1] [condition 2] --> [action 1] [action 2]

-- psys_copy_modify (DANGER) ------------------------------------------

This defaults to true. If it is set false, then changes to the database
are made without copying. I.e. the list-links in the database are
re-used, reducing the frequency of garbage collections.

This applies in particular to psys_flush and to MODIFY, REPLACE and DEL

    (a) if this variable is set false then it is possible for data
    saved by one rule to be corrupted by the action of another.
    (b) this variable cannot be set false if psys_repeating is set
    false, since the latter requires databse items to be remembered.

The program attempts to minimise potential damage caused by making
this variable false. In particular, if a rule adds something constant
to the database then if psys_copy_modify is false, then a copy of the
constant list is added, since otherwise later modification of the list
could alter the rule itself!

-- See Also -----------------------------------------------------------

Further features are described in comments in the program library
file. To examine it

TEACH * PSYSRIVER   - described above.
TEACH * PSYS        - a very primitive production system interpreter
TEACH * PRODSYS     - a more complex one, though not as flexible is
                      LIB NEWPSYS, and much slower.
TEACH * EXPERTS     - an introduction to expert systems and expert
                      system shells

--- C.all/help/newpsys
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1991. All rights reserved. ----------