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HELP LS                                          John Williams, Nov 1992

    <ENTER> ls [ -flags ] [ filenames ]

This command provides a Ved interface to the Unix ls command, for
listing directories. The output of the ls command is displayed in a
temporary Ved file, whose name is 'ls ' followed by that of the
directory being listed.

<ENTER> ls works just like the Unix ls, except that by default only one
filename is listed on each line of the output file. You can get a multi-
column directory listing by using the -C flag, like this:

    <ENTER> ls -C

You can use any of the standard Unix ls options, for example, the

    <ENTER> ls -lt foo

will list all the files in the directory foo in long format, with the
most recently modified at the top of the output file. The full set of
options to ls are described in the Unix manual pages for ls, which you
can read without leaving Poplog by doing <ENTER> man ls.

Please note that the <ENTER> ls command is only available on Unix-based
Poplog systems. The VMS equivalent is <ENTER> dir.

Examining the listed files and directories

Any line of output from the Unix ls command that is just a single file
or directory name will be converted by Ved into a `hot link' to that
file or directory. Activating the link (by positioning the text cursor
and typing ESC-h, or with the mouse in Xved) will cause the file to be
edited, or the directory to be listed. In the latter case the new
directory listing is inserted into the current listing (indented two
columns to the right).

Users of Xved on a colour monitor will notice that hot links to
files are coloured blue, and hot links to directories are coloured

Related Files

HELP * SHELL            General introduction to Unix for Poplog users
HELP * PURGE            Ved utility for purging and deleting files

LIB * VED_LS            Source code for the <ENTER> ls command
MAN * LS                Unix manual pages for ls
HELP * MAN              Documents the <ENTER> man command

--- C.all/help/ls
--- Copyright University of Sussex 1996. All rights reserved.